575 Topics

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Member Avatar for suburbios0

Hello, I have the following code in XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <agency> <destinations> <destination id="bel">Belize</destination> <destination id="mad">Madeira</destination> <destination id="per">Peru</destination> </destinations> <traveler id="coelho"> <passport>P-123456-08</passport> <name>Pedro Coelho</name> <born>1964-10-05</born> <trip> <start>2013-07-01</start> <end>2013-07-15</end> <itinerary destination="bel"> Viagem em classe executiva para Belize via Frankfurt. </itinerary> <plane date="2013-07-01"> Pedir refeição vegan. <airport>Barajas</airport> Alertar assistente antes da …

Member Avatar for xml_looser
Member Avatar for chaitu11
Member Avatar for newuser68

I’m building a website (desktop first, tablet 2nd, smartphone app 3rd) that enables users to track their disposable income to better utilize it (whether investing it or using it on ecommerce)…it’s sort of like Mint-light+ Pinterest-lite. However, I have limited programming experience. I would love to get anyone’s input on …

Member Avatar for SpS

Code will check whether the number entered is integer or not. [inlinecode]ignore[/inlinecode] extracts characters from the input sequence and discards them. The extraction ends when max characters have been extracted and discarded or when the character delim(\n) is found, whichever comes first. In the latter case, the delim character itself …

Member Avatar for VikyTushar
Member Avatar for niche1

Is it possible to trigger the action of a form with a submit button that's outside the form tags? If so, how should this example be rescripted to make the input tag work outside the form tags? <html> <body> <form name="input" action="html_form_action.asp" method="get"> First name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" value="Mickey" /><br …

Member Avatar for razvysb
Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

Is there any simple way to create a txt file with its name come from the user input. Also the file will be stored in a specific location such as C:\Users for example. Here is what I do but doesn't work. import java.io.File; import java.util.Scanner; public class cITF implements ICommand{ …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for mstoltz1

Ok, so I just made this account because I'm super stuck. Basically I need to create a math quiz that takes a users input (1 through 12), have it spit out a question, i.e What is 5 x 12? however if the user enters 5, it must randomly generate a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for syasya

Hi guys , I would you to help me to solve this problem First , user need to input 10 numbers Ex : 85 11 36 174 112 24 73 52 183 149 Next , user need to input the initial number . This initial number will determine whether the …

Member Avatar for Kristian_2
Member Avatar for ray100

Hi,I am a beginner in php. And I am trying to create this php program where a user selects a picture and it displays it! Theare is an input page which is html and an processing page which is php! I seemes to have a problem in the processing page …

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for HacruLeian

i have a .csv file contain some name as below: William Shakespeare charlie chaplin david Copperfield and i'm supposed to write a java program that will turn the input above into the output below: WS cc dC but i still couldn't get the output that i want, i wanna ask …

Member Avatar for HacruLeian
Member Avatar for johnas.delacruz

Is there a data type that can allow a user to input a 25 digit number... because the largest data type for numbers that i know is long long int and uintmax_t which can only store 18 numbers (i'm not sure about this)... because my problem should allow a user …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I'm having issues with repopulating my input fields after being submitted if there is an error. I've tried the simple `<?php if(isset($_POST['value'])){echo $_POST['value'];} ?>` That doesn't work. And I'm thinking it's because of how I have my else statements set up. I am currently using get to repopulate my fields, …

Member Avatar for JayGeePee
Member Avatar for murali2489

Hi All, I have come across Read and write method from InputStream and outputstream but im finding it hard to understand the logic behind it. Below is a simple example which reads a jar file from input stream and writes it to output stream. Please explain the logic on how …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kenneth.leonida
Member Avatar for simplysach

in my i.t lesson we were intoduced to 'raspberry pi' within 'Python' and for my homework i have to explain what we did in the lesson. It says i have to include what 'input' is when coding a programme. Please help and reply as soon as possible and keep in …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I have a file which I need to read which contains some unusual characters (EG: '╠') and I need to be able to read it and convert those characters to numbers. As an example of what I am looking for would be code that reads a file and prints …

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Member Avatar for christopherbe11

I have this code:: name_list=[] name1=print(input("what is your name: ")) name_list.append(name1) print(name_list) it returns Jon [NONE] If i input a name jon. Why does it not append to list please?

Member Avatar for christopherbe11
Member Avatar for karmstrong

I'm attempint to write a python application that will open a .csv file and look at comun one for certain string. If the string match print the row to a new .csv file. import csv input_file = csv.DictReader(open("stats.csv")) for row in input_file: print row

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Start4me

I’m trying to create a textbox, where the user enters a number, and the output shows a word representing each digit, each word is in an individual label created by the code, regardless of how many digits are entered. So if the user enters 153, the output will be: one …

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Member Avatar for matt55284

Just started learning c++ and ive got a bit stuck :L Im making a console application that injects a file into a process. The file name and process name are both specified at the start of the code using char FileToInject[] = "File_Name.xxx"; char ProcessName[] = "Process_Name.exe"; The console works …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Oh boy They ust be tired of me now. My trouble: I have two ArrayLists of custom classes. ``ArrayList<Subject>` **a**` ``ArrayList<Student>` **b**` Within those custom classes are other custom classes which themselves have primitive data types as well as an ArrayList of other custom classes. It's a big circus going …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kuldeepsheoran

<?php $a=""; $b=""; $c=""; if(isset($_GET["plus"])) { $a=$_GET['eknum']; $b=$_GET['donum']; $c=$a+$b; } ?> <form action="index.php" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="eknum" value=" <?php echo "$a"; ?> " /> <br> <input type="text" name="donum" value=" <?php echo $b; ?> " /> <br> <input type="text" name="execute" value=" <?php echo $c; ?> " /> <input type="submit" value="sum" name="plus"> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Transcendent

If I had this: <html> <body> <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> HOW DO I TAKE WHAT SOME TYPE INTO MYSQL. Do I create a table first ect. Examples pleases

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for blue_Student

Hi, I've been testing about converting infix to postfix expression. I've made the code and it compiles. My problem is it stops working when I run it. This involves the use of stack and arrays. I just call the method polish to get the strings infix and postfix, and to …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Allison_1

Write a program that calculates the mileage and/or cost of fuel by asking the user to input two cities. I NEED HELP. MY TEACHER DOESN'T TEACH ME ANYTHING. San Diego, CA and Houston, TX 1473.4 miles Nevada, KY and Alaska, PA 501.1 miles

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for cmk_96

I have a Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 HP desktop PC when I power the computer on I got Vga input: no input signal and the monitor went back to sleep. If you do you think that is a problem with the video card it is attached to …

Member Avatar for vincentleeap
Member Avatar for damle1

Hi I am New to PHP and my question looks stupid but i am stuck I want to search operation register to search by id and print out put of perticular id my first file has this code: <form action="printotreport2.php" method="POST" target="_blank"> <tr> <td>Ot Reg ID of Patient </td> <td> …

Member Avatar for Fr3aK
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello everyone, im trying to make a registration system with PHP and MySQL but im not going well i just created table and i have writed the code well but there is something wrong the inputs don't send that data into database i have tryed much different ways of doing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Jed_1

Okay, so as ussual I'm having a lot of problems with a code and I need a lot of help along the way, but I'm just going to break it down into simple questions as I go. I am taking data from an input file that is a .txt that …

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The End.