15,551 Topics
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friends before any thing apologizes for English I am using translator because only of the brasil and I don't know how to write. my problem is the following I have to create a program that reads a text and it prints the same text to the I thwart oh this … | |
Hi, I have to create a map table in C. I have used the following codes : [COLOR="Red"]************************************** #include <map.h> using namespace std; map <char,char> fileMap; fileMap.clear(); CL_LOG_INFO(" Putting into HASH MAP"); // Storing into the map fileMap.insert(make_pair(key_xsd,key_moc)); CL_LOG_DEBUG("hash table"); CL_LOG_DEBUG(fileMap); *************************************[/COLOR] I am getting following compilation errors : [COLOR="Green"]snmpd.c:379:17: … | |
H! Aim of my program is: Write a program [B]using recursive function[/B] for sorting numbers entered by user [B]without using array concept[/B] to hold elements/numbers. Output of the program will be as follows: [B]Enter the number of elements you want to sort:[/B] 12 [B]Enter the elements for sorting:[/B] 3 7 … | |
i have two questions,please dont tell me that i violate dani web ruls because of my long questions thank u. one: i wrote a program in c,and i compiled it(in borland c),it had no errors(so far so good) then i run it and errors such as: linker error:undifined symbole_line in … | |
[url]http://www.sendspace.com/file/g0v6po[/url] thats my little code. When I execute it it gives me error..which it shouldnt. the ls is called, its result is stored in fd[1], and the second child (less) reads the answer from fd[0] ... its not working..anything wrong with close methods sthg..plz help | |
There has been a lot of confusion for Binary to decimal conversion and vice versa. Today morning i came up with some simple self understandable code !!! Binary to Decimal [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <graphics.h> main() { int dec; int total; int power; clrscr(); total=0; power=1; printf("Enter binary … | |
Write a C program that accepts a string from the user.The program is to determine if entered string is a palindrome or not | |
Hello, I've to build a database of students in a certain school in which each student has a list of her/his passed exams along with the grade gotten. I have 3 structs and I need an advice on how to carry out memory allocation, eg. when I add a student. … | |
Does anyone know about doing rfc 1950 deflate and inflate at socket level. The RFCs are very specific about the HTTP headers you need to send, the start of stream flags(CMF, FLG, FDICT) and the ADLER32 checksum at the end of the stream but the explanation of how to assemble … | |
![]() | Objective: Write a C program that will accept an infix expression from the user, build an expression tree using the algorithm described in class and then traverse the tree recursively three times to produce the prefix, infix and postfix expressions. Notice that the infix expression produced from the tree should … |
hi friendzz !! here is my program giving warning (possible use of 'ch' before the defination in function ) and also not showing correct o/p plz if anyone can help me [ICODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main (void) { int j; char ch; for(j=1;j<=5;j++) { printf("enter characters from a to e\n"); { … | |
I got my program to work but it seems it cannot: 1.cant read a file if its only one archive (needs two to be able to read) 2.can only read the first line in a FILE 3.delete function deletes more than one than intended. help are appreciated :) I have … | |
hello friend z!! give me some idea about : [B]write a program that takes two characters and two integers by using two command program[/B] | |
Hey guys, Im reading up on pointers and since i dont have a physical teacher, Its abit hard concept to grasp. Could anyone please explain in their own words shortly how they work, I understand that they carry the adress of another variable, and you'd assign this adress with an … | |
For some reason I'm getting a memory leak error. It's probably from the part where I start to copy the strings and allocate an array of characters, but I have no idea why. I'm using a text file for input data, which is found here: [url]http://puma.deanza.edu/distribute/DeliaG/Fall_2008/CIS15BG/BG_Labs/BG_Lab_6/countries.txt[/url] I appreciate anyone who … | |
Hi , new to the forums:) Trying to do this tutorial from the 'C programming for scientists and engineers' book. The person who wrote it is my lecturer. The program reads the file, but when it displays it, it only shows the last line - I am stuck! I think … | |
Hello all I'm having difficulty with a program I am writing to reverse the characters in a string. The string contains a sentence where i have to change a character...if it is lower case I have to change it to upper case and visa versa. And this has to be … | |
Hello everyone, This is my first post, I'm having trouble on an assignment. I'm writing a function for a database program in class... I have to write the function that will tranverse a linked list, add a "node" and then write the user entered info into the "node". The first … | |
I was wondering if i could display multiple colors at the same time in a dos window? i'd imagine it's possible.. don't they do that in those BBS games? Just curious.. | |
Hi all. I am attempting my first Gnome applet creation and I found a great tutorial at [url]http://projects.gnome.org/ORBit2/appletstutorial.html[/url] . Unfortunately, I am stuck where the example goes to load an image. I can compile the applet and make it run but when I add it to the Gnome bar it … | |
![]() | Write program in C that would read 3 figures from the 1 up to the 999 and him it presents all in a line from smallest in biggest. |
Hi, I have decalared a structure named record as given below and also created a function called read() inside the structure. The function works fine when I call it using this statement: myRecord.read(); but I want to create one more function which can be called to initilize all the variables … | |
Write a C program to output the product of the the digits that make up the number. example.123=6and1167=42 | |
I have a programming assignment for CSCI180. The assignment is to create a recursive function power(base, exponent) that when invoked returns base ^ exponent. Everything compiles correctly and when i run the program i enter the base and exponent like prompted. But then the program stops working and i cannot … | |
Could someone please help me with this? Why is yearofstart value not printed out in the first argument ? I knw there is something wrong, but I don't knw what is it :) Thanks so much. [CODE=c] #include <stdio.h> struct date{ int year; }yearofstart={1950}; struct record{ char *name; char acct_type; … | |
Trying to write program that counts the number of times a number occurs in an array. The following is the code I have written so far. It doesn't give the correct output though. It seems to be counting the output incorrectly. Any pointers where I could be going wrong? [CODE]# … | |
Could someone please help me im trying to Use the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm to solve the differential equation. dy/dx = -y, y(0) = 1 nelow is the program I currently have, and do not know how to corect it, I shouls get altering values of y as x goes … | |
[COLOR="Green"][/COLOR] hi i'm pursuing bca from ignou and i want to be expert in c language . what should i do for this? |
The End.