15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for sushanttambare

hi all, can anyone tell me that how can I change the functions in written for 16 bit processor in c language for 32 bit processor?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cmsc_illiterate

I am so lost. I don't know what I'm doing. Can somebody help me? What I'm trying to do right now is just store ID numbers in an array to use them elsewhere in my program. I can't even do that right though. This is my first time taking computer …

Member Avatar for cmsc_illiterate
Member Avatar for Lutzee
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for donaldunca

This is my code: [code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> typedef struct node *nodeptr; typedef int infor; struct node { infor data; nodeptr left; nodeptr right; }; void insert(nodeptr p,nodeptr *T); void insert_node(infor e,nodeptr *T); void freenode(nodeptr p) { free(p); } void init(nodeptr *T) { *T=NULL; } nodeptr remove(nodeptr p) …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for brightmohan

Hello Geeks! I have tried real hard trying to figure out the solution for why the getchar() and fputs() arent working in my program. I have already wasted so much time thinking and debugging about it and here I am after registering wid DANIWEB for the first time. I will …

Member Avatar for brightmohan
Member Avatar for Mini_The_Great

Heres my current code: [code=cpp] #include <windows.h> #include "menu.h" int win_w=640; int win_h=480; const char* win_cap="VMake"; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); static char gszClassName[] = "db"; static HINSTANCE ghInstance = NULL; int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { WNDCLASSEX WndClass; HWND hwnd; MSG Msg; ghInstance …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bob1989

having problems on how to start doing this program as i missed the lectures and practical classes involving that.. so any help on how to start the program..do the table and plot the position of the projectile would be appreciated a lot..the file is attached . thanks a lot..

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jenco

Hi, Is there someone out there who can help. I've written some simple functions, on the same page as the main code: [code] bool IsAVowel (char ch) { if(ch=='a')|| (ch=='e') || (ch=='i') || (ch=='o') || (ch==''u) { return true; } return false; } [/code] The compiler message gives 'linker error' …

Member Avatar for anw
Member Avatar for guy40az

I am trying to get the system date into 3 different varibles Month,Day, and Year but I cant figure out how to get the system date from the OS.

Member Avatar for guy40az
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

Sir./mam.. Please Tell me Some GOod Instructions or method To install the applications in tHe TeRminal.. Thnks.. God Bless!! and.. currntly i've been install it on the [B][U]synaptic[/U][/B] and all wxwidgets and their libraries were installed when i run a sample wxwidgets program.. there are too many errors... :( ahmm …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for h_howee

I'm working on a breakout game and i want the paddle to follow the mouse It works from the left side of the client area to the far right of the screen but when i go over the left side of the client area, i expected it to return a …

Member Avatar for h_howee
Member Avatar for skn82

hi I'm working on TMS320F2812, a 32-bit DSP. I need to interface an a 8X1 LED with my Processor through the GPIO's of the processor. The GPIO's are connected to the LED's through a 74HC273 D-Latch. Can anyone give me pointers on how I must go about the same ?? …

Member Avatar for JC_McGeekster

How can I initialise different video modes... like SVGA 800x600 mode, EGA 640x350 mode, et cetera using interrupts... what exactly must I do? Could you demonstrate an example or two for EGA 640x350 and how I can then write to the memory? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cyberman111

at the end of this program we have to add the average of all the students* add and divide by 3* also put a ** next to student who have over 95 % both thses should be displayed at the end so ANYONE dare to try #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> …

Member Avatar for cyberman111
Member Avatar for kained

right basicly i need to make a class. I have a file called book.cpp which needs to be modified and i have no brain at all today. help is so needed. [code] //book.cpp #include"bookheader.hpp" Book::Book(void) { title[0]='\0'; quantity = 0; deleted = false; } Book::Book(string tit) { strcpy(title, tit.c_str()); quantity …

Member Avatar for kained
Member Avatar for mutah.87

Hi, everybody, Before I ask for help I'd like to say thanks for all your help you've been really helpful. If anyone has the algorithm for the compaction technique used in fragmentation please post it in the Code snippets it would be very helpful to me please!!

Member Avatar for mutah.87
Member Avatar for louis7370
Member Avatar for The Shadow

Basically I'm writing a program that reads in the number of words in a file and counts them based on the number of whitespaces, though I'm also considering using tokenising im just more familiar with whitespaces. It compares the ACII code of whitespace(I think) then adds one due to not …

Member Avatar for The Shadow
Member Avatar for louis7370
Member Avatar for sushanttambare

Hi all, I want to know the optimization code for following c source code: int i=0; i=p*q<<12; if(i>20) i=15; so here i should range from 0 to 15 but if i goes beyond 20 then it should remain as 15. Here I have hint as to use bitwise operator to …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for TAboy24

I want to write a function int Listofleaves (Tree tree,List* list) which recieve a binary tree -"tree"(the input) and a list pointer "list"(output)...the function supposed to return the trees leaves nodes(nodes with no children) from right to left as a linked list(!) in "list"...and also return at the end the …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for generalGOTCHA

Ok here is what I am trying to do now ! I have everything I need to take a list of computers and run the script on them. Now I need to grab the list of computers. So this will require grabbing an intranet website that contains all of our …

Member Avatar for generalGOTCHA
Member Avatar for generalGOTCHA

say I need to the below to store as a string variable. Set autoUpdateClient = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate",strComputer) notice teh quotations ? How can I store all of this as one string with the quotations included ? I need to store this so I can manipulate it, but those quotes keep throwing …

Member Avatar for generalGOTCHA
Member Avatar for PeeJay

I am suppose to create a program that counts the number of alphabets in string, words in a string and the lenght of the string and print them out! I have some code but I'm not sure how to get the string counted. Can anyone please offer some help? I …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for squinx22

is it possible that when I do this: g++ -c function.cpp the function.o will be generated in the other directory? say for example i have FUNC folder FUNC/function.cpp I want to generate a function.o that is outside the FUNC folder. thanx in advance....

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for satya.vijai

Hi, I have a text file which looks like this: 3Com 3C996B Gigabit Server NIC NEC PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller (B1) .... .... Now, I need a 'C' Program which will copy each line into an array of strings or character array, such as char* Cards[10] . Could …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

i'm using a LINUX Ubuntu Operating System.. Sir/Maam. could u teach me how to install the wxWidgets. all its processess.. and how to compile the program using that application,, THnk U VeRy MuCh!!..:'(:pretty:

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Shark7

how can i install alloc.h in my computer?i need to compile a program and i don't know how to install it...can someone tell me? thank

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for addicted

hey, please i need help with the program tutrtle graphics, i have been trying to solve the problem but i have difficulty with turning right and left... i have been trying to solve that but oops...... i dont need a code... all i need is a hint, i will figure …

Member Avatar for John A

The End.