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Ranked #22.5K
4 Posted Topics
Re: U can do it by following the below steps. 1.In the Menubar , Go to Tools and Select User Configuration Tools 2.A new window pops up.In that click Group name button. 3.Give a name to the commands set u wanted and click OK button. 4.And then click Add tool button, … | |
Can anyone tell me whether it is allowed to use a Semaphore in a Reentrant function. | |
Re: Write a Macro instead of function like this. #define sizeof(x) ((char *)((&x)+1) - (char *)&x) It should work. | |
I want to pass a 2D matrix to a function in C which modifies the elements of the matrix and the modifications should be effective in the calling function. How to achieve this in C. |
The End.