113 Topics
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Hi, I need help with the attendance form (index.php). When I tried to update the first row, nothing happened. For the last row, the message says, "**We couldn't update the attendance form at this time.**" Please check lines 96 and 101 to see if got any error. And also I … | |
Hi, i am in need of urgent help. I have created a web template using bootstrap. I have created a "collapseble" nav bar and used "parallax, jquery single page nav" to scroll on the same page smoothly.This worked fine. There is no problem in it. After that according to the … | |
Hello guys i want to make inputbox which will autocomplete the started word so you know what i mean like google, facebook who have autocomplete but i have a little problem i have searched and found some plugins and tutorials but actually none of them work i dont know why, … | |
 I am appending bootstrap chosen drop-down on button click, the javascript is not triggering that why it is showing simple multiple select. $(document).on('click', '#more_provisions_button', function () { console.log('Incre : '+i); $("#provision_div").append("<p class='par'><div class='form-group' style='clear:both'><div class='col-sm-6 mr-bottom'><select name='provision_month[]' id='day' class='chosen-select input-md' style='width:500px;'><option value='January'>January</option><option value='February'>February</option><option value='March'>March</option><option value='April'>April</option><option value='May'>May</option><option value='June'>June</option><option value='July'>July</option><option … | |
On our site we have a "News and Information" section at the top of our landing page. Right now it looks like this:  I'd like to change this to look something like the image below, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this, or … | |
Hello, my bootstrap right panel cannot switching well. when i click #food link, it show the item, and when i click #drink link, it still ok to show the item, but, when i want to click #food link again, it doesnt work. Can anyone help me? <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="nav … | |
Hi I am trying to update the ON / OFF status through the below code. If i change the OFF status to ON, its getting a value is OFF. can any one please help to fix the issue. **toggle.php** <div id="setQuickVar1"> <input type="checkbox" data-switchery <?php if($SCYQ64EV01=='Y') echo 'checked'; ?> /> … | |
I have working struts1 dispatch action and a form having two submit buttons which have parameter and value which calls method name with value. Well there is no problem. But when clicking on delete button, I want to confirm with bootstrap dialog. $('.btnDelete').on('click', function(e){ var $form=$(this).closest('form'); e.preventDefault(); $('#confirm').modal({ backdrop: 'static', … | |
Hi, hope somebody can help me with my problem. I am using ajax validatorcalloutextender in an employee insert/update page(ASP.NET, VB.NET). I am also using bootstrap navigation tabs to group relevant employee details. Whenever there is an error in one of the fields, I would like the tab containing the field … | |
I'm really confuzed about this problem i have the same code on all files and is working fine but just it does problem on `home.php`. The problem is that the dropdown menu doesn't showing here is the code please take a look and tell me what wrong am doing ? … | |
Boo! Meh you knew it was me. After all, I post 99% of the dumass questions around here... I have a modal that's being a teenager and isn't doing as it's being told: http://i.imgur.com/7PcLQCS.png *As you can see from the image, it's half off of the screen!* # Here's the … | |
Hello, Just created a website and want some animations so i used keframe animation in order to do so on 1 row I made an animation for the portfolio to scroll up and stop right there but it goes again at the starting point like 1 to 100 once on … | |
I have a strange problem here is code snippet for form having bootstrap tab when after filling all form fields i submit the form no error or form fileds are posted,there is something wrong with my html however my validations and other backend code is working for other form but … ![]() | |
Hello, I am trying to fix this bootstrap div id. Is it okay to use it twice? Please cek this site: http://www.innovation.web.id/One/blog.php I try to validate: https://validator.w3.org Error: Duplicate ID row. From line 90, column 1; to line 90, column 14 ↩</div>↩↩↩<div id="row">↩↩<div Warning: The first occurrence of ID row … | |
How can i change the colors of the panels with css every panel to have different color on hover, i have this code: <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <a href="#"> <div class="panel panel-default trending"> <div class="panel-body"> <center> <img src="images/trending.png" alt="Trending"> <h2>Trending</h2> </center> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div … | |
Good afternoon everyone! I'm running into a small snag and it could just be because it's late and I'm not thinking clearly. I have an ASP Panel that is an alert box. The panel's initial visible property is set to false and should only be set to true when specific … | |
I am trying to make my bootstrap carousel dynamic in codeiginter here is what i have so far Model Fucntion function get_all_images(){ $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM property AS p INNER JOIN property_images AS pi ON p.ID = pi.image_id GROUP BY p.ID ORDER BY p.ID"); return $query->result_array(); } My Controller: … | |
Hi All, Please study the following code. ## HTML ## <div id="welcome"> Welcome Message </div> <div id="Inquiry"> Inquiry Form </div> <div id="products"> Products </div> <div id="footer"> footer </div> CSS #welcome{ background-image:url(../images/company.jpg); background-size: 100% 100%; width:100%; height:600px; } #inquiry{ margin-top:600px; width:100%; height:500px; background-image:url(../images/light_grey.png); } #products{ margin-top:1100px; // (margin-top of inquiry + … | |
Hello, I would like to change colour style by using the navigation menu. Any clue how to do this by changing the bootstrap custom css whenever I click the Style Nav Button? http://www.innovation.web.id/One/ Thanks in advance. | |
Hello, I am trying to incorporate bootstrap with this sliders. Any clue how to make it looks good? http://flickity.metafizzy.co/ <div class="gallery js-flickity" data-flickity-options='{ "freeScroll": true, "wrapAround": true, "imagesLoaded": true, "percentPosition": false, "pageDots": false }'> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"><img src="images/Portfolio/pic1.jpg" alt="pic1" /></div> <div class="col-sm-4"><img src="images/Portfolio/pic2.jpg" alt="pic2" /></div> <div class="col-sm-4"><img src="images/Portfolio/pic3.jpg" alt="pic3" … | |
http://www.innovation.web.id/One/testimonial.php Hello, I am trying to utilize bootstrap in this slider but it does not work yet. I wonder why? I expect the screen to adapt to the webbrowser screensize. I already add this code: <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"> <li><div style="font-family: arial; margin: 40px 0 0 90px;"><img src="Images/testimonial/person1.jpg" width="120px"/><div style="width: 500px; … | |
How to place navigation above image by using bootstrap | |
**Bold Text Here**faq.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>About</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="keywords" content="Our Portfolio" /> <meta name="description" content="This is One, a multipurpose website" /> <meta name="author" content="Davy Gunarso"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/animate2.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="css/main.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" … | |
Hello, I would like to include bootstrap for both desktop and mobile phone for product category: When I check it once it only works in desktop if I only use this code (col-md-4) and if I use both code (col-md-4 col-xs-4) it does not work for both desktop and mobile … | |
I am using javascript, Html, css, Bootstrap,than i want to implement customise product like upload photo on mug, t-shirt and other products. Than suggest me, how to implement this fearture. | |
Hallo, I would like to make the grey background liquid whenever someone narrow down the web browser. Is there anyway to do it? Can anyone gives me advice how to do it? testimonial.php <div style="background-color: grey; width: auto; height: 150px;"> <div class="col-sm-1"><br><br> <img src="Images/testimonial/arrow2.jpg" width="30"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <img src="Images/testimonial/person1.jpg" … | |
Hello, Can anyone help me fix this code for about page: http://www.innovation.web.id/One/about.php Cek the part that has 4 circle and that grey areas. I would like to be able to work both in desktop and android. about.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>About</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> … | |
Hello, I am using a bootstrap modal pop up box I just need to show the data from the data base in the modal box for that I hae used ajax to do that as in normal listing when ever users click on the records view button it should show … | |
Hello, I would like to fix my bootstrap code on this web browser. I wonder why on android : http://www.innovation.web.id/One/blog.php my footer and navigation bar does not filled in the whole screen. It seems like there is a fix width for android whereas the my blog article width seems wider … | |
Hello, I am trying to build this website with bootstrap that connects with clients. I wonder why whenever I open it in android the client list change into vertical and it still too wide for android like the navigation does not filled the whole horizontal screen and the client still … |
The End.