15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zafar Iqbal

Can any one tell m what r th use of reentrant function and how to use it.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for nabilchampion

hope all r doing fine.. i need a quick and very quick reply m porting some cod:confused: e from windows to linux box..n i just encountered a function findfirstfile() used in windows..this function also takes wildcards as regular expression in the string I searched the net for an alternate implementation …

Member Avatar for nabilchampion
Member Avatar for wollacott

enter 5 digit number s and have them display in single digits,using division and the remainder mod. This is what i have so far but it doesnt seem to work. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,number; printf("enter five digit number"); scanf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&num1,&num2,&num3,&num4,&num5); num1r=(number-(number%10000))/10000; num2=(number%10000-(number%1000))/1000; num3=(number%1000-(number%100))/100; num4=(number%100-(number%10))/10; num5=(number%10-(number%1))/1; printf("first number is …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nnobakht

Hey guys, in c i am trying to read an input such as a command like [code] xeyes -bg red -fg blue [/code] i have managed to read it fine if there is no spaces so a single word such as "abc" but when i have spaces i get segmentation …

Member Avatar for nnobakht
Member Avatar for jmvr_danga_14

Hello! im new here and i have a problem regarding programming. We are required to compute for the distance of a certain city to another city...for example whats the distance of new york to los angeles..then the program will compute its distance... the output of the said program should be …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for osasm

Hi, I wrote a function in 'C' as follows. [CODE]void myfunc(int x,int y) { asm mov ah , 0x02 asm mov bh , 0x0 asm mov dh , y <=Error Here asm mov dl , x <=Error Here } [/CODE] It shows the error "Invalid use of Opcode and Operand". …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Dark_Knight

Hi. Below are two pieces of code. This first one works fine: [code] char str[] = "Hello World"; char *b; b = &(str[3]); *b = '3'; printf("%s\n", str); [/code] However this second one results in a segmentation fault. [code] char *str = "Hello World"; char *b; b = &(str[3]); *b …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for harish_s

Hi friends, I have one question, if anybody can answer it. Question : (I am performing operations on tape drive using st driver) While performing read operation on tape (using read()), EOD occured. After EOD occured, i m firing MTIOCGET request and getting the tape status. After getting tape status, …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

hi all, i have a problem with pthread programming. function_1(){ . . rc = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, my_function, (void *)&my_data); . rc = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, my_function, (void *)&my_data); . } As the above “`function_1`” do, the “`my_function`” can be executed any number of time according to our need, but the problem …

Member Avatar for Belrog
Member Avatar for riturajraina

Dear Friends, I am developing a small project in which the users have to fill a form from which it will be saved into a database. Here i wanted to scan a particular folder in the hard-drive contineously so as to know if there is any new file saved in …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Vagelis44

Hi, I want to make some kind of monitor for my PC and i want to have CPU load in form like "top" (something% , ex 23%). So i use C and : i'm opening the file /proc/stat and read the first line : cpu 92208 2282668 19432 79824 739 …

Member Avatar for Belrog
Member Avatar for danibootstrap

Hello,I am doing a project in which i need to send and receive data from a microcontroller.I was trying to do this in DEV CPP IDE but couldn't succeed till now.The following is the code i tried compiling. The code: [code] #include <bios.h> #include <conio.h> #define COM1 0 #define …

Member Avatar for danibootstrap
Member Avatar for lastcraft

Hi. I've written a small static (Unix .a) library, as usual made from a bunch of .c and .h files. A lot of the functions in the .h files are internal to the final library. Only a few of the .h files containing the public interface. How can I hide …

Member Avatar for lastcraft
Member Avatar for Dark_Knight

Hi, I am trying to create a method that accepts a pointer to a (static) string so that it can modify the string. I have something similar to this: [code] void modifyString(char **pstr) { char *str = *pstr; // Make changes to str ... } void doSomething() { char str[] …

Member Avatar for Dark_Knight
Member Avatar for Spartan552

Hi. Do you know how to get and set cursor position in C language? I know this can be done using GetCursorPos and SetCursorPos from Win32 Api but I want it to work on several OS so I cant use Win32 specific functions. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dv1r

if this topic is already up pleas point me to it coz i dont even know how to search it.... what i want to do is a small screen in the big screen and have all my printf(""); to print there... i dont know what else to say so pleas …

Member Avatar for dv1r
Member Avatar for Bhandy

Hello folks, Does anyone know of any links that contain sample code for an FTP server implemented in C.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for crapodino

Hi everybody. First, sorry for my english, i am argentinian. I am trying to use a c library called openDBX that helps us talk to different RDBMS. Here is the link: [url]http://www.linuxnetworks.de/doc/index.php/OpenDBX[/url] I have already compiled and installed. Now, i am trying a simple c programe that uses it. The …

Member Avatar for crapodino
Member Avatar for savio_1987

I need to write a code for reading values from the serial port and dumping them onto a text file, can someone help me? Whats required is that the changing values in the serial port has to to be updated frequently onto a text file. thanks for any help

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for silentdragoon

Hi guys! I'm trying to rid my words of newline characters (and eventually punctuation as well). The words are in a two-dimensional array declared as words[MAXWORD][MAXLINE], where MAXWORD is currently 8000, and MAXLINE is currently 20. So up to 8000 words of 20 characters each. To do this, I am …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Esmerelda

The following snippet finds the least, greatest and sum of the elements of an array. It works when I give the test condition with variable "i" in the for loop (as in the first snippet). But when I replace it with a pointer(as in second snippet), it gives a wrong …

Member Avatar for Esmerelda
Member Avatar for jordanspy

[code=cpp]struct Product{ /* declare variables here to store product data */ char product_name[LEN]; int product_id; int quantity; double unit_price; int expire_month, expire_year; struct Product *next; }; pfile=fopen("binary.bin","wb"); if(pfile!=NULL) { while(head != NULL) { fwrite(&head, sizeof(struct Product), 1, pfile); //head=head->next; } fclose(pfile); puts("File Saved successfully!"); system("pause"); } else { puts("File not …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Nemes

Hello, I am running a lightly random-based heuristic search with a problem, and I encounter something quite peculiar. When I run the program using no compiler optimization, I obtain results that are consistently worse than when I use compiler optimization (-O3 parameter using gcc). What I mean by "results" is …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kfupm

please could any one give me hints in this question A popular method of displaying data is a Histogram. A histogram counts how many items of data fall in each of n equally sized intervals and displays the results as a bar chart in which each bar is proportional in …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for silentdragoon

Hi, again. I'm trying to read in data from a file that I've opened, so it is sitting in FILE* fp. Now I want to put it into a format that I can do things with it (seperate it into words). My question is: how can I do this dynamically? …

Member Avatar for silentdragoon
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone, I'm attempting to write a program that will pipe and fork to have a parent and child process. Then the parent writes numbers to the pipe and the child either multiplies or divides the two numbers. For some reason my file I/O isn't working. It's supposed to keep …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for csteverun

In PHP I can use the pack function to format a integer value to a 16 bit wav channel chunk. It gets the endianness right and it works. How would one go about creating raw wav data in c? [code] function cram ($integer, $type = 's', $length = '*') { …

Member Avatar for csteverun
Member Avatar for dv1r

i have no idea whats wrong with this function =\ [code] void throw_cards(card h_cards[]) { char f; cleardevice(); while(f!='f') { printf("from 0 to 6 pick the cards you want to thorw\n"); printf("to finish hit 'f'"); f=getch(); printf("trowing card %c",f); } } [/code] i get the error: Type mismatch in redecleration …

Member Avatar for dv1r
Member Avatar for silentdragoon

Hi folks. I'm trying to do something I hope is very simple -- taking an argument placed after the program's name and storing it. So, if I type whatnumber 4 it will store the value 4, whatnumber 100 will store 100, etc. I've tried using int argc, char *argv[] instead …

Member Avatar for silentdragoon
Member Avatar for kv79

I have this problem with my ( .rc) file i do not know why [code] #include "digitron_h.h" MENU_ID MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" { MENUITEM "E&xit", EXIT_ID } POPUP "&Help" { MENUITEM "H&elp About", HELP_ID } END ID_DIALOGEX DIALOG 0, 0, 98, 52 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "calc" …

Member Avatar for Comrade Ogilvy

The End.