I was wondering if anyone can help me translate this into java.

#include "Element.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

element * Element(int s1, int w1, double c1, int x1, int k1)
	element * retval = malloc(sizeof(element));
	retval->s = s1;
	retval->w = w1;
	retval->c = (float) s1 / (float) w1;
	retval->x = x1;
	retval->k = k1;
	return retval;
typedef struct
	int s; //value of coin
	int w; // weight of coin
	float c; // (s / w) 
	int x; // number of coin to be used
	int k; // index of coin of this value in S[n]
} element;

element * Element(int s1, int w1, double c1, int x1, int k1);
#include "externals.h"

int B = 7;
int n = N;

int S[N] = {4, 1, 3};
int X[N];
int W[N];

element * A[N];
element * Solution[N];
#include "Element.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define N 3

#define new 
#define BOOL int
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

extern int B;
extern int n;

extern int S[N];
extern int X[N];
extern int W[N];

extern element * A[N];
extern element * Solution[N];
#include "functions.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

 Algorithm:		Sort
 Parameters:		an array of pointers to element objects.
 Description:	algorithm looks at the "value density" (c) of 
 the objects and sorts them upon that parameter
 in non-increasing order.
 Side Effects:	algorithm modifies global array "A"
 parameter is technically not used, but
 replacement of "A" with the parameter
 will cause effect to be on the parameter
 this is strictly unecessary in this particular
void Sort(element * array[])
	element * largest;
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
		largest = A[i];
		for (j = i; j < n; j++) 
			if (A[j]->c > largest->c)
				largest = A[j];
				A[j] = A[i];
				A[i] = largest;

 Algorithm:		Greedy
 Parameters:	A "remainder" (number to be consumed), and an
 integer "i" marked as a starting index for
 manipulations on global array.
 Description:	A greedy algorithm to increase the concentrations
 of each object in the sorted array to consume as
 much of the remainder as possible given the
 starting element lovcated at the index.
 Side Effects:	The algorithm modifies both global arrays "A" 
 (necessarily) and "Solution" (conditionally). 
 Producing viable solutions to the value partitioning
 problem, and replacing the global solution
 if the local one is more efficient based on the
 constraints of the problem.
void Greedy(int remainder, int i)
	int number;
	number = floor(remainder / A[i]->s);
	A[i]->x = number;
	if (totalValue(A, 0, N-1) == B) 
		if (!Solution[0] || totalWeight(A, 0, N-1) < totalWeight(Solution, 0, N-1)) 
			copyArr(A, Solution);
	else if (i == (N-1))
		Greedy((remainder % A[i]->s), (i+1));

 Algorithm:		Backtrack
 Parameters:	Integers "start" and "stop" marking the indicies
 of the global array "A" over which the algorithm
 will operate during its call. 
 Description:	A backtracking algorithm, assuming a pre-sorted
 array in "locally greedy" (between the indicies) 
 concentrations. The algorithm moves slowly between
 start and stop, from right to left, decrementing 
 the concentration of the object at the current
 index, calling Greedy() from that point. This
 forces a trace over the entire permutation space
 of all viable solutions. Comparisons to the global
 solution array, as described in documentation above,
 are performed in Greedy(). The algorithm recurses
 until the entire solution space between the indicies
 is mapped. Then returns control to the calling
 function. (In terminus, main())
 Side Effects:	The algorithm modifies global array "A" directly
 and "Solution" indirectly by calling Greedy()
 which has this known side effect.
void Backtrack(int stop, int start)
	int dec_pos = start;
	while (TRUE) 
		if (dec_pos < 0) 
		if (A[dec_pos]->x != 0) 
		Greedy(B-totalValue(A, 0, dec_pos), (dec_pos + 1));
		Backtrack((dec_pos + 1), N-2);
		if (dec_pos != stop)

 Algorithm:		totalValue
 Parameters:	An array of pointers to element objects
 two integers start and end.
 Description:	Computes the total value of the objects between
 the indicies given their concentrations and
 individual values.
 Side Effects:	None
int totalValue(element * array[], int start, int end)
	register int i;
	int total = 0;
	element * e;
	for (i = start; i <= end ; i++) 
		e = array[i];
		total += e->s * e->x;
	return total;

 Algorithm:		totalWeight
 Parameters:	An array of pointers to element objects
 two integers start and end.
 Description:	Computes the total weight of the objects between
 the indicies given their concentrations and
 individual weights.
 Side Effects:	None
int totalWeight(element * array[], int start, int end)
	register int i;
	int total = 0;
	element * e;
	for (i = start; i <= end ; i++) 
		e = array[i];
		total += e->w * e->x;
	return total;

//prints the entire array to STDIO
void printArr(element * array[])
	register int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
		printf("%i, ", array[i]->x);

//prints elements and their values to STDIO, used for debugging and for useful info
void printElements(element * array[])
	register int i;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
		printf("%i:\n\t%i\n\t%i\n\t%i\n\t%f\n\n", i, array[i]->s, array[i]->w, array[i]->k, array[i]->c);

//copies the contents of one array of element objects into another to preserve the values.
void copyArr(element * source[], element * target[])
	register int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
		element * old_e = source[i];
		element * new_e = new Element(old_e->s, old_e->w, old_e->c, old_e->x, old_e->k);
		target[i] = new_e;

 Algorithms:	initialization functions
 Parameters:	None
 Description:	Computes the weight values for each object based
 on the total function w() given as input in this
 assignment. The array of objects "A" is constructed.
 The first element in "Solution" is set to NULL to 
 prevent a segfault when first checking against the
 total weight in Greedy().
 Side Effects:	Global arrays W, A, and Solution are modified.

void initialize()
	Solution[0] = NULL;

void initialize_A()
	register int i;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
		A[i] = new Element(S[i], W[i], 1, 0, i);

void initialize_W()
	register int i;
	for (i = 0; i < N; i++) 
		W[i] = w(S[i]);

//total function w given in the assignment, this can be any total function on the set of real integers
//it is currently set to return 1, as the last step in debugging was to check the condition for objects
//with equal weight. 
int w(int s)
	return 1;
#include "externals.h"

void Sort(element * array[]);
void Greedy(int remainder, int i);
void Backtrack(int stop, int start);

int totalValue(element * array[], int start, int end);
int totalWeight(element * array[], int start, int end);

void printArr(element * array[]);
void printElements(element * array[]);
void copyArr(element * source[], element * target[]);

void initialize();
void initialize_A();
void initialize_W();
int w(int s);
#include <stdio.h>
#include "functions.h"

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) 
	Greedy(B, 0);
	Backtrack(0, N-2);
	if (totalValue(Solution, 0, N-1) != B) 
		printf("No Solution\n");
	return 0;
Aia commented: First post with proper code tags, good job +7

why can't you do that yourself? (I don't know java so I can't help you)

I was wondering if anyone can help me translate this into java.

There's not such a mechanism of translating C to Java, except for the most rudimentary and simple statements. Since both languages are different, all that it can be done is to understand what the program is suppose to do in C and try to achieve the same result using Java.
Therefore, what you are asking is for someone to write you a new program in Java, not helping you to translate to Java.

commented: nice answer :) +25

Sorry I didn't realize it was such a big difference. Thank you for answering.

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