Greetings Forum Members,

Let me Introduce myself. Hello I am Jay Kandari From India. I am a Student. I am basically interested in Web Development. Now I have started with PHP. Currently, I am building websites using scratch. Now it's time to jump to Advanced Development. so I started off with the simplest framework for php i.e. CODEIGNITIER.

Well, I have gone through its user_guide. It's Exhaustive coverage of the Framework is Undoubtedly Great. I just want you all guys to Help me and help other if you know any such things relating to CodeIgnitier.

Reply to this thread only if you wish to learn or you can provide some information about Codeignitier. or take some ecternal References, which could help every one in Developing great web application.

If you have any Questions regarding CodeIgnitier, If possible on myside I would love to Answer those.

Thanks for being a part.


I am happy for you that you chose your framework … but with what standars? You haven’t worked with PHP and you are not in programming … yes maybe CI is best for acknowledged. Have ever thing to make things in PHP like write your own programs and then decide the framework that best feet your needs and you programming way?

I kinda like Codeignitor, I like how they've structured their platform, but I think it's over hyped.

I dunno about anyone else, but I kinda like making apps from the ground upwards, or, atleast, make my own classes that I can then re-use.. I know what's going into them, and, know the error management :)

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