6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have a site where users can view videos and now I am wondering how do make the videos into small thumbnail images that only display the first frame.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rashibakshi

hi i want to reduce my div size so that my page will come fit to screen.it is displaying very zoom position.

Member Avatar for otengkwaku
Member Avatar for yashikagg

I am using C++/Qt4.3.0.Here I am exporting an html report to .doc file containing some images that are created at run time.For that, I have used html and then inserted the html text to QString and then to QTextEdit..Now I want to make this .doc file system independent so the …

Member Avatar for yashikagg
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I have an issue where bulleted items are not indented when viewed on mobile devices (only tested on i-phone). It can be viewed here: [Click Here](http://psychhealth.net/therapy.htm) Any ideas or snippets that can be added to the code to fix the compatibility problems?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ainosilva

Hello all! My problem is: I have 2 web php pages, in a online server. 1 is listing database content, the other is to "download" the 1º but in html... I'm doing this by getting the content of 1º page, in a link like http:\\mysite.com\page.php, to make the page run …

Member Avatar for ainosilva
Member Avatar for hlamster

I have a form with a dropdown list that when they click on it or when they mouseover it (either would be ok) it should show a popup tooltip. My javascript skills are at best very very basic. This is a wordpress site and I am reluctant to add jquery …

Member Avatar for brandonrunyon
Member Avatar for murtazamzk

[CODE]<html> <script> function startEQ() { quake=5; parent.moveBy(0,quake); parent.moveBy(0,-quake); parent.moveBy(quake,0); parent.moveBy(-quake,0); timer=setTimeout("startEQ()",10); } function stopEQ() { clearTimeout(timer); } </script> </head> <body> DEMO IT HERE <form> <input type="button" onclick="startEQ()" value="Start an earthquake"> <input type="button" onclick="stopEQ()" value="Stop the earthquake"> </form> </body> </html>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for murtazamzk
Member Avatar for Lynne Good

<select name="header"> foreach(options_typography_get_google_fonts() as $face2) { echo '<option id="fontface2"'; echo 'name="fontface2"'; echo 'value="'; echo $face2; echo '"/>'; echo $face2; echo '</option>'; echo '<br />'; } ?> </select> I have stored the chosen value from the drop down list into a session. What I am trying to accomplish is "selecting" the …

Member Avatar for Lynne Good
Member Avatar for zacharysr

Hello, i am making a keyboarding site for my class, and i have a div with some text inside, when they type, i want to check if the text matches the text in the div, if it dosn't, i wan't to update a box with an "error count". How can …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for code739

good day fellas, i just curios if there such thing as like below: style.css @media handheld, only screen and (max-width: 767px) { ->link to another css file } cause actually i want to detect if its a mobile then it will link to another stylesheet that i made for mobile …

Member Avatar for sjiinfotech
Member Avatar for peter20

Hi, I am new in css programming and I would like to edit a css.file. I downloaded a template from [Click Here](http://www.os-templates.com/free-responsive-templates/rs-fusion) but I want to make smaller the image slideshow, put it to the top of the div container and next to the slider to make a new div …

Member Avatar for ainosilva
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I want to use regular expression to clean-up some CSS files. I used a Friebug add-on, CSS Usage, to analyse some CSS from a jquery demo. Exporting the files, this add-on places 'UNUSED' at the front of a declaration and rule. Below is a sample of the output. html #demo-config-menu …

Member Avatar for dwlamb
Member Avatar for OrangeTree

Hi everyone :). **Strange situation** with this code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <body> <div align="center"> <div style="width: 500px; background-color: blue"> <div style="width: 200px; float: left"> <p>Some text.</p> </div> <div style="width: 210px; float: right"> <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/DuskyDolphin.jpg/220px-DuskyDolphin.jpg" alt="Dolphin"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Display in **IE** (9) is …

Member Avatar for OrangeTree
Member Avatar for kevwood

hi all. i am having problems getting my CSS file to link in with all my pages. the navigation section looses its bg image. here is the code i am using for the navigation <div id="navigation"><p id="P_navigation"> <ul id="List_nav"> <li><a href="xxxxxxx.html" class="top_nav">xxxxxxx</a></li> <li><a href="xxxxxxx.html" class="top_nav">xxxxxxxxx</a></li> <li><a href="xxxxxxxx.html" class="top_nav">xxxxxxx</a></li> <li><a href="xxxxxx.html" …

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for dtrump23

Hello, I need to figure out how to dynamically take a HTML view and convert to a image (jpeg or png). Then I want to pass that image to another application. Any suggestions? Thanks

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for sukritinfotech
Member Avatar for stevenpeter
Member Avatar for lse123

How get all image names of files in an image folder in php5? after will use php to eject html to view all images of the folder in a web page...

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for green_ning

Hello guys. I am a starter in Java Programming. And I wanted to understand and manipulate it effectively from now on. I also want to start developing applications in iPad or iPhone but I am a Windows user, and I guess I need a Mac in able to do that. …

Member Avatar for green_ning
Member Avatar for alvin.decker

Hey! I am an experienced programmer (php, javascript, mysql, some ajax) who is looking for an experienced and competent graphic and/or web designer with whom to create a text-based RPG. I will assume the financial risk and the programming responsibilities. I need someone to make the banners, logos, icons, and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for shiinko

Hello ! I'm new to Web Developing, and I'm trying to make rather simple template. By following this tutorial, first part of it (top extendable header and background) went ok, but the second part (adding top, centered logo) is not placed correctly- it's placed a little downwards and probably a …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for track&price

Cannot InvokeMember on HTML Page I have a VB Net application that I have been running for over a year to login to a specific website Heritage Coins & Currency The page I'm now unable to loging is --> https://coins.ha.com/c/login.zx I am setting the text boxes as follows: WB1.Document.All("emailAddress").SetAttribute("Value", "sge") …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi People, Got an issue with css in php. Actually I'm trying to create and send a html email. My front-end form consists of To(textbox where recipients email address will be entered) and then I've embedded ckeditor in place of Textarea where I will be typing the message... Now this …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

I have made a sign up form which asks user to enter his personal + Academic details and EMPLOYMENT INFO, i am done with personal and academic details section and also designed EMPLOYER INFO section but as u know that it isn't necessary that every person would have employment experience …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for esparkinfo

Hello Friends, does anyone has worked on media queries? css3? I have a client who is looking for media queries.... I want to know about that before start my project. What could be the sizes & if I should use server side code to detect for the device first to …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for rakibtg

i wonder if it is possible to fetch images using [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser](http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/) and obtain it in a specific URL. Suppose it fetched a Image in a variable like $img = 'http://www.example.com/some_image_address.JPEG'; Now is it possible to get this image in my own domain path, like $new_img = …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Develop.eR

hello guys.. im new in creating websites.. my problem is how to auto update the dropdownlist then the combobox is change/click? example: i have 2 combobox which **cbo1** contains the list of genre of songs like *pop, opm, love songs* etc. and **cbo2** contains the list of *artists/singers etc* about …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for onofej

Hello, I have all my php documents in one folder to handle my form creating, and i have all my html files in one directory as well. but in my php code i want when a user click on the hyperlink in php page it shoud yake the user to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rakibtg

i have a script which will fetch content from a website, what i wanna do is modify all that links. Suppose: $html = str_get_html('<h2 class="r"><a class="l" href="http://www.example.com/2009/07/page.html" onmousedown="return curwt(this, 'http://www.example.com/2009/07/page.html')">SEO Result Boost <b> </b></a></h2>'); so, is it possible to modify or rewrite it in this way> <h2 class="r"><a class="l" href="http://www.site.com?http://www.example.com/2009/07/page.html">SEO …

Member Avatar for rakibtg
Member Avatar for mgn2683

I am having an issue with the spacing of my navigation. It renders fine for all standard browsers, but on tablet and mobile devices it pushes the 'Contact Us' under the other items. I've reduced the padding, but it still hasn't resolved the issue. It can be seen at http://psychhealth.net …

Member Avatar for mgn2683
Member Avatar for rakibtg

My PHP script can fetch content from a div id, but what is the way to filter this fetch data and exclude some of its content which has this div id `<div id="navbar" class="n">content here content here</div>` I have tried with this code but its not working $regex = '#\<div …

Member Avatar for rakibtg

The End.