6,562 Topics

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Member Avatar for LaurenB

I have run all the required programs including CWShredder, TrendMicro, Spybot, Ad Aware SE, & VX2 Cleaner. However, I am UNABLE to change my homepage. It continues to change on its own to c:\searchpage.html. When I ran TrendMicro, there was one trojan that could not be deleted: mtwirl.dll -- if …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for buddyb

Someone was good enough to provide the coding for centering within, say, a table. I need to position a graphic(s) slightly left of center to allow for a background image placed within that table that shows a dropshadow, making it appear to be off center, though it's not. I suppose …

Member Avatar for buddyb
Member Avatar for Ann Drew

Hello, I have got a problem. In my forum software the DOCTYPE is for some reason set to XHTML Now I have implemented a scroller using setInterval. This scroller works fine if there is no DOCTYPE specified or even if I specify it as HTML 4.01 The scroller does not …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for CHRISTopherX

Hi i'm really really new at all this, like literally three weeks new. anyway i am creating a basic website using dreamweaver and html/xhtml and was wondering how to create a message board or small chat log/chat room to add to a html page. I would be grateful for any …

Member Avatar for smoked_apart
Member Avatar for autocrat

OK, this is the link! [url]http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/javascript/synd/2002/03/01/css_layout.html?page=2[/url] please go have a look.... they are on about using CSS instead of tables... and provide you a a sample page with the table, and a sample page with the CSS.... the only problem is.... both use tables! What is more, when you try …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

as above i need to know WHERE to put some code for a button to submit some data captured then transfer to an access database. any help would be gratefull

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for ehaaron

Hi, I have an html page set up to load a flash movie and scale it to the full size of the window. This is working fine, however, I would like to place a cap on how much the movie may be scaled. i.e., i would like to allow the …

Member Avatar for Mr. M
Member Avatar for autocrat

Ok, getting a little confused...... Evey time I get to playing with web-coding, theres new complaints, new coding practices, new do's and don'ts, new contradictions of what came previously! I am of the favour of tables for layout..... yet I am told that NOW it should all be done with …

Member Avatar for autocrat
Member Avatar for mcldev

My simple HTML script below uses SELECT to create a list which should be accessed by the PHP script as an array. Note the `products[]` definition below. BUT.... I can't seem to get the script to read the array from` $_POST` - anyone know how to solve this? <HTML> <TITLE>Input …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for mddv

Hi one of my friends is having a problem, so if anyone know anything about how to enable index.shtml instead of index.html on the webserver would you be able help me and my friend. Thankyou

Member Avatar for Page
Member Avatar for autocrat

Hi folks.... This is my second topic on CSS.... I want to know about layout, positioning and designing! I tend to generate themed sites.... not as in Xmas, halloween etc., but as in I use graphics to generate a feel... like machine parts, the site resembles a startrek data pad …

Member Avatar for 2ndPlatform
Member Avatar for chound

Is it possible to use HTML, Java script coding in emails? Eg: If i type <body bgcolor="pink"> in the body of email will the color of email change?

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for dexterz

I have use it in my site article,freeware,recipe,link directory,lyrics,template and games section. I was able to display the data in 3 cols and rows using CSS layout. It took me quite a while to figured it out. In ASP, you should know where the loop start and end, otherwise the …

Member Avatar for paradox814

i didn't see any html forums so I'm posting this here... what should we use in place of the align tag since it has been deprecated? i know it has been replaced with css, so how would i convert the following two tags? <p align="center"> </p> <td align="center"> </td>

Member Avatar for steveneven
Member Avatar for Heidi719

Hi!! Can someone please tell me how to get this off my computer?.....I'm not a computer whiz and need things EXPLAINED....to the point...lol. I am running Windows 98SE.....any help on how to rid this I would be very appreciative. I have tried using the HiJAck this thing but it keeps …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for tgreer

I've been hacking away at WordPress to get the style the way I want. My main task has been to convert their vertical menu tower into horizontal dropdown. It's working fine except for one problem. The blog software creates a calendar as a table. The table, the entire menu in …

Member Avatar for Slade

Hello all, it's been a while. I have a problem with a print stylesheet I'm using at the moment. When I go to print preview, everything is how I want it to look except at the bottom of each page, words just cut in half and continue on the next …

Member Avatar for Roxanne

I'm making a page and and I'm stuck trying to add a sidebar without it pushing the middle frame down. Here is my HTML file: [url]http://invite.741.com/TSUNAMI.html[/url] This is what I'm trying to get. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/leereloaded/TSUNAMI.gif[/IMG] Any help?

Member Avatar for helloadam
Member Avatar for DaveSW

The background to this question is that I have discovered a virus on one of my computers that adds a block of encrypted activex code to html and php pages. Unfortunately all the virus cleanup tools delete the infected files... being a webdeveloper this means a lot of my 'working …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Cup of Squirrel

Ok, this sounds very stupid but I have downloaded several pre-made templates and have found that most of them use the file extension [b].htm[/b] I'm also worried some browsers may not support or display .htm properly :/

Member Avatar for Static-FMX-Prog
Member Avatar for ep2002

Hi all, I'm offering a special to my clients & in order to do so, I have to send them the shopping cart link in notepad. B/c it looked so lame, I started trying to jazz it up a bit, so I added a logo & made the heading a …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for jguffey

:surprised i can't figure out what has happened to my notepad, wordpad and ms word. it will no longer convert the html text i get. i come in i the coded form. i can read it but it is hard. this happens with notepad and wordpad. in MS word office …

Member Avatar for pcschrottie
Member Avatar for OurNation

Windows home edition xp service pack 2 when i go on the internet at the top of the bar it says "http://searchexe.com/passthrough/index.html?http://www.msn.com" and all put in is [url]www.msn.com[/url] amd it always changes to that is that bad? and now the bar at that usally is on the bottom of the …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for jaeSun

is it just me or am i stupid? (save the comments har har) im using C++ to pull in a character from a file ... (going character by character) how do i check for a line feed, or return? [code]<img src="http://image.jpg" <-- return alt="image" height="100" width="100 />[/code] ive checked for …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have a textpane with some text inside( i am using the HTMLDocument class as the default document of the textpane) and need to publish the contents of this textpane on certain webpage([url]www.free.com[/url]) What i have also a button together with the textpane on a frame thus when …

Member Avatar for Dani

I am using the local invocation code with phpAdsNew. However, I would like to make the code that it outputs XHTML compliant. Does anyone know where I could edit this in the code? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for qazs

Hi, I'm trying to create some rows in a table using php code. Its like this: [code] <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width>some item</td> </tr> <?php echo drawRow(); // draw another similar row ?> </table> [/code] But it turns out that the row is drawn before the table. In …

Member Avatar for qazs
Member Avatar for A Monkeys Uncle

This is just a practice web site, but I'd like to know how to do something before I upload my site to a professional web host. Here is the link. [url="http://www.geocities.com/nenunenu1333/"]http://www.geocities.com/nenunenu1333/[/url] Now notice the frame set on the left column. It's titled nav2.htm If you click on "Game Info" it …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for joebanks

having trouble getting this match and replace to work, im trying to just find a word and put html bold tags around it on the button click and put that text into a new jtextpane. anyone have any suggestions??? any help would be most appreciative [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; …

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The End.