Hello, I've been having problems with my program. I really don't get files that much. This is my code:
#define max 3
typedef struct
char FName[24];
char LName[16];
char MI;
typedef struct
unsigned long ID;
name n;
char course[8];
int level;
typedef struct
profile *p;
int last;
}student_record, *srptr;
void initialize(srptr *s);
void insert(srptr *s);
void display(srptr s);
void write_file(srptr s);
void read_file(srptr *s);
void initialize(srptr *s)
*s = (srptr) malloc(sizeof(student_record));
(*s)->p = (profile *) malloc(sizeof(profile) * max);
(*s)->last = -1;
void insert(srptr *s)
strcpy((*s)->p[++(*s)->last].n.FName, "Bradd");
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.LName, "Pitt");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.MI = 'P';
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].ID = 7000000;
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].course, "BSIT");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].level = 3;
strcpy((*s)->p[++(*s)->last].n.FName, "Angelina");
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.LName, "Jolie");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.MI = 'M';
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].ID = 7111111;
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].course, "BSICT");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].level = 1;
strcpy((*s)->p[++(*s)->last].n.FName, "Tom");
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.LName, "Cruise");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].n.MI = 'A';
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].ID = 7222222;
strcpy((*s)->p[(*s)->last].course, "ACTMT");
(*s)->p[(*s)->last].level = 2;
void display(srptr s)
int ctr;
for(ctr = 0; ctr < max; ctr++)
printf("%d)\n", ctr + 1);
printf("%s %c. %s\n", s->p[ctr].n.FName, s->p[ctr].n.MI, s->p[ctr].n.LName);
printf("%li\n", s->p[ctr].ID);
printf("%s %d\n", s->p[ctr].course, s->p[ctr].level);
void write_file(srptr s)
FILE *fp;
int ctr;
if((fp = fopen("test.dat", "wb")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open file\n");
for(ctr = 0; ctr <= s->last; ctr++)
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].ID, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].n.FName, sizeof(char), strlen(s->p[ctr].n.FName), fp);
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].n.LName, sizeof(char), strlen(s->p[ctr].n.LName), fp);
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].n.MI, sizeof(char), 1, fp);
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].course, sizeof(char), strlen(s->p[ctr].course), fp);
fwrite(&s->p[ctr].level, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
printf("File Saved\n");
void read_file(srptr *s)
FILE *fp;
int ctr;
if((fp = fopen("test.dat", "rb")) == 0)
printf("File is empty\n");
for(ctr = 0; ctr < max; ctr++)
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].ID, sizeof(long), 1, fp);
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].n.FName, sizeof(char), strlen((*s)->p[ctr].n.FName), fp);
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].n.LName, sizeof(char), strlen((*s)->p[ctr].n.LName), fp);
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].n.MI, sizeof(char), 1, fp);
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].course, sizeof(char), strlen((*s)->p[ctr].course), fp);
fread(&(*s)->p[ctr].level, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
printf("File Loaded\n");
void main()
srptr s;
I run the program two times. First,
It will write the data that are in function insert to file "test.dat". The read_file function call doesn't exist yet.
The second time I run the program, the function call insert and write_file are deleted and function call read_file is created.
I've been getting garbage value and I can't figure out why. Please help.