6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I was wondering how you can attach everything from a html source, so all the spaces, all the tabs, newlines are gone and everything is glued togheter? I tried with implode, but that doesn't do anything because I can't get rid of the spaces, tabs, newlines etc. Is there …

Member Avatar for Kligham
Member Avatar for Alberto99

Hi, this is my first post to the forum. I am trying to use HTML Mime Mail, a class written by Richard Heyes. I use the new class in this program: [CODE]<?php require_once("/htdocs/htmlMimeMail5/htmlMimeMail5.php"); $mail = new htmlMimemail5(); $mail->setFrom("example@yahoo.com"); $mail->setReturnPath("example@yahoo.com"); $mail->setSubject("Test HTML Mime Mail"); $mail->setText("This is the body of the test …

Member Avatar for Alberto99
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I have a Frontpage 2002 web. I am finding that the program won't generate the HTML code on editing one of my pages and adding to it. In fact (it has happened before on another page) on an edit the previous HTML code is removed leaving a blank page. …

Member Avatar for ggeoff
Member Avatar for oneat

[CODE]<html> <style> div {border-color:black;border-size:1;border-style:solid;} *{margin:0px,0px,0px,0px;} </style> <body style="display:inline"> <div style="width:20%;height:30%;display:inline;"></div> <div style="width:20%;height:30%;display:inline;"></div> </body> </html>[/CODE] I was trying to make an effect like two boxex placed next to each other. But when I am trying to set size divs don't "listen" to me. They are as big as big is text …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for jchandramouli

Hi, I cannot use any of the features (like intellinsense, auto tag creation, scripting, outline tags, switching between design and code) in my visual studio html pages (like .aspx, .ascx, .html ,etc.,.) in 2008. But in visual studio 2005 its perfect. I use svn (subversion) as my source control and …

Member Avatar for jchandramouli
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to enable Gzip for CSS and JavaScript but whenever I do it the CSS fails to load (thats what firebug says) and same with some of the JavaScript (like some of it loads and other doesn't. The CSS and JavaScript are external files. I am using the …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

deleting all browsing history. i have to delete browsing history PLUS most of the time just restart or close the browsers, the reopen them until the css changes take effect. does ANYONE KNOW HOW I CAN JUST INSTANTLY HAVE THEM CHANGED. i delete the history i dont know what takes …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for help_lucky

Hi all, I have a webpage in which left side of it has the naviagtion bar and on top of the page has header. Once i click the serach option in the navigation bar then displays a table with 20 columns. As the width of it is so large. The …

Member Avatar for zinnqu
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

Does anyone know how to setup a dropdown list for C# without using a database? I'm trying to set up one that will allow users to select a newsletter from the dropdown and have it pop up in a new window. Any ideas? [CODE] <ASP:DropDownList id="NewsletterSelect" runat="server"> <ASP:ListItem value="'[Path]'">Newsletter 1</ASP:ListItem> …

Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I need a method of rendering HTML in Java. I was originally planning to use [URL="http://www.genuitec.com/about/labs-webkit-for-swt/WebKit%20For%20SWT%20Developer%20Guide.html"]WebKit for SWT[/URL], but I'm having problems with it displaying images as specified in the CSS. Most examples I've seen have worked fine when loading an external html file, even the package mentioned above. My …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is an included file on one of my PHP sites on localhost: [CODE] <? //connect to mysql //change user and password to your mySQL name and password mysql_connect("localhost","root","PASSWORDDELETED"); //select which database you want to edit mysql_select_db("myradiostation1"); //select the table $result = mysql_query("select * from presenters"); //grab all the content …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I've played around with HTMLEditorKit and HTMLDocument, and while I've managed to do the parsing I needed, I also need the complete source code of the document to pass along to a webkit renderer. Java's existing document throws out some tags after I read it in. [code] HTMLEditorKit kit = …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for iamchamith

we can inner html controls using string type...example is if i want to innerHTML html button [CODE]string abc = "<input type="button" id="but" value="click me"/>";[/CODE] then[CODE]divname.innerHTML=abc;[/CODE] like that my question is if i want innerhtml asp.net control how i do it ?? [i want generate asp.net components at server side & …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yara.008

hi i want html editor and i search i find many but it dose not work with asp.net page i try to get help to design by my self i dont find any resource i need help :( i need simple html editor not complex one and i need resource …

Member Avatar for scranton
Member Avatar for dhrider

Hey. I'm new to php and I have been looking everywhere for info on how to take information from my sql table field and put it into a html form list.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JRM

Hello, I'm a neophyte to Javascript, but I need it to dynamically add lines to a form. I was able to cobble together this inelegant looking code below. It adds the row when called, but there are more attributes needed for this to be correct for the application. 1) need …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for yusfebri

I am currently testing this function in all browser using php. <style> #preview_desc{ text-wrap: suppress; word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; /* IE>=5.5 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* For Fx<=2 */ white-space: pre-wrap; /* Fx>3, Opera>8, Safari>3 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ white-space: pre-line; width:158px; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; line-height:12px; font-family:'Arial', Helvetica, sans-serif; …

Member Avatar for G00SE9

I'm looking for some type of online training that will prepare me to work with Vbulletin & other forum software, and websites in general. I have a CS degree, [although that was back in '84], worked as a "network technician & admin" for several years on a very large Novell …

Member Avatar for OlyComputers
Member Avatar for Kriogenic

Hey Everyone, I am seeming to be in a spot of trouble. I am using the following code to read a HTML page, loop through it line by line. problem is it is around 7300 lines and takes about 20 seconds to finish the loop. I was wondering if anyone …

Member Avatar for Kriogenic
Member Avatar for huZzaa

Hi all, I current have in place some XSL to strip html tags out. It had worked untill stuff started comming in with internal styling. I tried to introduce something to strip out the <style> tags, but it doesn't work. Here is where I have gotten so far: [CODE] <xsl:if …

Member Avatar for vishal_jamwal

Hi there , is htere possible to send a html form in email as a attachment which has some input fields any help will be appreciated thanks

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for starboy

Hi, everybody. i want to get file name from html file input form using jsp. my codes are followed as: [CODE] <table> <tr> <td > <input type="file" id="csvfilebrowse" name="csvfilebrowse" value="" width="400px" style="width:400px; height:20px" onChange="getcsvfilename();"> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ function getcsvfilename() { var v_csvfileName = ''; v_csvfileName += document.getElementById('csvfilebrowse').value; getCSVFileContents(v_csvfileName); }; …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for weasel7711

This is my first time really using HTML, Javascript and PHP. This is part of a prototype for a project for my SW Eng. course. The problem I am having is that the form is not going through the validation. The user is supposed to be able to search by …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for ankitva
Member Avatar for designer09

I need a really fast reply because I need to turn my site in tomorrow to my professor, and she doesn't know how to fix this issue: I am trying to get my images to enlarge when the mouse cursor hovers over them. Then when the cursor moves off of …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Duoas

Hi all. I am designing a website for my wife's business, and I am coding it by hand -- pure HTML 4.01 Strict and CSS-1. When I loaded it into IE 6 (6.0.2900.5512.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090804-1435) I got a message complaining that it had "Active Content". (I am aware it is a result …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Renukavani

Hi All, I have xml file contains dtd decalartion and data with align, bullat etc. how to show xml file content into html page. I used as [CODE] Set objXml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") objXml.async = False objXml.load("D:\" & thing & ".xml") strHTMLconversionTest = "<HTML>" & "<HEAD>" & "<BODY>" For i = …

Member Avatar for tadi12345@gmail

Hi, I have created a div tag with id and runat server, when the code is inserted from the server side(c#) using inner html of div, the code is inserted, but the data is not shown. ex. HTML Code: [code] <div id="content_container" runat="server" class="xyz"> </div> [/code] C# code [code=c#] protected …

Member Avatar for icatkh

anyone know how to remove this? Norton was usles as T%^%$&%^s on a bull. They did offer to sell me a service. Thanks

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for dsylebee

Hi everyone, thanks for reading this! I have a RichTextBox in my form which contains alot of text. the content of this richtextbox is going to be sent by email but first I need to convert it to HTML format.. Now I know it exists but I can't manage to …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD

The End.