15,552 Topics

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Member Avatar for michinobu_zoned

Take the following code: [code]#include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { int sum; atoi(&argv[1]);//statement with no effect. Passing argument 1 of ‘atoi’ from incompatible pointer type atoi(&argv[2]);//statement with no effect. Passing argument 1 of ‘atoi’ from incompatible pointer type sum = argv[1]+argv[2]; //error: invalid operands to binary …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for sivakrishna
Member Avatar for sunderam

Hi, I need to meaure contrast for an image. Does anyone has any code snippet/documentation that i could use. I have tried looking around alot but couldnt find anything substantial thanks Sunderam

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for programmer321

[code] Hello, Please guide me to write how to write a C code for converting Unicodes (like 0905 for अ). the output i.e. अ should be written to a text file. Regards. [/code]

Member Avatar for programmer321
Member Avatar for NiNTENDU

Sorry for bother you with this dumb questions... I understand very well math but I'm a noob in C... Hope to "evolve" :( Anyway I manipulate a simple binary tree this way: [CODE=C] typedef struct _node *tree; struct _node { char *name; double val; tree left; tree right; }; void …

Member Avatar for NiNTENDU
Member Avatar for fishwater00

I do not know how to express the array I am going to work with, but some codes can describe them. If I define an array and a struct with member : [code=c] float velocity; MODEL.VELOCITY; [/code] VELOCITY in struct MODEL is also float. then I alocate memory for them; …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for ramya_bugbuster

hi friends.. how to compare 3 number without using relational operator? do u have any idea?

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for NiNTENDU

Hi, it's me again... I've some problems understanding why my program hang up; I've this code: [CODE=C] #include <stdio.h> void foo ( char **bar ) { *bar = "foobar"; /* Runs perfectly */ **bar = 'b'; /* Cause a crash */ } int main() { char *bar; foo ( &bar …

Member Avatar for NiNTENDU
Member Avatar for singal.mayank

hello.. I m designing a STATISTICAL SUMMARIZER in C.. This software will create the summary of a text file submitted by the user.. The first step is to separate sentences in the text file.. I hav almost completed this step.. but there are some limitations.. Suppose if text file hav …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for singal.mayank

hello.. I m designing a STATISTICAL SUMMARIZER in C.. This software will create the summary of a text file submitted by the user.. The first step is to separate line in the text file.. I hav almost completed this step.. but there are some limitations.. Suppose if text file hav …

Member Avatar for singal.mayank
Member Avatar for fddrummer06

I have a code for a doubly linked list, and I need to print it in reverse. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong, or maybe I just don't fully understand what I'm doing. The part that I'm questioning is in the printList function. The while statement …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nelledawg

Ok so here is the code I've written already, as well as the errors I get when I try to build. Please help me figure out what the problem is! [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #define COMPANY "Rocklin Realty" #define TRUE 1 #define TAB 25 void …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for rraj.be

I am a beginner programmer an i started a project to build a mp3 player of my own. This is my first project in big level. Any kind of guidance or help will be greatly useful to me. If any one have some idea's please help me.

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for neknek

I have problems with searching & sorting strings in a file... I want to alphabetize the string so I did this [CODE]{for(x=0; x<100; x++) { for(c=x; c<15; c++) fscanf(stdin, "%s", student[c]->surname); if(strcmp(student[c]->surname,student[c+1]->surname)<0) {strcpy(temp,student[c]->surname); strcpy(student[c]->surname,student[c+1]->surname); strcpy(student[c+1]->surname,temp); strcpy(temp,student[c]->name); strcpy(student[c]->name,student[c+1]->name); strcpy(student[c+1]->name,temp); strcpy(temp,student[c]->number); strcpy(student[c]->number,student[c+1]->number); strcpy(student[c+1]->number,temp);} } }[/CODE] when i run the program, it just …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for Vao

[code=C]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void showBoard(int pLife[],int pType[]) {// WORKS NO-TOUCHY! int i; printf("\n*-----------------------------------*\n"); printf("| | | | | | |\n"); for(i=0;i<=5;i++) {printf("| %d-%d ",pLife[i],pType[i]);} printf("|\n"); printf("| | | | | | |\n"); printf("|-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|\n"); printf("| | | | | | |\n"); for(i=6;i<=11;i++) {printf("| %d-%d ",pLife[i],pType[i]);} printf("|\n"); printf("| | | | …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for fishwater00

First of all, I need to thank all friends helping me here. Those days I learn a lot from your advices. The basic idea of my code is to read velocity file into domain[i].velocity[k]. Start!!! If I have a struct [code=c] typedef struct {int nx, ny, nz; float *velocity, *pwave, …

Member Avatar for fishwater00
Member Avatar for champnim

[code] struct fifo { int result; char *info; struct fifo *next; }*node; void add(struct fifo **n,int data,char *text) { struct fifo *temp,*node1; if (*n==NULL) { temp=(struct fifo *)malloc(sizeof(struct fifo)); printf("%d is to be stored\n",data); temp->result=data; printf("%d is stored\n",temp->result); temp->info=(char *)malloc(strlen(text)+1); strcpy(temp->info,text); temp->next=NULL; *n=temp; } else { temp=*n; while(temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; node1=(struct …

Member Avatar for champnim
Member Avatar for maaply

Hi everybody, I have interview on next week. I know some question will come from link list. What kind of question will come in face-to-face interview's?. If some one post that kind of question, that will be very helpful to me. In this interview Question will be in C only. …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for Clockowl
Member Avatar for champnim

I have made a singly linked list that holds an integer & a string. The creation of the list works fine but deletion of a node is giving an error. Previously I was not adding a string to my list(only adding int)& at that time the code was working. please …

Member Avatar for LouPascalou
Member Avatar for marcusbarnet

Hi to all! Is there a way to go and read a particular line in a text file? For example, i have a text file like this: 15 nick 25 marcus 18 sarah where each line contains an integer (age) and a string (a name). I'd like to write a …

Member Avatar for marcusbarnet
Member Avatar for fishwater00

Question 1: [code=c] typedef struct { int x, y, z ; float *wave; float *velocity; }Model; void a(Model *domain); void b(Model *domain, int t); int main() {int i; int j=10; Model Domain; Domain=(Model *)malloc(sizeof(Model); for (i=0; i<10; i++) a(domain); return; } [/code] if I block "Domain=(Model *)malloc(sizeof(Model)", the compiler doesnt …

Member Avatar for fishwater00
Member Avatar for nishanthaMe

Hi all I am developing a simple socket application which fetch a given URL from the web and save it in the local hard drive. But my internet connection goes through a proxy and I would like to know that what is the connecting URL and the port for my …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Dionysus
Member Avatar for michinobu_zoned

OKay, this is in response to the same issues I've been dealing with in another thread. In that one, someone gave me the documentation to the the POSIX calls, but they were vague and weren't too descriptive. I don't know what exactly each one of the calls do. I only …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for inventer

Hi! I am new to C programming, so this question might sound foolish. I have a problem with output of a program (sometimes the output is wrong) Following is the program: (I am using Turbo C compiler) /* Calculate simple interest */ #include <stdio.h> main() { int p, n; float …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for chandra1186

Hello i am new to c language i am unable to understand Functions in so any one help me to understand that topic. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for barbiegirl

hi everyone, i was writing an application, with the c language, which asks the user to give the number of strings to sort, and then sort'em, but i had some problems that i can't figure out, would u please help me [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> void getting(char *words[], int num); void …

Member Avatar for barbiegirl
Member Avatar for sivakrishna

modify the program siutably so that once the calender for a particular year has been displayed on screen , and year has been displayed on the screen,then using arrow keys the user must be able to change the calender in the following manner: UP ARROW KEY :next year,same month DOWN …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for Aleczz

Hello Im coding mp3 encode / ripping tool and because i have licence to realbasic im gonna make user interface with it Technical part im gonna make with akrip.dll and i have develope it more by my own way now. The meaning is use threads for ripping and encode in …

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The End.