I have written code to append, prepend and update a linked list using c++. But I am unable to figure out the problem. Can anyone help me to run it. I will be grateful for the favor.
The code is pasted below:

using namespace std;

class node {
        int data;
        node *Next;
        int key;

    node() {
        data = 0;
        Next = NULL;
        key = 0;
    node(int d, int k) {
//  constructor overloading used        
//create single link list class
class linkedList : public node 
        node *head;

    linkedList() {
        head = NULL;
    linkedList( node *nn ) {   //new node = nn (stores the address of next node in head)
        head = nn;
//  first operation to check wether node already exist or not (node duplication)
    node *nodeExist( int k)
        node *temp = head; //temporary pointer(stores head node address)
        node *ptr = head; //used to jump from one node to next during comparison; starts form head

        while( ptr != NULL) {
            if(ptr -> key == k) {
                temp = ptr;

            ptr= ptr -> Next; //statement to jump to next node
        return temp;  //temp value may be null(if null not match with any node) or address of a node(matching occur)
// function to add new node 
    void appendNode(node *nn) 
        //check uniqueness of node
        if( nodeExist(nn -> key) != NULL ) {
            cout<<"key is matching with existing node(try again with different address)"<<endl;
        //check if linked list is empty or have nodes
        else if(head == NULL) {
            head = nn;
        else {
            node *ptr = head; //pointer starts jumping from head

            while( ptr -> Next != NULL) 
                ptr = ptr -> Next; //statement to jump to next node or update ptr
            ptr -> Next = nn; //stores the address of new node

    void display()
        if(head == NULL) {
            cout<<"list is empty";
        else {
            node *ptr = head;

            while( ptr != NULL ) 
                cout<< ptr -> key << "," <<ptr-> data; //print key and data of node

                ptr = ptr -> Next;
// add node at start of linked list
    void prepend(node *nn)
        if (nodeExist ( nn -> key) != NULL ) {
            cout<<"key is matching with existing node";
        else {
            nn -> Next = head; //store new node reference in head
            head = nn; //head stores new node address / update head
// update node value
    void updateNode(int k, int d) // k stores key of node to find and d stores new data value
//       int k, d;
        node *ptr = nodeExist(k);

        if( ptr = NULL ) {
            ptr -> data = d; //update existing node data with new data
        else {
            cout<<"node does not exist";

int main() 
    linkedList l;
    node n(85,7);
    int data;
    int key;
    int d;
    int k;
    int oper;

    do {
    cout<<"[0] to exit"<<endl;
    cout<<"[1] to append a node"<<endl;
    cout<<"[2] to prepend a node"<<endl;
    cout<<"[3] to update a node"<<endl;
    cout<<"[4] to display"<<endl;

    case 0:
        cout<<"PROGRAM ENDED!!!!";
    case 1:
        cout<<"ADD DATA VALUE OF NODE: ";
        cout<<"ADD KEY OF NODE: ";
    case 2:
        cout<<"ADD DATA VALUE OF NODE: ";
        cout<<"ADD KEY OF NODE: ";
    case 3:
        cout<<"enter key of node to update: ";
        cout<<"enter new data value: ";
    case 4:
        cout<<"nodes are: "<<endl;

        }while (oper != 0);

What happens when you run it?

commented: similarly, no matching function for call to 'linkedlist::prepend() and updateNode() +0

Looks like l is never initialized. i.e. l = new linklist(n);

You're missing a few things in your code:

Your <code>appendNode</code> function doesn't take any arguments, but you're trying to pass it one. Your <code>prepend</code> function doesn't take any arguments, but you're trying to pass it one. Your <code>updateNode</code> function doesn't take any arguments, but you're trying to pass it two.

These should be pretty easy to fix. Good luck!

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