Re: DataGridView ContextMenuStrip issue Programming Software Development by watsonsimler Datagridview right click and delete row... private void dataGridView1_CellMouseUp(object sender, …); contextMenuStrip1.Show(Cursor.Position); } } Source...[Right click and delete from datagridview](… Re: DataGridView Cells/Rows/Columns to Array Programming Software Development by Richardlee32 [DataGridView Control]( create cells, rows, and columns. Re: DataGridView Textbox Column Focus Programming Software Development by ome2012 Re: DataGridView Auto-calculate cells Programming Software Development by qagrafix DataGridView Auto-calculate cells vb datagridview Programming Software Development by prince_11 I'm doing a school management system and I want the senior house master to allocate various dormitories to students after getting thier names and display in a datagridview after he can press a button named Maybe house1 for it to display members in a house1 from the datagridview to another datagridview by using datagridview cells values randomly DatagridView Help Programming Software Development by ejazmusavi … working with a project which envolve database. I have a datagridview to veiw the table. when i delete some data from… data base i also want to delete it from the datagridview and when upgrade some thing also want to upgrade the… Datagridview help Programming Software Development by zarifin99ska … got a code somewhere in internet,the code make my datagridview added with 8 more columns from database. i dont know… the data from database into specific columns in the designed datagridview. on database, i have 8 columns, but i want to… Re: Datagridview help Programming Software Development by zarifin99ska I understand, if i use that,it will only call which column i want, but on the datagridview, the headertext will be the same on database. I forgot to mentioned, i have design the datagridview with HeaderText value i added manually. i just want to insert the data on existing columns. please help. Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by JerryShaw … the Page Down key and use it for navigating the datagridview. The problem in your code is that you are not… telling the datagridview that you have aleady handle the key press. Let it… from going into the internal key event handler of the DataGridView.[/COLOR] Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by lighthead … method i use is 1. Create columns in the DataGridView control. 2. Create DataTable with the same columns. 3. Create … in to the row. 4. Set DataSource property of the DataGridview control to the created table. 5. Call DataBind method. I… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz ….Forms.Label(); this.dataGridView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView(); this.Filename = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this…Windows.Forms.Label label2; private System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dataGridView1; private System.Windows.Forms.Button button3; … DataGridView? Programming Software Development by revjim44 …, string item [], and string location [], How do you create a DataGridView ( or is that even the right component to use) to… a method to display two columns of data in a DataGridView that is coming out of a for loop, with two… datagridview Programming Software Development by sadanandams Hi evryone, am working on datagridview contains a textbox and a combobox. string msql="Select * ….Text + "%'"; } } how do i search a record in datagridview from combobox selection throw entering a record name in textbox… Re: DataGridView? Programming Software Development by darkagn … of a class, then set the data source of your DataGridView to an instance of the class and add columns with… Re: DataGridView? Programming Software Development by abelLazm create a combobox column in datagridview and pass the string array to the column as datasource [… Re: DataGridView? Programming Software Development by revjim44 … way to do things. I ended up not using a datagridview, and accessed the info in the listbox by index only… Re: Datagridview Programming Web Development by LastMitch >I need to read the "Nothing follows" on excel page that was transfered to datagridview **@jaejoong** I think it has something to do with line 3, used another method from here: DataGridView Programming Software Development by faranak … for navigate between rows, but when i press PageDown keys datagridview select last row. How can i do this? thanks in… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by Exelio hi, try using the SelectionChanged event of the datagridview. you can use arrow keys to navigate through the records and this event gets fired automatically. Hope this helps. Regards Exelio DataGridView Programming Software Development by Reliance … reading books and tutorials but now i'm strugling wit datagridview Ok here is it, AutosizeRow is set to allCells, WrapMode… DataGridView Programming Software Development by Piya27 Hi All, I want to know how to bind data to DataGridView Control. I have seen examples on google nd other sites. but all examples use DataBind() while in my program, it shows DataBindings() in intellisense. I cant find out how to do this. I have to bind data from Sql Database Table. Hope my problem is clear. Thanks. Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by Piya27 … stating : 'DataBind' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView'. This I am not able to resolve. [code] Dim con… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by Piya27 Hello sir, What Shall I use instead of DataBind() then. I did what [b]lighthead[/b] suggested. But I am still not able to show the data from database to the datagridview. It does not show any errors now, but am not able to get the data also. Thanks. Datagridview! Programming Software Development by thuyson i have 2 datagridview :dgvClass and dgvStudent dgvClass shows all classes' information,when user selected a row(one class) in dgvClass,then dgvStudent will show all information of students who registered this class. Please help me! datagridview Programming Software Development by arjen hello guys i need help in datagridview i know how to display all the data in database … DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz … e) { } } } [/code] thats my code so far, i need the datagridview to be able to save and load from a small… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz …, then it adds the two user inputted values in a datagridview and when the user highlights the row that shows the… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz i have two columns, the first is called FileName, and the 2nd FileLocation I know how to add data to them, i just want to save the data in the datagridview on exit and load the data back when the program is ran again. any ideas? Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz … them, i just want to save the data in the datagridview on exit and load the data back when the program… Re: DataGridView Programming Software Development by trippinz …); [/code] it says Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.