15,550 Topics

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I am using Bloodshed C++ for my development. I have compiled the Dos console program in C and its working fine. But i want to add a icon to it instead of the windows application icon. Hope someone could help me.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cinger

hi everyone, i am working on Turbo C 3. here the near pointer is of 16 bits and the far pointers are of 32 bits. i want to know how these logical addresses of 16 and 32 bits are converted into physical address of 20 bits. thanks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dotcom123

Hello everyone! I am doing Digital Compass Navigation Aids. It consists of the 1490 Digital Compass, a P18F4620 Microcontroller, ISD2560 voice record/playback chip LM4808M amplifier, 5volts and 3.3volts voltage regulators and three switches, the recording switch, the playback switch. First, i should record north, south, east and west into the …

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Member Avatar for jlb_2_99

When using loop functions or statements which loop statement do you prefer to use that would be easy for a beginner like me to use: The do while loop, for loop, or while loop. I ask because I am to re-write my code from using the If statement to using …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for Confused612

can any body help me out wid this ........as i m doing C not C++.....plz tell me the whole program........plzzzzzzzzz Construct a solution algorithm and write a C program for the following programming problem. Use a top-down modular design. State clearly tasks that are to be performed by each module. …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for adr1

hi , How are you? I am using a software for my business.I want a tsr program which can help me stop using of some buttons from the keyboard.Like cntrl+delete combination key, f6 function key and some others. And in the same way i want a program to deactivate the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for srinath.sec

hi, what is the difference between [COLOR=red]static[/COLOR] and [COLOR=red]shared[/COLOR] library how do we create them and what is the extension used for both of

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for sushanttambare

Hi all, Please can u tell me what are the method involved in algorithm transforms? since I am working on DSP algorithms and i want to reduce the complexity which are written in c language so please help me to understand what exactly is the algorithm transform means? please give …

Member Avatar for sushanttambare
Member Avatar for jlb_2_99

[B]My code seems to stop working after first prompt for please insert money can anyone tell me where in my code am I lacking.[/B] [code=c] #include <stdio.h> int main() { char drinkchoice; float insert; float money; float totalinsert; printf("How much do you wish to insert: "); scanf("%f", &insert); if(insert < …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

after compiling wxgtk.. and this format: g++ sample.cpp `wx-config --libs --cxxflags` -o sample it can compile but if you run this the error is:: ./sample: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_aui-2.8.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory but all its lib.. where installed i dont know …

Member Avatar for richsewell
Member Avatar for openuser

I came across a simple way of quicksorting linked list which is same as iterative version of quicksort for arrays... [url]http://www.openasthra.com/c-tidbits/sorting-a-linked-list-with-quicksort-simple-algorithm/[/url] worth a look... Let me know if you have any other simple algorithm for QuickSort (for sorting linked lists), should be easy to understand... Thanks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for complete

I never really got this back in school when I learned C programming and the instructor did a bad job explaining it. What is a union in C really and how do you use it?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

Hi... I have a static library, libxbgi.a. When I want to properly link a program with this library I have to write: [INLINECODE]gcc prog.c -o prog -lm -L /usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -L. -lxbgi[/INLINECODE] It is cumbersome to write such a long command line. Is it possible to pre-link the libX11.a and …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for m.s

Hi there, I'm a first time poster and first year C programming student. I am a little stuck on the following question: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Conway's life is a special kind of game. It isn't really a game - just a spectator sport. It is played on a chess board, where each …

Member Avatar for m.s
Member Avatar for srinath.sec

hi, what is the difference between a library function and a system call

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Savage221

One of the questions for my study guide asks to write a function that prompts the user to enter 3 integers, then "return" the integers via it's parameters through call by reference. Does this just imply using pointers as arguments, then when the values are changed in the function they …

Member Avatar for Savage221
Member Avatar for sofianos

Hi! i am creating a struct and i want to save it in a FILE (example FILE *fptr). it creates a file anw and it will fill some elements in the struct. Below is what i hv done so far. Btw sorry for my bad english. The reason for my …

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Member Avatar for johngalt

There is a problem in this code. I don't know what to do. If you try to compile it, says: transformaclave[const *char] cannot be distinguished from tranformaclave[ const char* const] can anybody help me??? thanks anyway. [code=c]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO // // // // TRABAJO PRACTICO DE …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for satyanarayanam

Hi, I am trying to implement the sizeof() programe main() { int a,res; a = sizeOf(a); printf("size=5d\n",res); } int sizeOf( void var) { void *ptr; ptr = &var; return((char*)&ptr[1] - (char*)&ptr[0]); } But this is giving error , so plz check and correct it

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for pavani2006

i can write a palindrome pro but i dont to write using recursive function can any body help and to check whether a palindrome can fotmed from a given string? j=0,k=0; while((j<strlen(str)-1)/2) { if(str[j]!=str[strlen(str)-1-j]) { k=1; break; } j++; } if(k==0) printf("palindrome") else printf(not a palindrome");

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for pavani2006

how can write a orogram to check whether palindromw is posiible from a given stirng for(i=0;i<strlen(a);i++0 { if(a[[i]==b[i]) printf(a[i]; ) }

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

Q.Using recursive function,reverse a string. Solution I tried [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> char reverse(char *ptr,int length) { return ptr[0]=ptr[length-1]; while(*ptr!='\0') reverse(ptr+1,length-2); } int main(void) { char string[40],answer; printf("Enter string\n"); gets(string); answer=reverse(string,strlen(string)); printf("%c",answer); return 0; } [/CODE] It gives an error sayin 'Unreachable code in function reverse(char near*,int)' because of the line …

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Member Avatar for matias.germany

Hi, im starting here with C and im stuck with a little problem...can someone helpme plz. The program is a ASCII to morse converter #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char text[200]; int x, y; char *characters[49]= { "------",".----", "..---", "...--", "....-",".....", "-....","--...", "---..", "----.", ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".","..-", …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for IwalkAlone

I want to know when it is necessary to include a return statemnt in one's code and also what is the difference between recursion and iteration?

Member Avatar for IwalkAlone
Member Avatar for venuaccha

I want to pass a 2D matrix to a function in C which modifies the elements of the matrix and the modifications should be effective in the calling function. How to achieve this in C.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ajaxjinx

Hi , I need to Assign 4 bits to unsigned char: I am using, unsigned short Ver : 4 ; My ques is ... howw do I initialize Ver , coz Ver=5 is not working.. If i need a type cast.. what will it be???

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Member Avatar for hackerbox

i have problem that i could not solve it.. here is the problem [URL]http://ceng.metu.edu.tr/~bozyigit/cng140/hw.html[/URL] HOMEWORK 3

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for somita1

if anybody wantt to help plz give me email that i can ask my problem with detail for solving

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The End.