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75 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for TheFeedingHand

you forgot to use the return value of your structure just place p=func(p); or if u want to use p to initialize and then use it's value u can use ptr to a structure

Member Avatar for mg120
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hi, I have some problems with winsock library so I am calling loading it dynmically then calling the functions so far so good,but the problem is for example I see in the winsock2 header files that - GetHostByName and some other functions are which I use there prototypes is kinda …

Member Avatar for UncleLeroy
Member Avatar for kde

then why don't you find 22 then after that -1 if the number before it is 22 then decrement it again untill the number is not 22 then you have there is your first 22

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mahima.b
Re: Bmp

if you want to manipulate bmp files you have to read it's structure

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

oke I was coding some stuff involving 2d array allocating i normally know how to do it in main coz you don't need to pass adr main ptr that get's allocated but when i made it i got somewhat confused I don't know why it went wrong [code] #include <stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for Shillz

well maybe u can define ; as a other name then use other name as derived type

Member Avatar for Shillz
Member Avatar for kavitha1591

I just downloaded Code blocks today since alot of people here said its cool etc I also have also msv8 it have everything msv8 has + it opens faster and got gcc compiler so I vote code blocks for msv8 you need like fast computer i got alrdy 3 mb …

Member Avatar for rimmmeee
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hey i got something again i got confused by in PE files and they don't rlly explain why happens oke so what im confused with FileAlignment and SectionAlignment files must be aligned or sections to whatever count is right ? like if the it's less than the number (x) then …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

I got problem with this function for adding icon to a program with small programs it corupts it and with bigger programs it doesn't even do anything [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #define MIN 2 char *ReadFile(char *SzFile,int *BytesCount) { int fSize; FILE *pFile; char *Buffer; if(!(pFile=fopen(SzFile,"rb"))) return NULL; fseek(pFile,0,SEEK_END); …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for seo2005

also remeber don't use void main since u might want to check it's return value if it's return sucess or right also main is a specailized function which alawys start the program at like entry point for example . u should see some tutorials on c before doing anything on …

Member Avatar for tux4life
Member Avatar for claire89

start with strlen(name)-1 then pop untill limit is reached or when char itself ur popping got space in it

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for adobea

why don't u just use fgets and read in portion coz like this your scanning starting addr of the file which u can't do that coz u didn't read the buffer of the file or anything into a string so u cant expect it to start directly i suggest you …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for Hoey33

remeber in binary search it stuff needs to be arranged i didn't read your code but i don't see any arranging function in it

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hey i was reading some stuff about windows i was wondering if file is loaded at virtual memory and let's say we load many files at once wouldn't that cause thrashing ? or exucatables are loaded into RAM then copied to virtual memory of hdd ?

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for makymakaru

c doesn't have call by refrence since the value if it's not a ptr it won't change only it's copy will in the function if u want it to change u need to pass the address

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hey i m reading about pe format but there something that i don't get RVA in documentation it says it just like a temp for addressing memory in other sections ok and it's just a DWORD what if there are many temperoralily variables wouldnt that overflow the that RVA value …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for rakeshbk402

it's used in the static memory that memory is intilised and won't quit like automatic variables it will retain there values even after functions end

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hi i m sorry for this noob question but there something i don't get i was reading abt File format like PE for example i was wondering how is C unverisal on MAC win and unix since they use diffrent file format does C takes care of each file format …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

hey i m here supposed to extend calculator of K&R to support getline i made it but i dunno everytime i keep getting 0 poped not the numbers itself i debuged it i couldn't find where the bug is so hopefully someone will tell me what i m doing wrong …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for MrNoob

Hello here in k&r excerise of primitive calculator i get it and all but there something i think its weird and i don't somewhat get it here the getch and ungetch functions i don't get it's routine [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for atof() */ #include <ctype.h> #define MAXOP …

Member Avatar for MrNoob
Member Avatar for nathenvan

here your simply doing a loop that prints 5 character untill row becomes 9 and that code [code] if (row) { printf (" "); row++; } else { printf(" "); row--; } [/code] will never enter row-- since any non zero number is true what u should do is explain …

Member Avatar for saphar
Member Avatar for jobseeker97

"" stuff between is character string '' between s character which has ascii representions or can be any other system represention like strings always end with NULL to mark the end character is just 1 character

Member Avatar for Arcaiz
Member Avatar for abhi_marichi

well i don't really have much knowledge in language development but if you want it like middle language you can use asm after all c is asm based

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for DoEds

also why don't you use and operator if(!strcmp(pw,pw)) && if(!strcmp(idid)) { excute following command}; also you should convert a to either upper or lower so you do better only 1 if statement

Member Avatar for ksj
Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for adi.shoukat

just do nested loop first loop looping through file and 2nd loop checking if that string is contained within if its contained then use strstr and delete that by placing NULL at its ptr then rewrite it to other file

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for bbballin
Member Avatar for MrNoob

well bascially here i started with K&R excerises with remove tabes and spaces i m not sure why my programs works in my head it does but even in puesdo code i did it does but arr[j] sometimes get intilised to values before [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define STOP …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for acidik_4

you can cr8 a batch file that check attributes of hidden files and then write to batch file after you retrieve them write deleting attribute but thats long task i think there api for these stuff

Member Avatar for MrNoob

The End.