15,552 Topics

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Hello to all Actually I want to handle the usb interrupt from c program ....... For example when some one insert usb drive in pc then my program call certain function ..... I try too search in google but i did't get any help i know little about software interrupt …

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Member Avatar for Castiel1631

I am trying to create an abstract data type for matrices. I have a function matrixInit to dynamically allocate memory for the structure and for the array. matrixCopy copies one matrix into another. there are functions to subtract, add and multiply matrices that return a pointer to memory where the …

Member Avatar for Thaylo
Member Avatar for phobos666

Hi, I am using a C program to open and scan a file containing rows of x,y coordinates. But I need to use the same program to open different files having different number of rows.Therefore, I cant fix a constant number for the array. This is what I have used: …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ateryad
Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for halil.burak

Frame complete game, only the outer edges of a square drawn on the table is a game played with 2 players. Sequence of a square drawn from the player wants to draw a non-edge. Underline that this edge of the square is not the last edge of the square is …

Member Avatar for aplh_ucsc

It,s me having the same problem.. I want to pass some parameters from the main method to some other method. u cannot declare any variable names or pointers. I'm having an array of int with size 12500. if u want any variable or a pointer, use array blocks for it. …

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Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

hi does anyone know any good tuorials about file managment file copying file storing etc and also tutorials on end of files, storing eofs and string manipulation thanks it would be much appreciated

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for varma1993

write a program to get a 2 d character array and arrange them in alphabetical order. i've tried it,but its not getting compiled. im jus a beginner.so, someone plz help me. given below is my program.... #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> struct st{ char a[5][10]; }ppl; int main() { int i,j; char …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for arshi9464

why do we need data structures, if it is a way of storing data in computer in an efficient way, then the computer itself has the ability to store the data in an efficient way, why do we create linked lists n other stuffs. why do we use stacks,trees n …

Member Avatar for Jason Giggs
Member Avatar for udaykrishnag

I want know how to find the type of image weather it may be jpeg/png/tiff/bmp by using C.........any ideas

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mixmagz

HERES THE CODE: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,c,d; cout << "Enter Four Digit positive number: "; a = getch(); cout << char(a); b = getch(); cout << char(b); c = getch(); cout << char(c); d = getch(); cout << char(d); cout << "\nOutput:\n"; …

Member Avatar for mixmagz
Member Avatar for SecLoRum

Can someone help please. I have search all the forums about my problem and i cant find answer to it. -Decided to post a thread. Its about making a lotto program in C using only loop control structures and decision control structes( if..etc.). and most importantly random function. ' :-/Don't …

Member Avatar for Jason Giggs
Member Avatar for DJSAN10

If the main() takes 3 arguments i.e. int argc,char * argv[],char *env[] and SINCE C DOES NOT SUPPORT FUNCTION OVERLOADING ,y does the c compiler does not give error for simply void main() //that is no arguments at all OR void main(int argc,char *argv[]) //2 arguments

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Member Avatar for salvador01

hi! im a newbie and i want to learn more on C i have a problem and i have no idea on how to add a 5 digit number example: input is 12345 and the output of 12345 is 15. please help on this one.

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for onus

Hi, here is a simple puzzle to which I have made a program, A C program to take bondectory name as command line argument and print last 3 directories and 3 my_files in all subdirectories without using api 'system' inside it. suppose directory bond0 contains bond1, di2, bond3, bond4, bond5 …

Member Avatar for Trentacle
Member Avatar for yuri1969

Hi, I'm fighting with [B]make[/B] for hours and I rly don't know where is my problem. I need to have a static lib libxml.a and an application (make.c) which uses it. I tried to compile it under GCC 4.4.5 and 4.5.0 and the compilation run fine. But under GCC 4.3.2 …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for aplh_ucsc

Hi.. I want to get the memory addresses of an array.i'm having a compilation error with this code. [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> int isu[1000]; void dhanu(void *(isu+996), void *(isu+995)); int main(){ *(isu+998)=isu; *(isu+997)=(isu+10); printf("%d\n",*(isu+998)); printf("%d\n",isu); dhanu((isu+998),(isu+997)); } void dhanu(void *(isu+996), void *(isu+995)){ printf("%d \n",(int *)(isu+996)); printf("%d \n",(int *)(isu+995)); [/CODE] error …

Member Avatar for aplh_ucsc
Member Avatar for shanki himanshu

hi guys...actually m in deep trouble.i have to make projct in turbo C. but i dont have any time left.Can ny1 help me. can ny1 send me projct so dat i cant lose my marks. plz help meee...

Member Avatar for Kamatari
Member Avatar for Don_k

In C I have created a program which can archive multiple files into an archive file via the command line. e.g. $echo 'file1/2' > file1/2.txt $./archive file1.txt file2.txt arhivedfile $cat archivedfile file1 file2 how do I create a process so that in my archivedfile I have: header file1 end header …

Member Avatar for Don_k
Member Avatar for onus

[CODE]#include<dirent.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<sys/stat.h> int main () { struct dirent **namelist; int i,j; char userd[20]; struct stat statBuf; printf("Enter a directory %s\n",userd); scanf("%s",&userd); printf("the dir is %s\n",*userd); i=scandir(".",&namelist,0,alphasort); printf("enter a directory name %s",*userd); printf("scandir returned i=%d\n",&i); if (i<0) perror("Scandir failed to open directory I hope you understand \n"); else { …

Member Avatar for lvl99
Member Avatar for kapilsolanki84

hello, can any 1 please help/guide me for creating an program .exe file in C. as i am using Dev c++ compiler.say for E.g( program of addition in this by compiling & running it i get the required output. but if i dont want to run the program again n …

Member Avatar for sharunkumar
Member Avatar for Joey_Brown

Hello I was wondering whether is it possible to create a .txt file or check if a .txt file exists inside the folder earlier defined as a path. Basically I have a path : [CODE]#define some_little_file "/User/Joey/Desktop/" [/CODE] and I would like to create and manipulate a txt file there. …

Member Avatar for Joey_Brown
Member Avatar for Hey90

I have to create a database with the data stored in a .txt file. Each record is for a company with the following fields: Name, Place, East(km), North(km). Each record from the file needs to be read into a struct array. I have managed to read the records into a …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for kayhantolga

[IMG]http://letscoding.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/4.jpg[/IMG]Something goes wrong but I can find it!! plese help!! run program and enter from 12 or larger [CODE=c] //Tolga Kayhan © 2010 //Let'sCoding #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //Pascal triangle in this example contains int factorial(int); int C(int,int); void space(int); void writer(int,int); int main() { int last,sender; do{ printf("Enter a …

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Member Avatar for hunkadarsh

i guess i need real helpp for my mini project at college,please help me executing this problem. Also thr is an .cpp attachment file used in Turbo C , Please help [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<bios.h> #include<stdlib.h> int gd=DETECT,gm,ctrl=-30,x_location,y_location,rear=-1,maxx,maxy; int in_key,ctr[1500],nc,xr=0,yr=0,sp=15,err=0,scr=0,i=0,front=0; int size,x=0,y=0,dx_location,xctr[1500],yctr[1500]; char pattern={1}; main() { /*function to initialise …

Member Avatar for indraginanjar
Member Avatar for dipanjanpal

I am currently running Windows Vista Servicepack1 amd I am using C-Free4.1 compiler. plz check the C code...[CODE] # include <stdio.h> # include <windows.h> # include <winreg.h> main() { HKEY hkey; RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,&hkey); RegSetValueExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Testing",0,REG_SZ,"HELLO",5) ; RegCloseKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); } [/CODE] Plz help me with this code or suggest me some good codes in …

Member Avatar for ckoy
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Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Hello )) please tell me - where's the bug in this code - [ICODE] main() { short int n = 0; n=[U]getdet[/U] ( **m , n); } [B]short int ** [U]getdet[/U] (short int **m , int n) /*вычисляем определитель матрицы*/ { short int c=0; if (n==1) return **m; }[/B][/ICODE] compiler …

Member Avatar for vedro-compota
Member Avatar for funky_sourabh

Hello, i want to know how to write a function in c which is similar to getch() but i can write the wait time. i.e it doesn't wait till the carriage return like getch() but proceeds with further execution of the program if no input is received for x no …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for dan76

Hi Guys, I am working on developing a simulation program that tracks multiple vehicles entered by the user and copy the current location of that vehicle in the specified text file. For example, If the user inputs 3 then the program must generate 3 text files for each vehicle and …

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The End.