2,070 Topics

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Member Avatar for spg_gd

i want to full source code for attendance capturing such as In and out time, total hours, odd and even punch so pls Any one help me....

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Vandiun

I was working on an infix to postfix program (using stacks), but something went wrong somewhere. Please check whether my intopost technique is right because I am getting the output as infix without conversion. //stack class also containing the intopostfix method import java.util.*; public class Stack { int i,j; char …

Member Avatar for Fifth Horseman
Member Avatar for 玥旻

In China, many manufacturers are 'replacing IOE' and are moving closer to open source databases.openGauss is an open source database developed by Huawei itself. Although there is policy support,but ,Oracle has always been ranked first in DB-Engines Ranking. So, do you think openGauss database can replace Oracle database?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for 玥旻

What is the difference between openGauss and postgresql in the key technologies?Can you elaborate on this from the following points (including but not limited to): runtime model, transaction mechanism, data storage and organization, query optimizer, etc.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Bright_5

Hi guys, i am new here. Been on this code for some days and i seem stuck and not getting the expected output from this code. first the code functions as a FIFO QUEUE where it takes input from the user and put it at the beginning of a list …

Member Avatar for Bright_5
Member Avatar for Ant_426

Hi. I have a local installation of SQLite3 and PHP which runs a small in house PHP application so sql injection is not an issue. I am able to execute the following: if(isset($_GET['deletequote'])) { $qno = $_GET['deletequote']; echo $qno;?><br><?php // for testing $db = new SQLite3('./fi_data.db') or die('Cannot delete quote. …

Member Avatar for Ant_426
Member Avatar for jagathg

I've converting my website to PHP from just static HTML. In the process, my PHP Index file is pulling old information from an unknown source Here is the specific problem. When I add a paragraph tag to my div id="main" section, I get "Get the Management Certification you need to …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with Room, you might have run into a situation where you only want to update specific fields of an entity instead of replacing the entire row. In this tutorial, we will learn how to do this in two different ways. ## Goals ## At the …

Member Avatar for LDBx

I want to pick whats best starting out that will help me move to better language in the future. Preferably something to benefit me in employment/University. Im not the quickest of learners. Thank you

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ahmed_101

I work on `sql server 2017` I run script depend on `python language v 3.10` . I need to export data to excel fileStudentExport.xlsx already exist, and keep header without change after export. header of excel file StudentExport.xlsx before export data to it as below `StudentId,StudentName` after run script query …

Member Avatar for Vmr_574

Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following. I have a script that reads a txt file and displays the correct values. I only want to add it to the database now, but I can't manage this. below the script <?php include '../includes/connect.php'; if(!$conn) { die(mysqli_error()); } …

Member Avatar for Nick_42
Member Avatar for forgot

Guys, what am I doing wrong? The database "expiry" value is > 0 but I go to expiredpage.html. ======================================================== the code: <?php $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "numbersdb"); // Check connection if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); } echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />"; $id='id'; $expiry='expiry'; if($expiry==7) …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with Room, you might have wondered how to run multiple statements in a single transaction. Running multiple statements in one transaction has two main benefits: 1. Your statements can reuse the same connection. 2. They can all fail together if something goes wrong. Regarding the …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with Room, you might have wondered how to describe one-to-many relationships between entities. In this tutorial, we will learn how to do just that. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to define one-to-many relationship for entities …

Member Avatar for RebeccaLu
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## There are many ways to describe relationships between Entities in Room, one of which is to embed an entity inside of another. When embedding an Entity, the columns of the embedded Entity are extracted as member columns of the enclosing entity. In this tutorial, we will learn …

Member Avatar for linglu2022
Member Avatar for linglu2022
Member Avatar for lukwagomedia

Hello everyone! I working on a social network alike page whare I want to implement a messaging system. I can do all that and I have it working. What I want is, when I get two or more messages from someone. I only want to display the lates message from …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Jeremiah_5

It's running but it deosn't read any data from the access(blank grid view), what's wrong please help me Private Sub rrrrr(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles r1.Click, MyBase.Click, Button9.Click, Button8.Click, Button7.Click, Button6.Click, Button5.Click, Button4.Click, Button35.Click, Button34.Click, Button33.Click, Button32.Click, Button31.Click, Button30.Click, Button3.Click, Button29.Click, Button28.Click, Button27.Click, Button26.Click, Button25.Click, Button24.Click, Button23.Click, Button22.Click, …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with Room, there might come a situation during bulk CRUD operations that it would be useful to add a Foreign Key to one of our tables. This provides two main benefits: cascading delete (*must be configured manually*) and enforcing data integrity on linked entities. In …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## If your Android Application uses Room, then you might have wondered how to prepopulate a Room database. In this tutorial, we will learn how to prepopulate a Room database. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to prepopulate a …

Member Avatar for pok4

Hello guys, I'm using mustache php template engine with classes. My system is extendable via extensions which is injected in basecontroller construct method... The extensions is working correctly, but in them i have html and js... I want to move html/js in external files but i need to works with …

Member Avatar for nextsmm

I'm currently building a SaaS product, it's just me working on it, and its been a long process. I need to generate revenue and created an Instagram account to find clients that need web & graphic services, I'm thinking of making it a recurring monthly package that costs about 100$ …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nalb4242

I have been trying to connect to watermelonDB however i keep getting this error TypeError : null isnot an object (evaluating 'DatabaseBridge[methodName]') I looked all over the network but couldn't find a solution the problem that i am not generting or writing the DataBaseBridge it should be generated automatically with …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ahad_1

Hello! I'm working on this linked list project where I'm supposed to save the employee data in a linked list and apply some operations. and I am new with c++ so I'll show you my code and please help me with it. my questions are: 1- whenever I enter a …

Member Avatar for toneewa
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## When working with a Room database, we are mostly restricted to save data using primitives (*and boxed primitives*). Reference types are not supported right out of the box, but can be enabled by creating additional [TypeConverter](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/room/TypeConverter). If you are familiar with ORM-light frameworks such as Spring JDBC, …

Member Avatar for Bitclu

What is great about Amazon is that there is no one way to start an Amazon business. From the business model you choose the products you decide to sell, there are many ways to succeed on the platform. However, the steps required to get up and running on Amazon remain …

Member Avatar for casderasd
Member Avatar for Eddie756

**Hello guys,** i need with something, i have aproject that am doing now and i have used php so the only challnge am meeting is to calculate grades for the following Overall marks is 100 (Has been divided into three assessments) **assignment 10% midsemester 30% and end semester is 60%** …

Member Avatar for SALIM_16

Pls let me know which tool or software to use to develop mobile app. I have 27 yes exp in vb6 and sql. Need to change to mobile app. Pls guide

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.