Hi, im starting here with C and im stuck with a little problem...can someone helpme plz.
The program is a ASCII to morse converter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char text[200];
int x, y;
char *characters[49]= { "------",".----", "..---", "...--", "....-",".....",
"-....","--...", "---..", "----.", ".-", "-...",
"-.-.", "-..", ".","..-", "--.","....", "..",
".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.",
"--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--",
"-..-", "-.--", "--..","----", "--.--",".-.-.-",
"---...", "--..--", "-.-.-.", ".----.", ".-..-.",
"..--..", "-.-.--", "-.--.", "-.--.-", " " };
char *ASCIItoMorse(char *enty)
if(entry[x] >= '0' && entry[x] <= '9')
return characters[entry[x] - '0'];
else if(enty[x] >= 'A' && entry[x] <= 'Z')
return characters[entry[x] - 'A'];
else if(entry[x]== 'ñ')
return characters[38];
else if(entry[x] >= 'a' && entry[x] <= 'z')
return characters[entry[x] - 'a'];
else if(entry[x] =='.')
return characters[39];
else if(entry[x] ==':')
return characters[40];
else if(entry[x] ==',')
return characters[41];
else if(entry[x] ==';')
return characters[42];
else if(entry[x] =='´')
return characters[43];
else if(entry[x] =='"')
return characters[44];
else if(entry[x] =='?')
return characters[45];
else if(entry[x] =='!')
return characters[46];
else if(entrada[x] =='(')
return characters[47];
else if(entry[x] ==')')
return characters[48];
else if(entry[x] =='')
return characters[49];
int main(void)
char *entry;
printf("Type your ASCII text:\n\n");
entrada= gets(text);
y= strlen(text);
printf("%s\n", ASCIItoMorse(entrada[x]));
The error I get is:
[Warning] passing arg 1 of `ASCIItoMorse' makes pointer from integer without a cast
thanks for your time
PD: Any idea on how to do a MorsetoASCII plz
help and to solve the spanish characters problems like "Ñ"
and "CH"