15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yugalpsd

need a program to perform polynomial division with linked lists or arrays. i already tried multiplication,subtraction and addition but stucked in division can anyone help me out on this.

Member Avatar for rory.starkweather.7

Just a quick question, and I should know the answer, but can't remember it. You use Ctrl-K B Ctrl-K K to block text for moving, copying, etc. How do you get rid of the highlighting when you are done?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sitidahleeya

Hello, could anyone here please review this code: > the deleteEntry () function are not well working. I dunno how to solve this. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct Node { char firstName [15]; char lastName [15]; char Number [15]; char searchName [15]; struct Node *next; } ; struct …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for rory.starkweather.7

This only appears to move one character even though it does a lot of thrashing around when I step through it. It looks like it's only executing the loops once, but the topmost character in the array is corect. It just like the others aren't moved at all. #include <string.h> …

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Member Avatar for Sajoo

Hello I am working on Parallelization of Fractal Image Compression. I have used prof. Yuval Fisher's enc.c and dec.c fractal image compressor / decompressor. The code is working fine but my question is: How to view the RAW images lenna.dat(input image) and lenna.out(decoded image) on Windows/Sun/LINUX machine. I think there …

Member Avatar for Arun_8
Member Avatar for Prashant_4

dear friends, I am a beginner in c programming and I have learned the c++, java as well, In C I have been asked for a question about how to convert lower case string like any name into uppercase, and i have read a program for it by pointers and …

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Can I please have a good detailed explanation on the differences between malloc and calloc? I always have trouble understanding that.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mcsreerag

I need help in reading numbers using scanf functions. A range of numbers have to be scanned.No array should be used.No limiting condition for reading is given.What shall i do.?

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for Subhasis giri

void main() { int i=2; clrscr(); printf("%d %d %d %d %d",i++,i--,--i,++i,i) ; getch(); }

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for adhirgukt

Hi guys ! I'm using linux OS, and i have gcc compiler in it defaultly. But i can't compile advanced programs which include "windows.h" in it. Can you please provide free download's link for such compiler?

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Nikolas9896

**WHY StrCpy - dosen't work normally :( ? Where is mistakes?** #include"string.c" int main() { printf("Hello World!\n"); char *text = "GOOOD TEXT ALL TIME VERY POOR "; int temp = strlen(text); char *copy_text; printf("size text: %d\n", temp); StrCpy( copy_text, text ); printf("TEXT: %s\n COPY_TEXT %s", text, copy_text ); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Stefan_2

This is what I have to code. Input an array of numbers(any numbers that user inputs from standard input, aka keyboard), remove numbers from array that are not 0 and 1. Thay array should now be bitwise moved with << or >> (again user choses the number of spaces moved …

Member Avatar for Stefan_2
Member Avatar for cufisa

I have been trying to fix this since two eeks and I have no clue what I am doing wrong. I have gotten the program to work so that it can tell if a number is prime or not, but the problem I am having is showing at the end …

Member Avatar for rajii93
Member Avatar for Josue198s

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int pcheck=1,i; int k=1000 for(i=2;i<k;i++) { if((k%i)== 0) { pcheck=0; break; } } if(pcheck) { printf("%d is a prime .\n",k); } else { printf("%d is not a prime.\n",k); } return 0; } this code works to check any number i that write in k but when …

Member Avatar for rajii93
Member Avatar for pittdaniweb

Hello everybody, I was asked by an interviewer the following question. but I was not able to answer. Please get back to me if you know the answer. thank you in advance. Que: What is the exact difference between the "for" loop and "while" loop in C language ?

Member Avatar for rajii93
Member Avatar for rubeea.jaffari

Hello everyone, Can someone please tell me to how to connect MS-Access database using C. Are there any drivers or libraries that I would have to download? Please specify in detail. Regards, Rubeea

Member Avatar for rubeea.jaffari
Member Avatar for priyanka raj

Would you please help me in writing a c code to read data from a file and perform 1)numeric sort, 2)alphabetical sort. the file may contain data of any kind.Like it may contain only numbers,only names or a database of employees of a company.(which contains their employee id,name,designation and salary,....in …

Member Avatar for aaaymen
Member Avatar for steven8579

I'm having a problem with my linked list. I want to add to the beginning of the list and delete from the beginning of the list. I get an AccessViolation which is coming from where I print out the list. I also don't think it's adding elements to the linked …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Here is my code that is doing the printing that gets messed up. The output is fine when you display it to your screen (terminal). Unfortunately when you redirect it to a text file it gets messed up. It displays the null characters (^@) and Enquiry characters (^E). I have …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Kopals

I write the program in maximized screen. But my output screen is so big that I cannot see the output. The lines in which output is shown are out of the screen. When I exit TurboC, then only I can see the output as the screen is in restore down …

Member Avatar for Kopals
Member Avatar for izzytoots

So I am working on a simple assignment for my C class that reads a formatted file and prints information about the file based on the format. The file format looks like this: #Domain Alexa Rank Site Name #------------ ----- ------- --------- amazon.com 13 1177136 Amazon.com google.com 1 4533883 Google …

Member Avatar for izzytoots
Member Avatar for naveen1993

this program is working fine.. As i was moving the object with the help of ASCII values. But i want to move the object towards right as per my input (through keyboard,right arrow). But it is moving with the same x and y axis..

Member Avatar for naveen1993
Member Avatar for ravi_14

![6b87dfe9bac7df6c309f7266d28a4ad0](/attachments/small/4/6b87dfe9bac7df6c309f7266d28a4ad0.JPG "align-left") i am reading "pointers in c by naveen toppo" .According to him program crashes when it encounter int y=*ptr; i dont understand why it should crash?i think its correct. *ptr gives int value. please refer attachement.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for limitx3m

I've been assigned in my class to do this exact same problem: <snip> I'm wondering on how to get started. Any help would be appreciated. I know how to use the functions for c-strings, but I'm not sure if I should place all the contents of the paragraph into one …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for zegarnek

Hi, I do not think this is a problem as such but an interesting behaviour to watch. I have little piece of C (to do with trying later Unicode, Polish characters and text files). I was trying to find a position of a Polish character in the alphabet string. Had …

Member Avatar for zegarnek
Member Avatar for johans22

how to do this in C: if got: myheader.h: #define sz 5 in program if option = 2, sz for marray change to 10. extern unsigned char marray[arrsz]; also, in C file, locations[] be the first one if option = 1 or be locations[] be the second one if the …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Is there a good way to slow down program output? usleep and nanosleep don't slow it down enough, delay doesn't work, and sleep keeps freezing my program. I am using Linux since I think this makes a difference in what I have to use.

Member Avatar for COKEDUDE
Member Avatar for JOHN-shirley

i need to Design and write a program to count the number of occurrences of each of the characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’, ‘a’ to ‘z’ and ‘0’ to ‘9 entered through stdin. i was thinking of defining a struc for char lower char upper and int digit but then how …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for nitin1

Actually, I am working on a project. I want to extract all the reviews from a website which has reviews related to movies, for example. I want to make an automated system which can extract the content of the website and save it to a file. That will be my …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for Raghu Dev

can anyone help me in making a c program for displaying the grades(A(>60),B(45>b<60),C(30>c<45),F(fail)) of students in the form of histograms and for each grade calculation and histogram we need to use pthreads!!! so that it satisfies parallel processing!!

Member Avatar for Edward_3

The End.