15,551 Topics
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Hi All How can we plot the pixel without using the function putpixel(int x,int y,int color) . | |
I am using Bloodshed C++ for my development. I have compiled the Dos console program in C and its working fine. But i want to add a icon to it instead of the windows application icon. Hope someone could help me. | |
hi everyone, i am working on Turbo C 3. here the near pointer is of 16 bits and the far pointers are of 32 bits. i want to know how these logical addresses of 16 and 32 bits are converted into physical address of 20 bits. thanks. | |
Hello everyone! I am doing Digital Compass Navigation Aids. It consists of the 1490 Digital Compass, a P18F4620 Microcontroller, ISD2560 voice record/playback chip LM4808M amplifier, 5volts and 3.3volts voltage regulators and three switches, the recording switch, the playback switch. First, i should record north, south, east and west into the … | |
When using loop functions or statements which loop statement do you prefer to use that would be easy for a beginner like me to use: The do while loop, for loop, or while loop. I ask because I am to re-write my code from using the If statement to using … | |
can any body help me out wid this ........as i m doing C not C++.....plz tell me the whole program........plzzzzzzzzz Construct a solution algorithm and write a C program for the following programming problem. Use a top-down modular design. State clearly tasks that are to be performed by each module. … | |
hi , How are you? I am using a software for my business.I want a tsr program which can help me stop using of some buttons from the keyboard.Like cntrl+delete combination key, f6 function key and some others. And in the same way i want a program to deactivate the … | |
hi, what is the difference between [COLOR=red]static[/COLOR] and [COLOR=red]shared[/COLOR] library how do we create them and what is the extension used for both of | |
Hi all, Please can u tell me what are the method involved in algorithm transforms? since I am working on DSP algorithms and i want to reduce the complexity which are written in c language so please help me to understand what exactly is the algorithm transform means? please give … | |
[B]My code seems to stop working after first prompt for please insert money can anyone tell me where in my code am I lacking.[/B] [code=c] #include <stdio.h> int main() { char drinkchoice; float insert; float money; float totalinsert; printf("How much do you wish to insert: "); scanf("%f", &insert); if(insert < … | |
after compiling wxgtk.. and this format: g++ sample.cpp `wx-config --libs --cxxflags` -o sample it can compile but if you run this the error is:: ./sample: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_aui-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory but all its lib.. where installed i dont know … | |
I came across a simple way of quicksorting linked list which is same as iterative version of quicksort for arrays... [url]http://www.openasthra.com/c-tidbits/sorting-a-linked-list-with-quicksort-simple-algorithm/[/url] worth a look... Let me know if you have any other simple algorithm for QuickSort (for sorting linked lists), should be easy to understand... Thanks. | |
I never really got this back in school when I learned C programming and the instructor did a bad job explaining it. What is a union in C really and how do you use it? | |
Hi... I have a static library, libxbgi.a. When I want to properly link a program with this library I have to write: [INLINECODE]gcc prog.c -o prog -lm -L /usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -L. -lxbgi[/INLINECODE] It is cumbersome to write such a long command line. Is it possible to pre-link the libX11.a and … | |
Hi there, I'm a first time poster and first year C programming student. I am a little stuck on the following question: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Conway's life is a special kind of game. It isn't really a game - just a spectator sport. It is played on a chess board, where each … | |
hi, what is the difference between a library function and a system call | |
One of the questions for my study guide asks to write a function that prompts the user to enter 3 integers, then "return" the integers via it's parameters through call by reference. Does this just imply using pointers as arguments, then when the values are changed in the function they … | |
Hi! i am creating a struct and i want to save it in a FILE (example FILE *fptr). it creates a file anw and it will fill some elements in the struct. Below is what i hv done so far. Btw sorry for my bad english. The reason for my … | |
how do i create archive and save a struct in archive. Thanks in advance. | |
Can anyone tell me whether it is allowed to use a Semaphore in a Reentrant function. | |
There is a problem in this code. I don't know what to do. If you try to compile it, says: transformaclave[const *char] cannot be distinguished from tranformaclave[ const char* const] can anybody help me??? thanks anyway. [code=c]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO // // // // TRABAJO PRACTICO DE … | |
Hi, I am trying to implement the sizeof() programe main() { int a,res; a = sizeOf(a); printf("size=5d\n",res); } int sizeOf( void var) { void *ptr; ptr = &var; return((char*)&ptr[1] - (char*)&ptr[0]); } But this is giving error , so plz check and correct it | |
i can write a palindrome pro but i dont to write using recursive function can any body help and to check whether a palindrome can fotmed from a given string? j=0,k=0; while((j<strlen(str)-1)/2) { if(str[j]!=str[strlen(str)-1-j]) { k=1; break; } j++; } if(k==0) printf("palindrome") else printf(not a palindrome"); | |
how can write a orogram to check whether palindromw is posiible from a given stirng for(i=0;i<strlen(a);i++0 { if(a[[i]==b[i]) printf(a[i]; ) } | |
Q.Using recursive function,reverse a string. Solution I tried [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char reverse(char *ptr,int length) { return ptr[0]=ptr[length-1]; while(*ptr!='\0') reverse(ptr+1,length-2); } int main(void) { char string[40],answer; printf("Enter string\n"); gets(string); answer=reverse(string,strlen(string)); printf("%c",answer); return 0; } [/CODE] It gives an error sayin 'Unreachable code in function reverse(char near*,int)' because of the line … | |
Hi, im starting here with C and im stuck with a little problem...can someone helpme plz. The program is a ASCII to morse converter #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char text[200]; int x, y; char *characters[49]= { "------",".----", "..---", "...--", "....-",".....", "-....","--...", "---..", "----.", ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".","..-", … | |
I want to know when it is necessary to include a return statemnt in one's code and also what is the difference between recursion and iteration? | |
I want to pass a 2D matrix to a function in C which modifies the elements of the matrix and the modifications should be effective in the calling function. How to achieve this in C. | |
Hi , I need to Assign 4 bits to unsigned char: I am using, unsigned short Ver : 4 ; My ques is ... howw do I initialize Ver , coz Ver=5 is not working.. If i need a type cast.. what will it be??? | |
i have problem that i could not solve it.. here is the problem [URL]http://ceng.metu.edu.tr/~bozyigit/cng140/hw.html[/URL] HOMEWORK 3 |
The End.