188 Topics

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Member Avatar for Drake_2
Member Avatar for yjz07763

I'm utilizing phpMyAdmin to deal with my information bases, I have 2 tasks that utilization 2 diverse data set the first uses 'root'@'localhost' and the second is 'root'@'' I don't have the foggiest idea how I wound up utilizing 2 distinctive worker however it was working fine until I attempted …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for emart53

I have a MySQL table that lists delivery records (customerId, date, quantity, productId, cost). I have a requirement to log certain items from the delivery table into a separate table to track items being sent to quarantined areas. All quarantined products must have a serialized tag affixed for tracking with …

Member Avatar for nishita_1

Dear sir, Please help me about below query. here is two table sale and purchase. i want product wise result in output table like below picture. please help me ![22222.jpg](/attachments/large/4/f8a1f4cfc8eaaad4bde70a850826b310.jpg)

Member Avatar for drmrkrch
Member Avatar for k_7

Hi, How can i make query for this: Table1 Column1 Column2 LS11111 0 LS22222 100 LS33333 10 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Table2 Column1 Column3 LS11111 100 LS22222 80 LS33333 25 Result i need is Column1 Column2 LS11111 100 LS22222 100 LS33333 25 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Column1 is same on …

Member Avatar for Sherin Mathew
Member Avatar for dongtrien

I want to calculate the total conditional in the month but remove the records that are not the same month and not the same year, the condition that eliminates the view on the sql access because the result is true or false in the excel file http://www.mediafire.com/file/kq2mr2v6px1uxan/exercise.rar DOANHTHU2: Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([DONGIA]),[SOLUONG]*([DONGIA]/1000000),[SOLUONG]*([DONGIATT]/1000000))) …

Member Avatar for mike888

Hi, I have a problem with my homework assignment. I am able to access the database and insert new customer but it doesn't work when i try to update any record. if anyone can tell me what is wrong with my code. thank you so much this is all my …

Member Avatar for vishal_30
Member Avatar for dongtrien

Previously used winXP operating system running normally (very good) when switching to win7 operating system, this error, read errors from the SQL Server data, what is the error ? http://www.mediafire.com/view/4q5ux6e66ds4avb/ErrorOpenSQL.jpg/file

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jaimin4829

we r trying to insert date from datetime picker into mssqlserver 2005 but it also enter defult time(00:00) with it in database. using we want only date... [CODE]& xyzdtp.value.date &[/CODE]

Member Avatar for uzma_2
Member Avatar for Nadosh

hello, i have one table in sql server and i made a form to editing this table from. so when i click edit in the table .. it takes me to the editing form with the chosen id .. what i need is to show all other feildes in the …

Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi to all! I am using sql server 2008 enterprise edition. My instance name is "saboor-pc/ SQLSERVERENT". I am using this server for many months and i am satisfied but today an unexpected error occured when i clicked on "connect" button in sql server management studio. The error was: "Cannot …

Member Avatar for Alec_2
Member Avatar for Ashley_12

I am using the Ionic framwork for the mobile app and Bootstrap for the web app, this has been set by my University as what we have to use, so we can't change them, but is there a way to link the data base to both services? Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Pam Thomas

: CREATE TABLE CUSTOMERS ( CUSTOMER_ID numeric(3) not null, LASTNAME varchar(50) not null, FIRSTNAME varchar(50) not null, STREET_ADDRESS varchar(50) not null, CITY varchar(50) not null, STATE char(2) not null, ZIPCODE char(5) not null, E_Mail varchar(50) null, Primary_Phone char(12) null, CURRENT_BALANCE real(8,2) not null, CREDIT_LIMIT real(8,3) not null, SALES_REP_ID numeric(3) not …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for eURe

Hi .. I have been asked to create a new thread rather than recurrent on old post ([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread116468-2.html[/url]), hope to get some help here... :) I would like to have a "Extract" button which then open a Save As dialog to save the file from the Database into local pc, …

Member Avatar for Fernando_10
Member Avatar for bass_57bc

i scan my invoice and i had 5 column item_no ,descrption ,qty,unit price, total Amount and ihave 20 rows i need to trans rows to excel file or .txt i need to help to make programm by vb.net or asp.net : scan the invoice then send data rows to table …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saboor880

hello to all! I am developing a data warhouse as my final year project. I have made my star schema succesfully. Now i want to make a query interface for end users so that they run their desired queries. But i am unable to understand that what type of interface …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

I want to insert a table cell into a table from another table by select method and after, to display an error in text prompted from the user was not found. Can someone tell what's the problem with my codes? My codes are as follows: Dim Item As String = …

Member Avatar for tshukela.george
Member Avatar for sashiksu

Hey I have 4 computers. 1st computer is my server machine. I want to install mysql on these computers. Can anyone help me to do that ? * I want to know how to install mysql on server pc ? * Also want to know clint machine ?

Member Avatar for sashiksu
Member Avatar for mehran199107
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for az_ez

Hi, I hope I've posted this in the right place, please just tell me if not. I've been having an issue with connecting to a database from a website and have recieved this as an error message: *Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => IMSSP [SQLSTATE] => IMSSP [1] …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

Hello, What are the different areas of databases I can focus on for my project? Thanks,

Member Avatar for Mohamed_26
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi to all! I have to install sql server first time. But I have a confusion that what is difference between sql server and sql server management studio? secondly is sql server management studio embeded in sql server or will it installed separately? If it will installed separartely then which …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

I need some help with creating a simple search engine for website. Basic idea is that user will enter a string in search bar, which will compare in database key_word and get the reuslts. Lets say I have the following table on sql server database. |----|----------|----------------------| | ID | URL …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hello to all! I am facing problems in feartures of sql sever 2008. I installed it but i could not find management studio in it. then i installed managemenet studio2008 separately. but when i opened management studio then there was no interface for making database but only interface was for …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for shashigowda

how to export asp.net(using sql server as database) project from localhost to godaddy server??please help me

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi! I am facing problems with sql server 2008. I installed sql server 2008 and it was installed successfully. But when i went to start menu then only following features were displaying 1- sql server configuration manager 2- send errors and reports 3- sql server installation center. But other features …

Member Avatar for Saboor880
Member Avatar for Q2X5

Hi Every one >>> I'm doing visual basic program with sql server database I need to Export database to but it in my own server and connect to my prgram but i can't do it could you help me ...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Christopher_12

i need some help concerning the encryption and decryption i have a login table on my microsoft sql server 2012 but i want to do the encryption and decryption remember i have 5 departments and i want to direct each username and password to a specific department form that i …

Member Avatar for tarunap
Member Avatar for Mian_4

i have two combobox and i have two database table in sql server 1st table name is Province and 2nd table name is City if i select province in my 1st combobox then show all cities against selected province show in the 2nd combobox when we click on combobox dropdown …

Member Avatar for Mian_4
Member Avatar for cudawella

Hi I tried connecting to my database but I am getting this message The client was unable to establish a connection because of an error during connection initialization process before login. Possible causes include the following: the client tried to connect to an unsupported version of SQL Server; the server …


The End.