Increasing backlinks for a mobile app development and web design company requires a strategic approach. Begin by creating high-quality, shareable content such as blog posts, case studies, and infographics that provide value to your audience. Engage in guest blogging on reputable industry websites to showcase your expertise and link back to your site. Participate in relevant online forums and communities, offering insightful comments and linking to your content when appropriate. Leverage social media platforms to share your content and encourage followers to link to it. Additionally, collaborate with influencers and other businesses for mutual backlinking opportunities. Consistency and quality are key to successful backlink building.

There are a few exceptions in Niches, but in generally i would not rely on building Backlinks in 2024 no more.

Yes, links are still an important factor for SEO, but not like 10 years ago anymore.

Today, Optimizing EEAT and User Signals, building up a Reputation and generating positive Community reactions are some Factors, which should be kept focused on, especially for an app development and web design company.

All the best,

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