I am a beginner in c and would like someone tp help me . My question is why I have to write void before main to execute the c program.


void main()




This is a very simple program. But I am unable to execute it if I don't write void before main().

I am a beginner in c and would like someone tp help me . My question is why I have to write void before main to execute the c program.


void main()




This is a very simple program. But I am unable to execute it if I don't write void before main().

That must be an old text...It should be

int main()
return 0;

also remeber don't use void main since u might want to check it's return value if it's return sucess or right also main is a specailized function which alawys start the program at like entry point for example . u should see some tutorials on c before doing anything on it.

Is it true that some compilers require void before main ?
Also when I declare a variable like this

int a,b,c;

the error shown is : The declaration is not allowed.

Why this error ?

Use void to tell the compiler that the function is not expected to return a value. Use int if the function returns a value. By the way its also dependent on the compiler. Some may demand the void like in your case, so use it, that is if the program returns a value.

Is it true that some compilers require void before main ?

No. Any compiler that claims to compile C is required to allow a return value of int from main(). A return of void from main() is an extension that only some compilers allow. These two definitions of main(), and anything equivalent, are the only correct and portable options:

int main()
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

Why this error ?

I cannot say without seeing more code. It is probably in the wrong place, judging from the misplacement of clrscr() in your first post.

I am a beginner in c and would like someone tp help me . My question is why I have to write void before main to execute the c program.


void main()




of course it is a simple program but the void is responsible to return the value.if u dont put void before main() then how should ur program return the desire value.......

but you can also run the program without puting void......
try it.........

return 0()

here return 0() work as void and it returns the vlue of program..

1) put ; after the end of printf("hello");

i hope my answer satisfies you.......

:icon_rolleyes: What a bunch of useless responses :icon_rolleyes:
except for Tom's...

Why you don't use void with main() : click here

What does return 0() does ?

But return (0); or return 0; will exit the program and return 0 to the operating system.

Small addition:

But return (0); or return 0; will exit the program and return 0 to the operating system.

(if the return statement was placed inside the main function).

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