575 Topics

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Member Avatar for marylw24

need help writing pseudocode input origprice set discount = price * 0.20 set finalprice = origprice - discount output final stop

Member Avatar for silvercats
Member Avatar for laguardian

Hey guys! So I'm writing a program that takes in a user input (1-3) and then executes the corresponding method. I keep getting the wrong output. For example, for prob1 when I input "john doe" it prints "Unauthorized!". And I'm like, foolish computer! I am your MASTER! How can I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Here some old fashioned line input routine, better idea nowadays would be to use GUI input box with real editing. Anyway, it is quite simple with Python to do this basic routine for terminal based program.

Member Avatar for fonzali
Member Avatar for zein1212

This is my index.php <?php if(!isset($_GET["page"]) || $_GET["page"] == "home"){ if(isset($_GET["txt"])){ include "search.php"; }else{ include "content.php"; } }else if($_GET["page"] == "user" && $_GET["user"]){ include "content_kategori.php"; }else if($_GET["page"] == "kategori" && $_GET["kode"]){ include "content_kategori.php"; }else if($_GET["page"] == "full" && $_GET["kode"]){ include "content_full.php"; }else{} ?> and this is my .htacces <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for tomeika.griffith

create a program that will: (a) accept the name, basic salary and years of servive of an employee. (b) use an appropriate construct to calculate the bonus due. (c) output the employees's name, years of service, basic salary and bonus in a labelled format. (d) the program must allow for …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hey guys, so im wondering if theres a way to insert 2 input values into one column in PDO? coz in mysql_* i just did something like this and it worked: INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('input1 input 2', 'input3'); pdo i tried : $event = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO event(event_name,start_event,end_event,event_venue) VALUES('$name', CONCAT_WS('$dstart', …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for new2code

This is an assignment given to me with the worst possible book for this class. Basically, i need this code to add the row and col of the user input. i know it is missing the row portion, but currently, the col addition is summing everything together twice and i …

Member Avatar for new2code
Member Avatar for fedaa91

Hi i tried this regular expression `^(?:\00|9)[. ()-]*(?:\d[. ()-]*){8,14}$ `to enter a phone number in a text field ,but it didnt work like i wanted . what i want the rule to be is if the phone number starts with 9 then the length would be 8 digits, but if …

Member Avatar for fedaa91
Member Avatar for shubham05

I want a very short code (maximum 6 lines code) for identifying the given input is prime number or not ???

Member Avatar for shubham05
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am working on a little hobby project, it reads user input and then stores it in a pointer to char array. The problem is that the output is not correct. So i dont know if it is the output, or the storing that is wrong. I am used to …

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110
Member Avatar for fedaa91

Hi i wanted to do validation using `data-validation `attribute in jquery,so what i wanted to check is how to limit input in `minlength` and `maxlength` and to be only alphabet chars,so `maxlength` worked but `minlength` didn't !! it was like "not valid attribute for input in HTML5", <label> at least …

Member Avatar for fedaa91
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello I have a web form, whereby I want to allow users to only input dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY. I've tried with the following code to show an error message if the date is not valid, however if I add something like 5/5/5, it still passes is as a …

Member Avatar for Tcll

so I have a bunch of DIVs containing inputs named by ints. I have the parent DIV of these DIVs, but now I'm stuck at: var div = parent.children()[index] what I want to do is get the child <input> by it's name "0". how can I do this?? thanks :)

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for Jean-Luc

Is it possible to dynamically use scanf to prompt for user input ? I have the code shown below scanf("%d %d %d %d", &myarray[row][0], &myarray[row][1], &myarray[row][2], &myarray[row][3]) which works fine when the number of columns is fixed but in my case it is not !

Member Avatar for Akash_Soni
Member Avatar for Mz. Jackee

I need to make a Web page form to input the name (First, Last, MI), address (full), home Phone, work Phone, department, position and base salary. This is what I have come up with: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html xmlns= "http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang:="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; …

Member Avatar for mattskills
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

I want to print series like A,B,C ......AB or T,U,V,.....AB or BA,BB,BC,.....CA in series i will input start and end characters can anybody give me logic Thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Prince.Questiorina

Greeting Guys .. I'm Asked to make the Hangman Game using C++ .. Acutally I'm stuck in how to put a dictionary of words ( each 5 letters ) inside an array .. and how to compare the input from the user to the word chosen from the dictionary.. I …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37

any one is here that explain to me that how to get console input using BufferReader in java and explain me its working briefly.

Member Avatar for moaz.amin.37
Member Avatar for Sterben

Can anybody help me solve this case? there's an example input and output

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Tamara_1

Program For Standard Form def stnfrm(a,b,c): one = (b/(2.0*a)) two = c-((b**2.0)/(4.0*a)) axis = one/-1.0 x = -b/(2.0*a) y = a*(x**2.0)+(b*x)+c print x if a == 1: print "(x + %f)**2 + (%f)" % (one,two) elif a == -1: print "-(x + %f)**2 + (%d)" % (one,two) else: print "%d(x …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Spencer_3

Ok so I'm trying to make a inter face with a password. my plan is to have a window open up with an input box where you type the password and then when you have the right password it brings you to the second screen with the stuff on it. …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for gaurav_17
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for aparnesh

How can I prevent the user from typing in a date or anything else in the <input> element connected with a jQuery datepicker ?

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for AbstractEden

Hi, my name is Shanel. I haven't formerly introduced myself when I first stumbled on the site (by the way it's pretty awesome). I like to thank you all for establishing and giving input and creating these interesting discussions.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Gracious_1

So here's a bit about the details. I need to read the contents of file A, and B and store it in file C by joining the contents of A and B and also counting the number of letters/characters present in it. I've come up with this so far. Can …

Member Avatar for Gracious_1
Member Avatar for ankit.baphna

Code1: <input id="text" type="text" name="fname" value="First Name" onclick="this.value='';"/> Hi Friends, Code1 - this print in my text box value "First Name". onclick this value gets erased so I can type Name. but if I go to second text box and come back to this text box to modify or add …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for edwarddaniel.baldeviano

Hello everybody! It's good to be back. Anyway, going to the problem detail. I am currently developing an Android app that resembles the standard Android sound recorder. I already have the sufficient methods from MediaRecorder and MediaPlayer. After stopping the sound recording, an AlertDialog will appear, showing the EditText textbox …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1

Writing pseudocode for an assignment that asks to convert the number of pennies collected into dollars and cents, BUT displaying on seperate lines. I understand (sort of) that the \ sign will divide and return an integer result of the whole number and discard the fraction, while the Mod % …

Member Avatar for Brandy_1
Member Avatar for agrbinoo.albaker

Write a program that calculates the average of a group of test scores, where the lowest score in the group is dropped. It should use the following functions: • void getScore() should ask the user for a test score, store it in a reference parameter variable, and validate it. This …

Member Avatar for Sarkurd
Member Avatar for Ahmed_51

Hey guys, I've been writing a program that will take user jumbled input, find it in a given file, and print the unjumbled word. I've written most the code up to this point but I haven't been able to finish it and am stuck at how to fix it. I've …

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The End.