15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for roby4eldiablo

Hi all, please help me. How to create makefile with target? my question is this: I have a file named "server.c" and must create a makefile for compile it in "cygwin" and in "solaris". the tag for the compilation in cygwin are: - Wall - DTRACE - g the tag …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for grunge man

um something i have been wondering for a long time is. how do u make it so the user inputs a word and the program identifies the word as a number so like if someone typed the word frog and it reconized it as the number 5.

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for grunge man

um latly i have ben seeing stuff like bla_bla_bla in tutorials and stuff and im just trying to figure out what this "_" character is supost to mean could any one help me?

Member Avatar for grunge man
Member Avatar for iqbal

i am just start Computer grahics. that is my first program please help me [code=c] #include <GL/glut.h> void DrawPixels(); void OurPixelsDrawingFunction(); void SetView(); void SetView(int w, int h) { glViewport(0,0,w,h); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); } void DrawPixels() { glClearColor(1.0,1.0,1.0,0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); gluOrtho2D (0.0,600.0,0.0,600.0); OurPixelsDrawingFunction(); void OurPixelsDrawingFuntion() { glColor3f(0,1,0); /*Set …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer

Hey everyone! I've been trying for a couple of days now to make a function and it's driving me crazy. I need a function that takes a set of numbers in an array, for example: int array[]={4,3,5,7} and produce another array with all possible combinations of those numbers, or just …

Member Avatar for aPPmaSTer
Member Avatar for JadedTortoise

[B]Question:[/B]I ran into a point where it would be very helpful to send a function a portion of an array, instead of the entire thing. Now i can think of a couple work arounds like sending the whole array and a begin number, and range number, then computing off of …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for semmem1

I am trying to return an array of integers from a method into an array in my main. I know that you cannot pass an array in C, but you can pass a pointer to the array. My problem is though that every time I pass the pointer, I seem …

Member Avatar for semmem1
Member Avatar for alt234

I'm trying to write a recursive merge sort on a linked list. I'm basically stuck on the split portion of it currently. I came up with a solution quite similar to many other solutions I've found on the web. Many people say it works but so far my solution doesn't …

Member Avatar for thinkfast
Member Avatar for roby4eldiablo

[CODE]servaddr.sin_port = htons(ADD_PORT); Bind (listenfd, (SA*) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); Listen (listenfd, LISTENQ); #ifdef TRACE err_msg ("(%s) info - socket created, port number= %ld, child number= %ld, waiting for connections ...\n", prog, ADD_PORT, child_n); #endif /* viene detto a signal come reagire se arriva il segnale SIGCHLD, cioè avvia sigchld_h*/ signal (SIGCHLD, …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

Q.Write a function to accept a main string, one search string and one replace string. Replace the first occurence of search string in main string by replace string{assume the length of search and replace string is same). Solution I tried [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { char mai[80],search[40],replace[40]; int i,j,k,l; …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Colin Mac

I used what's below to delete a directory. It only deletes the directory if it's empty. How could I delete a directory and it's contents? [code] #include <unistd.h> int main() { rmdir("C:\\haha"); return 0; } [/code]

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for Nholdamek

I've been building this program to interface with the Swis ephemeris library. It's working beautifully, except for one thing. OK, I need to be able to specify it to retrieve information about multiple planets, such as longitude, speed, etc. So I have a function that parses the command line parameter …

Member Avatar for Nholdamek
Member Avatar for gamodg

[code=cplusplus] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream.h> void file() { for(int i=0;i<30;i++) { char a[10]="2-2aa.pak"; a[4]=a[4]+i%26; a[3]=a[3]+((i/26)%26); fstream file; file.open(a,ios::in |ios::out); file<<"anshulgarg"; file.close(); } } void main() { file(); } [/code] it creates 30 files with new names in bin but when i give relative path ex "\\p\\2-2aa.pak" and adjust a[8],a[9] appropriately it …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jivosan

Sorry for the nubbish question , but I'm wondering which function will do the trick-read a char from keyboard without need to press "Enter"???

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gamodg

[color=#3333FF]presenting here a program fragement of my project two files mainn.txt mp.txt format i have given at the end of this code the problem is that while printing mp.txt the output is not in format as i expected [/color] [code] [color=#33CC00]DF: 1 SA: 2-2 DA: R1 D: 3 SA: R1 …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

i have a string array and I need to change it to uppercase. what function can I use??

Member Avatar for mrjoli021
Member Avatar for potato_bum

for example.. number.txt: (has these contents) 1.75:2.00:3.00 2.00:5.00:7.24 3.00:6.35:1.00 -- my source code is.. [code=c] #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *infile; double a, b, c; char d; double sum; infile = fopen("number.txt", "r"); if(infile == NULL) { printf("number DOES NOT EXISTS!"); } else { while(!foef(infile)) /*here's my problem*/ { …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for potato_bum

for example.. number.txt: (has these contents) 1.75:2.00:3.00 2.00:5.00:7.24 3.00:6.35:1.00 -- my source code is.. #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *infile; double a, b, c; char d; double sum; infile = fopen("number.txt", "r"); if(infile == NULL) { printf("number DOES NOT EXISTS!"); } else { while(!foef(infile)) /*here's my problem*/ { fscanf(infile, …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for shrikant telkar
Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for roby4eldiablo

Hi all, someone can tell me where i can find an example of this kind of signal handler? i try to use fenv.h but on cygwin doesn't work (cygwin don't have it) and this program must run on cygwin and on solaris. i try also with SIGFPE, but when i …

Member Avatar for roby4eldiablo
Member Avatar for notfornothing21

What does the identifier [COLOR=navy]"[B]break[/B]"[/COLOR] mean and how would it be used? Thanks.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for endsamsara

Hi, I'd like to know how the following program work. [CODE] #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "conio.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "dos.h" void iniciar_grafica(); void graficar_datos(); void graficar_vectores(); int procesos[4][5]={1,8,2,4,6, 2,3,8,9,6, 0,1,2,3,4, 0,0,0,0,0},procesos_ejecutados[5]; int cpu=5,uso_cpu,mayor,prioridad,i,midx,midy,pid=4,j; char num[10],c; int main(void) { clrscr(); iniciar_grafica(); midx=getmaxx()/2; midy=getmaxy()/2; while(1){ for(j=0;j<5;j++){ graficar_vectores(); graficar_datos(); cleardevice(); } printf("Si …

Member Avatar for ideas-adv

Develop a[COLOR=red] C program[/COLOR] that has a structure for a list of students that has the array of students and the number of students. The structure for each[COLOR=red] student[/COLOR] consists of [COLOR=blue]ID number, name, GPA, number of courses, and a list of courses[/COLOR]. The structure for each [COLOR=red]course[/COLOR] consists of …

Member Avatar for ideas-adv
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

Q.Write a function to accept 20 characters and display whether each character input is a digit, lower case letter or upper case letter. Solution I tried [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { char inp; int i; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { printf("Enter a character\n"); scanf("%c",&inp); if(inp>='0'&& inp<='9') { printf("It is a digit\n"); …

Member Avatar for FoX_
Member Avatar for jigoro

is there a way to convert everything i input to my program into its ascii binary equivalent? if so please show me; thanks.

Member Avatar for FoX_
Member Avatar for disc

I'm trying to retrieve the name of the computer that my programm is running on. This is the code: [code] TCHAR compName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD cnt = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; std::string name = [COLOR=#800000]""[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#0000ff] if[/COLOR]( GetComputerName( compName, &cnt) ) { name = compName; } [COLOR=#0000ff] return[/COLOR] name; [/code] The …

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Member Avatar for sbenware

I'm having a problem with my search function for my linked list. It has to do with my foodItem object. I'm not sure what to replace it with since it's part of the function protocol. The previous version of this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread72745.html#"]code[/URL] used an array and part of my problem is …

Member Avatar for nottoshabi
Member Avatar for Savage221

I'm having some trouble keeping this array in bounds. I have a 10x10 array that I print out on screen. I call a function that changes the center value [5][5] and the values below/to the right/left of this center value. [i][j+1] [i-1][j+1], etc.. So the values constantly change and constantly …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for addicted

Hey, There are somethings i dont understand in classes, for example let us examine this : we created a class Employee , with private data members firstName, lastName and monthlySalary; we have some functions that performs operations like a constructor, set and get functions on this data members. Now! we …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for MIGSoft

Hey everybody, Could somebody please provide an example for using the STL find_if for the following task. I am trying to search a vector of structs, using the following criteria: compare whether the key of the struct in the vector matches the key of another struct (instace of the same …

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The End.