6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for scgolffreak

My homepage keeps changing to "res://jxtgk.dll/index.html#37049". Also when I reboot the MS Office XP installer comes up and seems like its trying to install IE. I've tried reinstalling IE. I've used CWShredder, Adaware, Spybloc, and Hijack. Here are the Hijack results: Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 3:31:54 PM, …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for salvation

hi. i've run spyware programs and CWShredder but i'm still being hijacked by res://mshp.dll/index.html#37049 and lots of pop-ups. also, programs are running slowly. please help! :sad: [code] Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 11:14:14 AM, on 6/12/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106) …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Britches

I'm in the process of developing my companies intranet and have decided to create a dhtml menu, I'm not an advanced dhtml coder and am having problems linking my menu with the javascript code. I'm quite sure the code is correct, however my frames page is now just showing the …

Member Avatar for Britches
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi! I just registered yesterday, so I want to greet all members and moderators. :cool: I also have a question, how do I write a small, simple HTML script for a coupon (I can use a jpeg image and link it to the script if it would be easier) that …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Wampuscat

I posted this in Internet Explorer Formum, but maybe this is a better place. Can anyone help me solve this? I have an HTML form that works sometimes and not other times. Here are the situations I know... 1. Small Number of select/option boxes Works fine with Netscape & IE …

Member Avatar for Ludootje
Member Avatar for philr54

This is my first post so be gentle guys!! I got the MHTML redirect virus. I'm running Norton Firewall and Anti Virus which picked it up after a scan but now the firewall part keeps prompting for allowing access to sites I've visited countless times in the past. The system …

Member Avatar for philr54
Member Avatar for Tellie

Hi All I have created webform.asp.vb and wanna use HTML code at places, can somebody please tell me as to how can I use the same.....

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for Billy_

We have an really weird problem on our web server. A few times each day, all requests are unanswered for 10 to 30 seconds. The delay looks similar to when a page is compiled (on first load). However, when the problem occurs it looks like all users of all applications/pages …

Member Avatar for Billy_
Member Avatar for Wampuscat

I have an HTML form that works sometimes and not other times. Here are the situations I know... 1. Small Number of select/option boxes Works fine with Netscape & IE 2. Large Number of select/option boxes. Works fine with Netscape Submit button does not work with IE Select/Option boxes blur …

Member Avatar for Artemi

:rolleyes: I have a strange problem. Something happened to my IE and it doesn't save files properly any more. Can somebody help? The problem is that it saves now only as simple html or txt files and no FULL html with pictures, backgrounds, etc. The options for saving whole html …

Member Avatar for Coombaya

i cant get this bugger off my computer! im new at all this stuff, so all i have done is create a log... Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7 Scan saved at 2:18:01 PM, on 4/26/2004 Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Ron Wolpa

Hi I am quite fed up with spyware , this time : [url="http://prosearching.com/searchbar.html"]http://prosearching.com/searchbar.html[/url] (I

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for lschmidt66

Whenever I try to see an HTML source code in IE 6.0 it doesn't show. Anyone has an idea why? Ofcourse I tried right clicking on a website and also by clicking View | Source. I looked everywhere and gave up.

Member Avatar for zenfulcreations
Member Avatar for nicpon

hello evryone, I have created a script in php for reading information from mysql and then sending in to the subscribers. Everything works fine and when the subscriber opens an email in outlook exrpess or any other soft or webmail that doesnt format the html code of the email its …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for steven_s-h

I want to change the color of a selection object in an HTML form (ie a <SELECT> object). I have used CSS to get all my textfields looking nice, but I can't see how to change the border, or the little arrow on the selection box. I think that it …

Member Avatar for rixius
Member Avatar for IbnKuldun

I want to open and parse the contents of a web page on the WWW. Is there anyway I can do this using PERL?

Member Avatar for Eico
Member Avatar for root

[i]HTML Complete [/i]is a one of a kind computer book, valuable both from its broad contents and its low price. This book contains the essentials you need to know about creating and modifying Web pages with HTML. With [i]HTML Complete[/i], you'll learn all about Web publishing, working with HTML, designing …

Member Avatar for boohoo

Hi, I know CSS and XHTML like the back of my hand, but am wondering how you can allow a visitor to a site change the CSS file used (like in TechTalk flat / 3d), but without having the registering system? I would use it either from a pull down …

Member Avatar for SMterminator
Member Avatar for jbensous

For some reason I get a toolbar at the bottom of my screen and my home page re-written every time I open my browser to this : [url]http://scrk.com/passthrough/index.html?http://www.yahoo.com/[/url] I have tried cleaning my PC with Aware6, deleting temp files, cookies, and history. Looked for scrk in my registry with no …

Member Avatar for berlitz
Member Avatar for senterstyle
Member Avatar for senterstyle
Member Avatar for bboyle

When I disable my webpage the text in my edit fields duplicates. e.g. ABC changes to ABCABC. THis only seems to happen when I have my edit fields in a <table>. A sample of my code is provided. I'd appreicate any help. Thanks, B. [code] <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> …

Member Avatar for bboyle
Member Avatar for samaru

Just wondering if you guys think there's a future for XHTML. If you don't know what XHTML is, it's just HTML ala XML. It's HTML with the structure and benefits of XML. The only reason I bring up this question is, if in fact XHTML replaces HTML, think of how …

Member Avatar for samaru

The End.