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[U]see the following code-[/U] [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct emp { int age; char name[6]; }*e; void main() { printf("%u\n",&(e->age)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->age)+0)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->age)+1)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->age)+2)); printf("%u\n\n\n",(&(e->age)+3)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+0)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+1)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+2)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+3)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+4)); printf("%u\n",(&(e->name)+5)); printf("%u\n\n\n",(&(e->name)+6)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+0)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+1)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+2)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+3)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+4)); printf("%u\n",((e->name)+5)); printf("%u\n\n\n",((e->name)+6)); } [/code] OUTPUT------------------------------- 0 0 4 8 12 4 10 16 22 28 …

Member Avatar for s_sridhar
Member Avatar for realdraickin

Hi, everyone and first off thank you for this great community! So, here is my question about my code: [CODE] #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> int data; // global variable void *thread_function1(void *arg) { int temp,i,j; printf("I'm threadf1\n"); for (i=1;i<=20;i++) { data++; temp=data; temp+=3; j=0; while ( (j++)<1000000 ); data=temp; } …

Member Avatar for andy126

Hi, I'm trying to read data from a text file and store it into an array. I know this issue has been dealt with earlier, but none of those threads seem to be helpful in this case. Sorry in advance if I missed a relevant post. The data in the …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for tkansara

hello guys... my problem is that i cannot seem to save the value of ptr pointer.... every time i reference it the value seems to reset. after the initializatin it should have 2w's and 2b's in it.. but when i try and print it. it comes as empty... the entry …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for atman

Hello., I'm reading about anonymus structs and have problems understanding what is the privilege to have one. could anyone demonstrate an example of both anonymus and regular struct. I see that anonymus struct has a name after the the } and before semicolon. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for asifjavaid

Hi all, I working in VC++. I have a void pointer. I am assigning a memory block to it using malloc(). void* buf_ptr = NULL; buf_ptr = malloc(1428480); I am filling this buffer using fread(). and I want to index this buffer (buf_ptr) to acces its data. How can I …

Member Avatar for asifjavaid
Member Avatar for thebluestar

I had 1 exercise: read data form file then add into TREE. I read data in the file into an array, then add array into TREE, here is my solution but it does not work properly I know that data in array seq[] will be erased after ReadFile() function but …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for MrNoob

Hello i m reading chapter in K&R about bit operation whish totally confuses me i understand what all operators does but i dont understand the code itself [code] unsigned getbits(unsigned x, int p, int n) { return (x >> (p+1-n)) & ~(~0 << n); } [/code] it will right shift …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for beaute

Hello, I'm trying to read dictionary words from a file and store the output in a struct element of type unsigned char *. I keep getting a bunch of memory related errors and segmentation faults which Im sure are totally related to me trying to access something that's not really …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for MrNoob

i dunno im sure this output the good result i dont understand why it got not the output that i want [code] #include <stdio.h> void Squeeze2(char *str,char *save) { int i,x; int buffer=0;//used to save stuff for( i=0 , x=0 ; str[i]!=0 && save[x]!=0 ; i++, x++ ) { if( …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for revenge2

hey there, i need some help in understanding pointers. this is an example from school but i cant quite figure i out. i know the basis of pointers but could someone give me some more info. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int string_len(char *s); int main() { char s[80]; strcpy(s,"Hello"); …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for MrNoob

i m trying to code htoi function in chapter 2.3 for K&R but problem i dunno where to start should i first read all string then after that change each character to its decimal and then add them ? or any better ideas?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for vikasnahar

[code=c] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int fact (int num); int main () { cout<<"Enter a number"<<endl; int number; cin>>number; cout<<"Displaying number: "<<number<<endl; cout<<"Calculating Factorial for the number"<<endl; int fact; fact = fact(number); return 0; } int fact (int num) { if(num==1) { return num; } else { return num * …

Member Avatar for seemant_sun
Member Avatar for seemant_sun

"I am a boy\r\n" if this string is readed through using fgets in an array what will get readed

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Member Avatar for animefun2

I have an array of integer of size 20 and there values range from 0-9 and i want atleast the value 0 placed in one location in the array once. how can i control rand() to be able to do that? cause there a possibility 1/10 will randomily generate 0 …

Member Avatar for seemant_sun
Member Avatar for atman

Hello., Have a question about array being set from function argument. I wrote this little program, and want to know why cant i set an array size from the function argument. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [CODE] int money(int deposit, ...){ int i, sum = 0, nextvar; // myArr[deposit]; …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for seemant_sun

write a program to find size of a file without traversing it character by character? will anybody tell me the logic hw to approach it is there any trick involved

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for seemant_sun
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chiroc

I am writing a simple program for managing the final grades of students. The program first read original data from a file called "final.txt", and create a linked list to store the imfornation in memory. The format of the orginal data is "Class_Character Seat_number Computer_grades Laboratory_grades". There is only data …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for rabbitwat2

Hello Everybody, I am working on a project and i want to compose one main string out of several substrings in C. for example: I have 3 variables: Float Vx=1,66 Float Vy=1.55 Float Vz=2.3 My first step is to convert them to character arrays usin snprintf. Then i want to …

Member Avatar for rabbitwat2
Member Avatar for grandalf62

This may be be a silly question, but its baffling me. If I set up a receive interrupt, process the data and clear the flag. All works well. The problem is I need to use printf. I realize that this will of course also generate an interrupt, I handle this …

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Member Avatar for suthab

Hi All, I am trying to read a file line by line. If a line contains the following character ':' then that line will be parsed word by word and put in a list. I am trying to do that but the head pointer is changed when we go to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for cooldev

Below is my prime generator, it works fine only thing it gives me 1 more prime than i want eg., if num=40, i need primes uptill 40 but it gives me 41 also...i want it to stop at 37. It works fine with 90. sample run ======== Enter the number:40 …

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Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Pavan_

Hello friends, i have some doubt and hope i will get an satisfactory answer from here. 1) Can memory addresses be negative........i have initialized an array and check the address of element and found it negative...so i want to know can it be negative and if yes then how addresses …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for jcollins85

Hi I've been think about this for a while but the answer eludes me. I know its a pretty simple program but here's the snippet: [code] int main(void){ printf("Enter the operation of your choice\n"); int a; int b; int ch; while((ch = getChoice()) != 'q'){ printf("enter a value: "); if(scanf("%d", …

Member Avatar for jcollins85
Member Avatar for mbartos

the first time my program runs it gets the character from the keyboard the second time it gets a 10 and I have not pressed any keys on the keyboard [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void showone(); void showtwo(); void showthree(); void showfour(); void showfive(); void showsix(); int randx(); char …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for mingke

Hi... I've been trying to make a program where the input is txt file, and the output will be saved in txt file. But, I keep getting error Message. My code looks like this: [code] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main (){ int i,j; float H [100][100]; FILE*in; in=fopen("0.txt","rt"); FILE*out; …

Member Avatar for mingke
Member Avatar for Pavan_

Hello friends, I have have found lots of ways to implement a stack using different data structures. But i want to what us the best way (best means code understandability , performance) to implement a stack!! Share ur thought so i can reach to any final answer. Different ways ->1. …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for AnujSuper9

Hello everyone! So, I've been given an assignment to create something of a simplified Scrabble game in C. I'll start of by mentioning that I'm aware of the vastness in similarities between C and C++, but I am more versed in C++ and so I'd consider my C to be …

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The End.