484 Topics

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Member Avatar for Miss Scarlet

I would like to find out if my code is correct. It doesn't look right to me. The code is in response to part of an assignment which asks 3 things: 1. Create Model Class file "booksmodel.php" i.e. "BooksModel". 2. Add public method called save_books() to model class. 3. Accept …

Member Avatar for Miss Scarlet
Member Avatar for Dani

CodeIgniter's highlight_phrase() function, in the Text Helper library, looks like this: /** * Phrase Highlighter * * Highlights a phrase within a text string * * @access public * @param string the text string * @param string the phrase you'd like to highlight * @param string the openging tag to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dany12

I trried to add on line 48 on the asset library this paths but that didn't help me ` $asset_location = $base_url.‘system/assets' $asset_location = $base_url.‘system/application/assets/’;' I made a controller for my site and uploaded my library like this '$this->load->helper(asset);' In my view file I used css_asset('my.css'); The css is not …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Dani

Sooo ... I learned during my schema migration that our webpages use UTF-8 encoding but our MySQL database (all InnoDB tables) uses latin1. After finally running some utf8_decode() php magic, I was finally able to successfully get all posts to display correctly again. However, now that I realize there's an …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for dany12

I can’t make the assets work with the code provided by the contributors the only way i can get my css is with a method discovered by someone else on this ciforum `<?php $this->load->helper('html'); $this->load->helper('asset'); echo link_tag(css_asset_url('default.css'));?>` and now I need a similar method or a solution to include my …

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for shlokka

hi everyone.... i have a script i made that chooses a random name from a database i need to output many names on the page the code is used on, one name for each comment shown on screen.....i tried a few things but the code below is resulting 10 names …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for youvi

Hello, Am doing a web application which have multiple file uploads.My problem is,when i click upload..file is uploading successfully but,the progressbar is not moving.Here is my code.. ` $('#gallery_uploader').uploadify({ 'uploader' : '<?=base_url()?>uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'cancelImg' : '<?=base_url()?>uploadify/cancel.png', 'folder' : '<?=base_url()?>uploads', 'auto' : false, 'multi' : true, 'buttonText' : 'Browse Images', 'fileExt' : …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi, I'm getting really frustrated with an issue that Ancient Dragon discovered is happening here. Anytime that the combination `% 02` (without the space) is submitted via a textbox, it's recieved by PHP $_POST[] array just as a space. It's like URL decoding is happening on the fly. This happens …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for fistfullofbeer

I am working on a personal project and am trying to figure out if Python 3 or PHP would work better. I prefer Python because I am trying to hone my skills at it and at the same time I really do like its syntax and ease to learn. I …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for devindamenuka

Hi all, I am using codeigniter freamwork. The following is a list of all the native rules that are available to use: required No Returns FALSE if the form element is empty. matches Yes Returns FALSE if the form element does not match the one in the parameter. matches[form_item] is_unique …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Whilliam

Hey guys. I need your advice on how to pass critical data from page to page. It's just one data. It's an ID from a list. It has to be secure because this data needs to be concealed. I've used: the anchor tag. I did it like this. anchor($link . …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for cip6791

Hello, I want to create a favorites option for something I am working on. I have two tables. The main table where the posts are kept called "place". [CODE]+---------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------+--------------+------+-----+-------------------+----------------+ | id | int(11) | NO | …

Member Avatar for cip6791
Member Avatar for Whilliam

I'm using CODEIGNITER framework. My situation is this. I have a list of data. The user selects which record to delete (through checkboxes). I have to do it in ajax because my client doesn't want to see the system refreshing. I've successfully transferred the data through JSON. Now, my problem …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for reibi

Dear all, I am a newbie in codeigniter. As I had downloaded n installed the codeigniter and it has displayed the default message. Now I had created the new file called hello inside the controllers folder as told in the codeigniter manual. And I browze my folder as [url]http://localhost/code/index.php/Hello[/url] but …

Member Avatar for reibi
Member Avatar for youvi

Hello, How can i access a code igniter website by without specifying the controller name? I have given the base_URL as [url]http://example.in/[/url] and default controller as "home".. Am calling a view in the home controller.. but i can't access the website...Please help me..how can i solve this? Thanks

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Jay-Kandari

Greetings Forum Members, Let me Introduce myself. Hello I am Jay Kandari From India. I am a Student. I am basically interested in Web Development. Now I have started with PHP. Currently, I am building websites using scratch. Now it's time to jump to Advanced Development. so I started off …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi i am new to codigniter... i fetch records from db and want to access it in another functio in same class but it giving me error.. any idea... [CODE] class Usercp_Task extends CI_Controller { var $cate=array(); public function index() { $this->getCategoryDetails(); } public fun getCategoryDetails() { $array_db=result form database... …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for greenblack

anyone please help me, whats wrong with this code: this is codeigniter, i can't upload file with this code/script: [code=php] class MUpload extends Model{ function MUpload() { parent::Model(); } function upload() { $data = array( 'my_file' => $_POST['userfile'], 'my_user' => $this->authniter->getUsername(), //this is user login name with my library 'authniter' …

Member Avatar for saadi06
Member Avatar for wd3bbas

How can i generate CSS file using Codeigniter i create a function in helper and put the css selector rules heading with [CODE] header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8"); [/CODE] put the out put convert all views to css out put

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

i want to load client details as follows: 1. you enter his/her Identity number in a textbox and press enter. this will call a controller that will do the rest of the stuff. how can you do it using jquery and codeIgniter. show by example.

Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

hi i want an idea/code that can call a controller method from a javascript function inside a view. am using codeIgniter 1.7.2. what i wanted to achieve is to load details of a client by entering his account number and press enter key to load the details. hope you will …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

can somebody send me a code that can convert the date for the current day into year-month-day only. i don't want inclusion of hours/minutes/seconds stuffs. this will make it easy to tally with MYSQL's y-m-d format. am using codeIgniter 1.7.1 --sorry for my bad english---i speak afrikaan--

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

i downloaded cronjob bootstrapper and edited as shown: #!/usr/bin/php [CODE] <?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------- | CRON JOB BOOTSTRAPPER |-------------------------------------------------------------- | | By Jonathon Hill (http://jonathonhill.net) | CodeIgniter forum member "compwright" (http://codeigniter.com/forums/member/60942/) | | Created 08/19/2008 | Version 1.2 (last updated 12/25/2008) | | | PURPOSE | ------------------------------------------------------------- | This script is …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

i have tried to create a function to send Email and this is the code: $this->load->library('email'); $this->email->from('gbagbo@presidency.com', 'elhaji'); $this->email->to('abdjan@ivoycoast.com'); $this->email->cc('another@another-example.com'); $this->email->bcc('them@their-example.com'); $this->email->subject('Email Test'); $this->email->message('Testing the email class.'); $this->email->send(); echo $this->email->print_debugger(); it displayed the following error: Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: Subject Filename: libraries/Email.php Line Number: 969 i tried to add …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

i have created an application which is supposed to check database after every 20 minutes to get some new data and respond accordingly. how do i implement this regular checks ?

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

can somebody send me a code that can validate a string of alpha characters and allow space between one string and another. e.g barrack obama. am using codeIgniter and am new to it and all web applications.

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

Hi all, i want to load some data from mysql database and display it in a datagrid. this will enable me to exploit datagrid events like 'onMouseclick' to load specific data whose key corresponds to the column i have clicked say CustomerId. how can i achieve this ?

Member Avatar for G&G Designing
Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

in java or vb.net, we have controls like datagrid or listview which makes loading and displaying of large data easy.in this case, there are events like cellDoubleclick which you can use to select data from a particular column and use it as key to select particular data from database for …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for youvi

See this is the URL path to access my local server.. "http://localhost/CodeIgniter/" I need to change this URL and need to give my own URL..after adding my URL i need to access my local server using my own URL... How can i do that??please help me...

Member Avatar for IWDesigns

The End.