925 Topics

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Member Avatar for thilipdilip

Hi : I'm running one shopping cart with prestashop which is working good, now I want the market place in my cart which is similar to ebay.com and olx.com in which the user can post their product in our store and sell their product. I want to integrate the functionality …

Member Avatar for thilipdilip
Member Avatar for happygeek

Black Friday has historically been a very American phenomenon, marking the start of the seasonal Xmas shopping rush and happening the Friday after Thanksgiving. In the past it has led to scenes of semi-rioting and chaos in some stores as the Walmartarati fight over bargain electrical goods. The UK got …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The iPad is, as those annoyingly creative TV adverts show us, used for all sorts of things by all sorts of people. However, according to a press release that hit the DaniWeb news desk today, you might be forgiven for thinking that shopping isn't one of them. As usual though, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for joemathew
Member Avatar for Matthew Anton

I've been researching into buying products from [Globalsources.com](http://www.Globalsources.com) and [Alibaba.com](http://www.Alibaba.com). I have the capabilities of ranking websites, and I'm in a specific home appliance niche at the momement (testing in progress). My question is if I buy products overseas at a "relatively low cost", can I expect to sell them …

Member Avatar for meziamus
Member Avatar for marifard

Dear friends on daniweb, First of all hope all of you are ok. I post this article to suggest me some ideas about the attachment of paypal in php. I wish to try a booking site for travelling(as a dummy at this stage). For this, php language is better than …

Member Avatar for marifard
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hi Friends I just want to know how can I start building a website where my clients can customize design of their TEE-Shirts online. My website is currently in Magento, so I like to know which technology I should use to integrate this feature in my website. Like they can …

Member Avatar for suny_1
Member Avatar for santoshkumar.palivela.7

<?php class Jcart { public $config = array(); private $items = array(); private $names = array(); private $prices = array(); private $qtys = array(); private $urls = array(); private $subtotal = 0; private $itemCount = 0; function __construct() { // Get $config array include_once('config-loader.php'); $this->config = $config; } /** * …

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for kumar0913

which has high demand in erp either functional consultant or technical consultant ? its creating lot of doubts in me ..pls give ur opinions that helps me in taking my decision

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for PsychicTide

Hey guys, Just trying to get my ducks in a row for an ecommerce website. I'm setting up a zencart-based website and am rounding the final lap on completion. I couldn't find an all inclusive post on this. I want to be able to recieve payments via paypal and credit …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for happygeek

Did the FBI get the wrong man, or at least the wrong Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR), when it shut down the Silk Road darknet marketplace? Claims are being made that this is precisely what happened, and that Ross Ulbricht who was arrested took over as acting DPR from the real …

Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I want to get a (free) SSL certificate so I can test it out (on localhost) before applying it on my real site. This is for a Magento store but should be universal, more or less. Resources? Where should I get it from? How to?

Member Avatar for mazmoiz
Member Avatar for ashleyedward
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I'm trying to delete elements from an array - The array should be a shopping cart - So I need to ad/remove items from it. So far I can add items no problem, but i seem to keep failing to delete the correct indexes. The array contains a …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for Jashandeep

Hello All! I am working as SEO Expert from last two years.I would like to as that how can I get online clients for SEO work from home.

Member Avatar for taibashah
Member Avatar for CoreWeb

Hi. My friend is asking me to help him build links for his ecommerce site. We are working on adding the products to websites such as Svpply and Wanelo. Do you have other good sites like those that I have mentioned that we can use and put our products to? …

Member Avatar for getmused
Member Avatar for ganges
Member Avatar for basher123
Member Avatar for edogg23

Hello. I have a website that I'm selling clothing. I am a complete novice but I just want to pointed in the right direction of what technology to use. I want to create something where the user can see a 3D image of the garment and customize it. I want …

Member Avatar for edogg23
Member Avatar for joemathew
Member Avatar for selvaraj.kumariah.9
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello I want to add fields in the checkout page that my customer can directly add his credit card details, charge him and make the checkout complete all in the same page. How can I do this? Ive seen it on other pages. Thank you

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mnewsome

I write to inquire about the necessity of domain registration. What does it actually provide and is it necessary? Guidance sought

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for jcomputing

I have installed Magento using xamp on my computer and everything works fine. When Magento is installed where my website is hosted it works fine apart from in the backend when I click on payment meothds I receive a http 500 error. I have looked everywhere for a solution but …

Member Avatar for Sindre
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I am currently helping out a company with an eCommerce site in Magento Community Edition, but I'm struggling with embedding a Mailchimp email subscribe form into a page. When I click Subscribe, literally nothing happens. The form is definitely validating, because I'm seeing error messages pop up when …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for NitsPatel

Hi I am new in magento. so, I don't know how to display products in home page .I add product in admin side .but, How to display it in frontside i don't know. So, Someone please help me Regards Nits

Member Avatar for best4earn
Member Avatar for ManzarOx

hello dani community. i am looking to get my fashion ecommerce website made in Magento and for that reason i wanna know what features magento is offering me by default and what features i need to ask my developers to built into my website (i have all my requirements documented). …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for joemathew
Member Avatar for uniecommerce

How to start an online store - Impress your customers with clear and simple design Find which product is in demand Find are your customer satisfied with your products Promote in social media sites

Member Avatar for ozstylo
Member Avatar for chrispitt
Member Avatar for trendykarthick

Hi friends, Currently i am working with E-commerce shopping website. I am doing directory submissions, social bookmarking, forum postings and classified ads processs regularly. What should i want to do further to increase my website's page rank? Please explain..

Member Avatar for trendykarthick
Member Avatar for winterbloom

I am a new online entrepreneur. Although, my shop looks okay but, i am not drawing a good number of client. I am afraid I made the wrong move. I wish it to be recognized by google to be visible. I do not know how. I wish to work with …

Member Avatar for Rafael_3

The End.