I m trying to find idea to change like from 1 to one and 2 to two and 3 three from 1 to 999 i m had an idea to do like a string with information etc ? but i want better idea so i dunno how to do it :S lolz.

Think Check Writing Program

ary [] = { Zero, One, ...., Nineteen Twenty, Thirty, Fourty, ... Ninety, Hundred,  Thousand };

if (n <= 19)
else if (n < 100)      // 20...99
     j = ary[  (n / 10) + 18 ]          // Get 10's
     k = ary[ n % 10 ]                   // get 1's  if zero ignore
     if ( k == 0) then ignore


What the poster above posted might look confusing, but what he is saying is a good way of doing this: Each String in the array will be the "name" of the index it is at. So index 0 of the array is named zero, and so on. This means in order to find the name of "20", you would use array[20] and it would return "twenty" since that is what you stored there.

The implementation is a little different - for example in C, I think an array of Strings is actually a 2D array of chars, but you get the point, I hope.

Ah, 20 was on the edge, but 21 would involve hitting the list twice.
Once for "twenty" and again for "one" then glue the two halves together for "twenty-one"
30 would be "thirty" since no ones remainder on the modulus then no second noun.
134 would be "One" + "Hundred" "Thirty" - "Four"

So twenty-seven ASCII nouns would cover one thousand numbers.

but i still i would have to do tests from 1 to nineteen
whish would be alot of tests i thought of this idea but is there another way i could do it by

No, For a number up to 999 you have 4 tests?

If number is 0 to 20 then use it as a string table index.
if greater then that then turn it into 10's and 1's
And use them as separate indexes!

char *szNoun[]= {
   "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
   "eight", "nine", "ten",
   "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
   "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen",
    "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy",
    "eighty", "ninety", "hundred", "thousand" };
// n is number
if ( n <= 20)
        print szNoun[ n ];
else if (n < 100)
        j = n / 10;       // { 2...9 }
        k = n % 10;    // { 0...9 }
        print szNoun[ j + 18 ];
        if ( k != 0 )
            print "-"    szNoun[k];

// and the rest for you to figure out!

till now i made but i tried with 21 it didnt work out

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG
char *string[]= {
char *string2[]= {
//from int to array and return char string
char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j=0;
     if(num>0 || num<=19)
     else if(num>=20 || num<=100) {
              j=num %10;
#ifdef DEBUG
              printf("number of j is %d",j);//it should out here 1 and it didnt 
              printf("number of j is %d",j);
                  puts("dude so cool");
              num=num %10;
              strcat(string2[num]," ");
int main(void)
    char *pch;
    return 0;

i dunno how its possible to do it with 1 string only like if i get 20 or thirty fourty fifty etc etc i think that should be in a array itself so i get the reminder by j then after that cancnate it to the string2
then as for 100 and up i have to do extra work but i will figure that out i just wanna fix from 20 to 99 first then do from 100 to 999

You really need the dwarf array for optimization.
you have a math bug.

char szBuf[ 80 ];
strcpy( szBuf, string1[ num ];

     else if(num>=20 || num<100) {
              j=num %10;
#ifdef DEBUG
              printf("number of j is %d",j);//it should out here 1 and it didnt 
              printf("number of j is %d",j);
                  puts("dude so cool");
              num=num / 10;
              strcpy( szBuf, string2[ num ] );
              if (j)
                 strcat( szBuf, "-" );
                 strcat( szBuf, string1[ j ] );

printf szBuf

I used a single string array for ease! Merely used a delta index for the extra data.

index 1's
index + 18 10's
index + 29 100's
index + 30 1000's

till now i made this

char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     char temp[100];
     if(num>0 || num<=19)
     if(num>=20 || num<=100) {
              if(num>=20 || num <=29) {
                  j=num %10;
                  strcat(temp," ");

i didnt read the other posts after i posted just now but i think my codes are just sloppy now i was thinking of like searching 20 30 40 50 60 but that will take alot of functions maybe i should write that into a function

You have to use a scratch buffer to build a concatenated string. In your implementation you were contaminating the original source nouns by concatenating to them!

Using your latest post, it still has the math error.
Still using your two arrays!

char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     char temp[100];
     if(num>0 || num<=19)
   else  if(num>=20 || num<=100) {

                  j=num %10;
                 num = num / 10;

                  if (j != 0)


Using the single array

char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     char temp[100];
     if(num>0 || num<=19)
   else  if(num>=20 || num<=100) {

                  j=num %10;
                 num = num / 10;

                  strcpy(temp,string[num + 18]);
                  if (j != 0)


I've got to run but does this make sense now?
I'd recommend using one single buffer, and printing it when the entire string is built!

Also note, the cases of { 20, 100 } can be handled wither way as the result is the same index!

So with a little cleanup...

char *IntToarray( char *szBuf, int num)
     int j;

     if(num>0 || num<=19)
             strcpy( szBuf, string[num] );
   else  if(num>=20 || num<=100) {

                  j=num %10;
                 num = num / 10;

                  strcpy( szBuf, string[num + 18]);
                  if (j != 0)
                  strcat( szBuf, "-");
                  strcat( szBuf, string[j]);

return szBuf;    // return the passed in buffer!

Missed a typo in your original. Zero was being ignored!
Also missed your || instead of &&
And only need to check for the upper range after the first test!

char *IntToarray( char *szBuf, int num)
   int j;

   *szBuf = 0;   // Preset for error case!

   if (num>=0 && num<=19)
      strcpy( szBuf, string[num] );
   else  if( num<=100) {
      j=num %10;
      num = num / 10;

      strcpy( szBuf, string[num + 18]);

      if (j != 0)
         strcat( szBuf, "-");
         strcat( szBuf, string[j]);

   return szBuf;    // return the passed in buffer!

okay i almost done it for but when i return it to char * it messed it up

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG
char *string[]= {
//from int to array and return char string

/* n will be the  index of the array like if its twenty thirty fourty etc*/
/*n2 will be the reminder*/
void ParseString(char *buffer1,char **buffer2,int n,int n2)
     strcat(buffer1," ");
char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     int z;
     char temp[100];
     if(num>0 || num<=19)
     if(num==20 || num <100) {
              j=num % 10;
              num=( num /10) +18;
                  return pch=string[num];
              //puts(temp); this work i dunno why it get messed  
              return pch=temp;//this doesnt work
int main(void)
    char *pch;
    return 0;

i did till now but i got problem now now it when i get to like 111 or more i will get reminder 1 etc so it wont be from one hundered eleven it will be one hundered 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG
char *string[]= {
     "sixten","sevten","eighteen","nineteen","twenty","thirty","fourty","fifty","sexty","seventy","eighty","nighty","one hundreed",
     "two hundered","three hundered"
//from int to array and return char string

/* n will be the  index of the array like if its twenty thirty fourty etc*/
/*n2 will be the reminder*/
#define LESSTHAN100 0
#define MORETHAN100 1
void ParseString(char *buffer1,char **buffer2,int n,int n2,int choice)
     if(!choice) {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
     else {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
         strcat(buffer1," ");
char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     int z;
     char temp[100];
     if(num==0 || num<=19){
              puts("we returned");
              return pch=string[num];
     else if(num==20 || num <100) {
              j=num % 10;
              num=( num /10) +18;
                  return pch=string[num];
     else if(num==100 || num<=999) {
             j=num % 10;
             num= (num/10) +18;
                 return pch=string[num];
int main(void)
    char *pch;
    return 0;

anyways i will go sleep now i hope tommrow i will fix those errors.

You're commiting a cardinal sin. Returning a local stack buffer from a function! Don't do that unless you're sure you a single-threaded and that buffer is declared static so it exists always.

NEGATIVE numbers aren't handled!
if == 0 or <= 19 NO That means negative numbers are crunched like positive numbers!
It has to be a range 0 <= N && N <= 19
You're still using the conditional OR || instead of AND.

And you don't need a range check on the next numbers. ONLY < 100

Please review that function I gave you. Single step it and examine each step to see how it works.

Also When you're ready, flip the function backwards.

if value == 0 handle special!

if non zero value < 1000

reduce number

if non zero value < 100

reduce number

handle < 20

yah i also made a mistake of || instead of && i wanted now i m stuck
after 111 it will as i said before get the reminder whish is like 111 reminder is 1 so it will print for example 111 one hundered and one I dunno how can i fix this...

even it start before 111 it start at 110 when i % it it will return the same num so there no search list with that num so it mess up the print

but why when i made it static it worked i didnt return the acctual temp i return the char * ptr i returned ptr = ?

if n == 0 "Zero" return;

h = n / 100 h:{0...9}
if (h) printf string[ h ] + string[28]
n -= h * 100

Tens left

if (n <= 19) print string[n]
else {
t = n / 10
o = n % 10
print string[t+18]
if (o) print "-" + string[o]

Does that make sense?
Post your entire code string[] and parser!

no i acctually dont quite understand that i understand the daviding part but whats if h? and why would you - it with the h after that? anyways my code till now

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG
char *string[]= {
     "sixten","sevten","eighteen","nineteen","twenty","thirty","fourty","fifty","sexty","seventy","eighty","nighty","one hundreed",
     "two hundered","three hundered"
//from int to array and return char string

/* n will be the  index of the array like if its twenty thirty fourty etc*/
/*n2 will be the reminder*/
#define LESSTHAN100 0
#define MORETHAN100 1
void ParseString(char *buffer1,char **buffer2,int n,int n2,int choice)
     if(!choice) {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
     else {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
         strcat(buffer1," ");
char *IntToarray(int num)
     char *pch;
     int j;
     int z;
     static char temp[100];
     if(num>0 && num<=19){
              puts("we returned");
              return pch=string[num];
     else if(num>19 && num <100) {
              j=num % 10;
              num=( num /10) +18;
                  return pch=string[num];
              return pch=temp;
     else if(num>100 && num<=109) {
             j=num % 10;
             num= (num/10) +18;
                 return pch=string[num];
             return pch=temp;
int main(void)
    char *pch;
    return 0;

also making num % 20 will solve the problem but that will stay only till 119 !! after that it wont work

i can make couple if if statement to fix that but that will take alot of tests since i want a converter till 999

Here, this is untested but I've reworked your function.

You should examine how the hundred's are handled to add thousand handling!

char *string[]= {
     "sixten","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen",         						// 0...19
     "twenty","thirty","fourty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety",	// 20...27 
     "hundred", "thousand", "million"											// 28...30

void ParseString(char *buffer1,char **buffer2,int n,int n2,int choice)
     if(!choice) {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
     else {
         strcat(buffer1," ");
         strcat(buffer1," ");

bool IntToarray( char *szBuf, int num)
	int h, t, o;
	bool bRet;
	char *pStr;

	if (num == 0)			// Special Case!
		strcpy( szBuf, string[0] );
		return true;

	*szBuf = 0;
	bRet = false;
	pStr = szBuf;

		//	negative number?
	if (num < 0)
		pStr += sprintf( szBuf, "negative " );
		num = -num;

		// thousands or higher not handled!

	if ( num >= 1000 )
		*szBuf = 0;
		return false;

		//	Hundreds

	if ( num >= 100 )
		h = num / 100;		// hundreds digit {0...9}

		if (h)
			num -= (h * 100);	// remainder
			pStr += sprintf( pStr, "%s %s ", string[ h ], string[28]  );
	if (num >= 20)
		t = num / 10;
		num = num % 10;

		pStr += sprintf( pStr, "%s-", string[ t + 18 ] );	// 10's digit

	if (num )   // 0....19
		strcat( pStr, string[ num ] );	// 1's to teen's

	return bRet;

int main(void)
	char szBuf[ 100 ];

    pch=IntToarray( szBuf, 109);
    puts( szBuf );

    return 0;
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