IIS 6.0 ODBC Logging Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Alex_808 IIS 6.0 Does not log every hit on are web site … a bunch of errors loged in the Evenet Viewer: [B]IIS ODBC Logging failed to log data to data source HTTPLog….[/B] Event ID: 6 Looked every where for some help have yet to solve… Re: Iis, apache, firefox Programming Web Development by Webhost4life IIS should be running on the Windows, Apache should be running on the Linux Seems I didn't encounter a hosting company can offer this 2 iis on one same server. I know the PHP, ASP, ASP.NET can be run on the Windows hosting, some of good ASP, ASP.NET web hosting service providers can be found on the page [URL removed] Good Luck! IIS Programming Web Development by Ninad16 I am a beginner.Please help me out... What is IIS?How do we run and install IIS?Why is IIS required? Re: IIS Programming Software Development by Luc001 Hi, For more information about IIS, look [URL="http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/243/aspnet-integration-with-iis-7/"]here.[/URL] Re: IIS Programming Web Development by ajwei810192 … studio 2008,but when I put it in \wwwroot in IIS, database not working.PLS solve my problem.[/QUOTE] I have… problems also with IIS. I am trying to learn ASP.NET, and I installed… IIS and Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5. I then restarted my … IIS Help Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Reliable … have made there seems to be a problem with my IIS. I'm using XP Pro SP3 and I have… IIS 5.1. When trying to access my local host I … IIS Programming Software Development by Netcode … i have tried to host it on the local server (IIS) but i keep getting the following error message from… IIS: HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler "PageHandlerFactory-… Re: IIS Programming Software Development by Luc001 Hi, That error could be caused in the configuration of IIS. What you can try is; Change Classic mode by integrated mode in IIS options, and it should work then. Re: IIS Programming Web Development by lakshsind [QUOTE=mail2saion;849907]Check your iis .net framework version.[/QUOTE] hi, iis .net framework version is 2.0.50727 , can u make it clear for me how version and my problem is related,am new to asp.net Re: IIS Programming Web Development by SCoder1 [QUOTE=SCoder1;1157890]How do I use php on IIS 5.1? (a.k.a. windows xp professional)[/QUOTE] I ment how do I [u]get[/u] php onto IIS 5.1 Re: IIS Programming Software Development by Netcode I dont understand whta you mean by IIS options. Are you talking of the application pool? Re: IIS Programming Web Development by LastMitch >I wonder if it is possible to run php in IIS ? **@davy_yg** The answer is YES. You can try and used this: http://php.iis.net/ Iis Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gerald07 Hello, I need a free web hosting program that has IIS and frontpage extensions. Iis Programming Software Development by ramiljoaquin [B] Hi, i have a problem in configuring my IIS, i get this error message when i try to browse … Re: Iis Programming Software Development by hollystyles In IIS Server Manager, expand the server, expand default website, right-click your virtual directory and choose properties, on the home directory tab click the create button. IIS Programming Web Development by lakshsind … it is not working on remote machine . I have configured IIS also and also created virtual dirtectory but if i browse… Re: IIS Programming Web Development by mail2saion Check your iis .net framework version. iis Programming Software Development by sivak can anyone explain IIS working process.. if we send any reguest from server to client what are process are happen inside... plz expalin me ..dint understand if i search in google plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Re: iis Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Different version of IIS (5.0 or 6.0) has somewhat different work process. IIS Programming Web Development by SCoder1 How do I use php on IIS 5.1? (a.k.a. windows xp professional) Re: IIS Programming Web Development by diafol Why not install Apache along with php/mysql e.g. XAMPP? [url]http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html[/url] However, if you're determined to use IIS, Google it - there are loads of hits. Here's one: [url]http://www.plus2net.com/php_tutorial/php5_iis_installation.php[/url] IIS Programming Web Development by adobe71 My website contains database,which runs successfully in visual studio 2008,but when I put it in \wwwroot in IIS, database not working.PLS solve my problem. IIS Programming Web Development by Netcode …. i tried to deploy my web application to the local IIS server but the default web site appears to be stopped… Re: IIS Programming Web Development by kvprajapati Please have a look at [URL="http://forums.iis.net/p/1086489/1913193.aspx"]this[/URL] thread. iis Programming Web Development by rithish is it possible to run jsp on microsoft iis Re: iis Programming Web Development by peter_budo No, you need Java container (server). Read [here more](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/david.wang/archive/2005/10/11/how-does-jsp-work-on-iis.aspx) IIS Programming Web Development by davy_yg Hello, I wonder if it is possible to run php in IIS ? Thanks before. Re: IIS Windows Server 2012 R2 Instillation Programming Web Development by Mark_82 … It is particularly easy to setup secure websites on IIS. Irrespective of whether you are working with any modern…Microsoft provides at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/install/web-platform-installer/using-the-microsoft-web-platform…have created a virtual machine with a Server and IIS whilst using your parent workstation for programming and … IIS, the three little letters I hate.... Programming Web Development by blacklocist … once again I go round and round with IIS. I have got it to run with a …0. Here are the variables: Server Hosted on IIS 6.0 Running Windows 2k3 Server Not a DC … but isn't accepting it. I have restarted IIS many many time and even restarted the computer.… So my question is "Is the problem IIS or a domain issue?" If it's … Re: IIS Log Programming Web Development by kvprajapati …-bc77-4019-859c-9d483bc85c77.mspx?mfr=true"]Configuring IIS Logs (IIS 6.0)[/URL] 2. [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/technet…/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/823670b2-d7a6-4cbc-88e5-64c59dcb9105.mspx?mfr=true"]Checking the IIS Logs (IIS 6.0)[/URL]