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I have a CProgramA that need to call CProgramB just before CProgramA terminates. How can this be achieved?

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Member Avatar for corneliu9d

Hello! I'm newly registered, but I have taken a look here before. More precisely, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread73544.html"]here[/URL], a thread which helped me a lot, as I were a total beginner in working with MIDI. My problem is that, though I don't get any errors, I don't hear any sound. The funny thing …

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Member Avatar for AbberLine

For this question I would like to reffer to my previous thread: about my game project for school: [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread102003.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread102003.html[/URL]. I would like to execute a function every few miliseconds. Say every 5 miliseconds. [QUOTE=invisal;495957] This part should call every 5 miliseconds. [code=cplusplus] bool Render() { // Render all the 20 …

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Member Avatar for AbberLine

Hi This question gives me a weird feeling, actually I'm not really sure if this is relevant. Anyway, here we go: I'm (still) busy coding my first game in C. The goal is simple: the player is a fisherman and needs to catch all the fish in the water. If …

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Member Avatar for arunpawar

is there any tutorial for creating simple windows programs which explains easy step by step . i'm looking for tutorial to create windows programs using this.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for carobee

hi, i wanted some help in File handling in C. consider i have one File like a.txt a.txt [Marks] Physics = 60 Chemistry = 80 ;Prac(25) Maths = 98 [Grade] Neatness = B Attention = A ;A+(9.5) Now suppose i have to insert new values in this file for the …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi , I am trying to find some solution about this i try on different tutorial but with no succes. I have no idea what the author want to told me. Here the tutorial [url]http://lib.daemon.am/Books/C/[/url] pick day15 go to Linked list ,and if you know other tutorial who write about …

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Member Avatar for sa-al

hello i have a question .how can i write a program that gets a statement from user & prints the result sth like below: 2*3+sin(1-cos(0)) please help me

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi guys, i have the following code: main.c [CODE=c] #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> //defines PATH_MAX #define _GNU_SOURCE #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 255 #endif int main(void) { char mycwd[PATH_MAX]; fprintf(stderr, "\nThe PATH_MAX is %d\n", PATH_MAX); if (getcwd(mycwd, PATH_MAX) == NULL) { perror("Failed to get current working directory"); …

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Hi , Could you please give me some suggestions? I would like to create a small buffer in my code because the memory of the hardware is quite small. If so, it can't receive all of the data that I send. Sometimes, the data are over write. How should I …

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strcpy(buf, "my_id_%d_",i) strcpy(buf1, "my_com_id_%d", j) First I want to place value of i into "my_id_1" like so and copy to buf. And do the same thing in second line the code. Now I want to join both buf and buf1 so it will give me a new string "my_id_1_my_com_id_2". How …

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Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi, i am reading the book "Operating Systems Design and Implementation 3rd edition" which analyzes the minix source code... in the part of filesystems we see this code [CODE=c]PUBLIC _PROTOTYPE (int (*call_vec[]), (void) ) = { no_sys, /* 0 = unused */ do_exit, /* 1 = exit */ do_fork, /* …

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Member Avatar for Jishnu

Hello, I know this much that I want to include two files in my program. But can I decide which files to include at run time? Is this possible? Thanks in advance, -Jishnu.

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I am getting an error when I do this in C program: execl("/bin/cp","../data/data_.txt","../data/data.txt",0); error is as follows: ../data/data_.txt: missing destination file operand after `../data/data.txt' Try `../data/data_.txt --help' for more information. I tried this too, it didn't help. execl("/bin/cp ../data/data_.txt ../data/data.txt",0); All I am trying to do is this: cp ../data/data_.txt …

Member Avatar for kv79
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How to make win32 app with login? Is there some command or i need to make my function by myself?

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int file file = open("./some.txt", O_RDONLY); Above line file=open giving me compile error: 'O_RDONLY' undeclared (first use in this function) What is the problem here? I am running linux and gcc 4.1.

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If I call the MessageBox function: [CODE]MessageBox(NULL, "Message", "Message", MB_OK);[/CODE] for example, the box will not appear. It will make the beeping sound, though.

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Member Avatar for kv79

Hi , [code=C] /* Inputs a list of strings from the keyboard, sorts them */ /* in ascending or descending order, and then displays them */ /* on the screen. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXLINES 25 int get_lines(char *lines[]); void sort(char *p[], int n, int sort_type); …

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Member Avatar for kv79

Hi i always mix up a NULL and '\0' and 0. Can you write me when to use these things?

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Member Avatar for Archimag

Hello people......just wondering if i can get some help.... I need to solve the next problem: We insert a number of students "k" and a number of chairs "n".....we need to print on the screen all the possible seating arrengments.....as one space always got to exist between two students.......the formula …

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I have a config file which includes how many files I need to create. So my program reads the config file and will create those files. Where I am stuck is I do not know before hand how many File pointers I need. I get to know quantity of files …

Member Avatar for Jishnu
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When you read file in C and move to next line and so on. This seems you have to access file top to bottom sequentially without skipping lines. I need a way to read very 5th line or something similar to it. I am just concerned with data that is …

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Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi all, I am zawpai. I would like to create the timer function in C to do some checking. Could you please show me how to write the code about it. Thanks, zawpai

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Member Avatar for Valmian

Well hello.. I am making an CSV (comma seporated values) loader, in which the first row are strings and all the other are integers. From what I've got when I load each indivisual string into an individual char array first few char arrays when printed are twice as big as …

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Member Avatar for temyreal

Hello all, i have a little problem printing the upper symmetry of the multiplication as shown in the attachment (in C). can anyone help?

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[QUOTE]aptr = malloc(nrows * ncols * sizeof(int)); rowptr = malloc(nrows * sizeof(int *));[/QUOTE] What is the different with have no * inside sizeof(), eg sizeof(int), vs sizeof(int *)?

Member Avatar for Narue
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char stmt_buf[1024], buf[(1024*2)+1]; stmt_buf ="SELECT id, title FROM post LIMIT 5;"; I get an error: connect2.c: In function ‘main’: connect2.c:217: error: incompatible types in assignment

Member Avatar for Narue
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I am running linux. This problem maybe implemented many times over. I am not hitting right google search term. I need a way to send email from my c program, if that program fails to excute some other part of the code. Any gurus like to shed some light on …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sitaag44

Hi friends, I am sita I want to know more about storage class in C language.I think you can help me for finding out the answers. First of all Can you please tell about Local and Global variables? Or What are Local and Global variables? Can you please show some …

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Member Avatar for varsha0702

When I execute this code ,it accepts 2 nos,prints the msg enter your choice and terminates.. [code=c] #include<stdio.h> int main() { char ch; int a,b; printf("enter 2 nos :"); scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); printf("\nenter your choice:"); ch=getchar(); printf("%c",ch); switch(ch) { case '1': printf("sum : %f",a+b); break; case '2': printf("diff : %f",a-b); break; …

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The End.