26 Topics
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Hello i want to make a video player with HTML5. I t has to have other angular tags and an object inside the <video> tag. The source code below explkains what i want to do. Is it possible? Any suggestions? <video controls preload="metadata" style="width:100%; height:100%;z-index: 100"> <source src="//vjs.zencdn.net/v/oceans.webm" type="video/webm" /> … | |
I need a little help. I have a web page that worked for about a year and suddenly In Chrome and Opera the full screen video stopped working. I have not made any changes to it since I published it, and I don't think I've made any changes to it. … | |
Hi all, I have a HTML video within a div that is 100% width of the page. I want the video fill the container and crop the height to fit. But so far I cannot get the video to expand at all! I'm simply using: .video { width:100%; } and … | |
I apologize if I asked this question before - I may have. I am hearing two sides to this issue: 1. .php files WILL display in a web browser 2. .php files will NEVER display in a web browser I find this very confusing. I am watching video tutorials and … | |
Hi, I am new in web designing, but freequetnly facing problem with embedding video in my html5 web site. It is browers problem also. If chrome show, internet explorer does'nt show. I am looking for standard embeding code what will help me show my video on all major browsers. | |
Hi I have "performed" my frst venture into html5 video using the [URL="http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody"]video for everyone[/URL] and it works well in IE, Opera, Saf, Chrome, FF. I have one small question - Safari (at least on my windows laptop) seems to want to download the whole darn video before it shows … | |
I wasnt sure exactly what forum to put this in so i choose PHP since WordPress is made with PHP. I'm looking to have a video player on my website. Playlist so to speak but I also want "speed control" of the videos like youtube has. When the "speed" of … | |
Hi everybody, pls i need help here. i ve a video player and i want to populate video on it from mysql database, here is my code. <ul id="playlist1" style="display:none;"> <li data-thumb-source="assets/img/ddd.jpg" data-video-source="assets/video/ddd.mp4" data-poster-source="assets/img/ddd.jpg" data-downloadable="yes"> <div data-video-short-description=""> <div> <p class="minimalDarkThumbnailTitle">ddd</p> <p class="minimalDarkThumbnailDesc">dddd.</p> </div> </div> <div data-video-long-description=""> <div> <p class="minimalDarkVideoTitleDesc">dddd</p> <p … | |
Hi I have a wordpress site. We want a video in the background. I have done this like so: <?php if(is_page('homepage')){ ?> <div id="video_background_video_0" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"> <iframe id="video_background_video_0_yt" style="position: absolute; top: -179px; left: 0px;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1" title="YouTube video … | |
Hi Guys hope that you are all well. I have statred to use the bootstrap framework to create my website, I have got all of my pages working and linking correctly using bootstrap and its looking pritty awesome now! I have found a video on youtube to help me to … ![]() | |
I have a page where it allows my users to upload their videos through an html5 file upload form and a PHP script that saves file in a folder on server. All works fine. But when it is displayed using video tag, it simply does not play ! I do … | |
Dear all, I am learning html5 recently and stuck with one problem. Is it possible to add 4 different videos on same location with different extension of oog and mp4 inside a single <video> tag? If it is, then i have 4 video files that should be play with using … | |
If you were to build a fairly complicated website, and you wanted to add features like instant messaging (one to one and multi-chat like a chat room, and possibly if the site becomes profitable enough, voice/video chatting) and you wanted to be able to store these chat sessions, would it … | |
<video controls="controls" width="500" autostart="False"> <source src="vid/Chantel.webm" type="video/webm" > <source src="vid/Chantel.mp4" type="video/mp4" > <source src="vid/Chantel_libtheora.ogv" type="video/ogg"> <object data="vid/Chantel.mp4" width="500"> <embed src="vid/Chantel.swf" width="320" height="240"> </embed> </object> </video> | |
Hi all; a very strange request maybe, I am looking for a way to override the internal error within Firefox that displays the grey box and the text no video with supported format I am aware I can add extra videos to cover me and the browser will run through … | |
Hi there As usual when making bigger projects I have a problem with simple thing. Basically for now I want to create simple video connection between 2 remote host via peerconnection, I have some codes that were on the web but looks like either I made some mistake either current … ![]() | |
I need to create a video gallery for a website, and would like to create it using the html5 video tag backed up by videojs. As I havent worked with video uploads before I have some doubts on how to approach it: What file size would you recommend as a … | |
i need to get source of facebook video page. Unfortunately i can't reach whole contents related video links. page link "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=360736417354431" for example i cant get this " ["video_src","http\u00253A\u00252F\u00252Fvideo.ak.fbcdn.net\u00252Fcfs-ak-snc6\u00252Fv\u00252F232405\u00252F104\u00252F360736417354431_28435.mp4 " Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sourceString As String = New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=360736417354431") RichTextBox1.Text … | |
Hi everyone, I have a simple question. I have an index with background and a video player...I want to change places of the background and the video. http://thedarknessbg.com/intro2/ How to make the background to be on top of the video not like now the video to be on top. I … | |
Hi guys, I've been a longtime reader here for a while, but this is my first post. I just submitted a game I've been working on for the past month, called Labyrinth of Zarus, to the Pokki HTML 5 game contest. I'm in the running to win a laptop and … | |
Hello I have converted a ogg video to WebM using VLC Player. If i embed my video's it doesnt work in firefox. Firefox tries to use the WebM format. But for some reason it isnt working. The video: [url]http://corne.testingserver.nl/school/weer/ot/assets/weather.webm[/url] My code: [CODE]<video id="vbg_video"> <source src="assets/weather.webm" type="video/webm"> <source src="assets/weather.ogv" type="video/ogg"> <source … | |
Up until now, I have used "unlimited" shared server space and have been able to serve out whatever MP4, .OGV, and WEBM files Miro video converter spat out without a problem. Now, I have invested in a virtual dedicated sever with better support/higher uptime/better transfer rate, and have to be … | |
Does anybody know if there is an attribute that gives more controls for embeded videos wiht the video tag? I want to have an option for fullscreen videos on one of my sites, but the current controls only have puase play and volume. Is there anyway to have a fullscreen … | |
Hello, I need a html5 player which can play on all smartphones. I have tried lots of players. Some player works in iphones and not in android vice versa. Any ideas what is best way to do so that video can play on all platforms? Thanks navi | |
Hi I have a joomla site with one flash based video in it. Of course people are now saying "It doesn't work in iPads". I was thinking about using the <video> tag in html to get round this - can I just simply put a <video>... </video> tag in the … | |
[URL="http://www.thinkteletronics.com/experimental.htm"]http://www.thinkteletronics.com/experimental.htm[/URL]i have written some javasript code to play an animation with sound and all paths should be working yet nothing is displayed...chrome/ff4/ie8 wont show any anything. |