Re: Can you get a software job right out of college without an internship? Community Center by Phozellpay yes they can expect you to have the knowledge. But "internship" means you have the basics but will learn on the job and grow into the work. Re: Can you get a software job right out of college without an internship? Community Center by WendyDolan your proactive approach is great! Working in IT will help you gain experience, and research projects are a good addition to your resume. More projects, even older ones, can still be relevant. Questions regarding interviews Community Center by myk45 …434701/sizeof-operator) where there was an interesting discussion about interviews. Well, firstly, since in this forum, there are… here, and a lot of students who face interviews i felt we could have a thread dedicated to… discussing about interviews. I hope this would help many questions frequently asked… Mostly to expect in java interviews Community Center by Zwelinzima … to which java questions and what to expect in java interviews and industry, because i believe that in industry every thing… Web / Software developer interviews - how to answer difficult questions Programming Web Development by andy91 Hi I have three job interviews coming up in the next week, all of them for … Re: Questions regarding interviews Community Center by nitin1 @deceptikon i know he has posted it at wrong place, but shift it without infraction points ;) thanks in advance to you. ;) Re: Questions regarding interviews Community Center by deceptikon > 1) Questions you frequently ask people/expect people to know? I like to ask questions based on real world challenges I've encountered within the target domain. I absolutely despise the tricky questions, riddles, and Google/Microsoft questions that have been all the rage lately. I also don't believe in just testing book knowledge. Any idiot … Re: Questions regarding interviews Community Center by nitin1 how to tell you that i am watching a ghost-type interviewer in james who will eat me when i say wrong answer ;)(purely kidding with you :-D) deceptikon the question you asked are generally not asked in any job interview question, i have seen till date. i have solved around 1500 problems on various websites but i never come across such questions … Re: Questions regarding interviews Community Center by deceptikon > deceptikon the question you asked are generally not asked in any job interview question, i have seen till date. i have solved around 1500 problems on various websites but i never come across such questions which you asked. google/ microsoft even facebook never asked this type of question. That's intentional. All of the usual interview … Re: Questions regarding interviews Community Center by aumshah Was this an on campus interview? Sometimes a short interview can indicate that you and the interviewer did not establish a good "flow", which would be a negative. Or it can indicate that the specific questions they had were answered and they achieved what they needed to in the interview. Did they give you an opportunity to ask questions? Re: Mostly to expect in java interviews Community Center by Salem Well how well do you actually know Java? Knowing a bunch of easy answers might seem like a good idea, and may occasionally get you the job. Keeping the job on the other hand will require you to actually know your stuff, and not just have a good short-term memory for stock quiz answers. Java is used in many industries, so what's important to … Re: Web / Software developer interviews - how to answer difficult questions Programming Web Development by deceptikon > How do you organise yourself when working on a project? It really depends on the project. Some are small enough that strict organization is unproductive or even counterproductive. Others are large/complex enough to warrant full bug and feature tracking system and a formal development life cycle. For inbetween projects a couple of spreadsheets… Re: Web / Software developer interviews - how to answer difficult questions Programming Web Development by andy91 Hi thanks for taking time to answer. Perhaps a better way of asking this is how should the above questions be done in an ideal world during an enterprise level development project? Retrieve Data from different table for selected data Programming Web Development by marifard …showing the applications with interviews only and the interviews without interviews are not displayed. …"SELECT * FROM applywork, locality, jobtype, interviews WHERE applywork.jobtype = jobtype.typeid AND applywork.locality… = locality.localityid AND interviews.vacancyid = AND applywork.userid = … Looking for Linux: InterOp Las Vegas Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess …'ll be walking around doing one-on-one interviews with these people at the show. If you…list[/URL] to see if there are any interviews you'd be interested in while I'm…QUOTE] I'm also doing live broadcasts and interviews at the show. Go to The [URL="…hear about from the show in the form of interviews, products and new innovations. Hurry, since I… Re: Retrieve Data from different table for selected data Programming Web Development by diafol …. If you want to show all records whether they have interviews or not, this needs to be a LEFT or RIGHT… jobtype AS jt ON aw.jobtype = jt.typeid LEFT JOIN interviews AS it ON = it.vacancyid WHERE aw.userid… Best/worst interview questions? Community Center by estherschindler … help. Every techie here has been on a few job interviews. It's tough, from either side of the desk, because…, and I have used them when I've done journalistic interviews with famous people: "What's the most important thing…, while waiting for a long compile, I pawed through the Interviews folder. I was astonished by the range of answers those… Dream weaver MX Table overstretching Digital Media UI / UX Design by scribeman01 …> <head> <title>Oakie Brumm Media Interviews&amp;Articles</title> <meta http-equiv…;Arial14px">This is a partial list of numerous interviews and articles. We also invite you to do a internet… href="media2.html" class="TimesNewRom12pt">Interviews &amp; Articles - Part 2 </a></p… Storify Sets Out to Merge Social Networks and Journalism Digital Media Digital Marketing by EricMack … get a stream of tweets. Other TechCrunch Interviews: [URL=""]From TC Disrupt: MobilePayUSA… Your Wallet, Finally[/URL] [URL=""]Swedish Saplo Debuts "Semantic Search"… PHP, MYSQL and left join Programming Web Development by marifard … the information of the applications I apply and the interviews I made for selected applications and I use the… </tr> </table> <table id="interviews"> <?php $applyworkid = $row["id"]; … Can you get a software job right out of college without an internship? Community Center by misstj555 … the internships I have applied to. I got two phone interviews when I did this. It seems that because I had…? (3) The only reason why I got those two phone interviews was because of my personal projects (or that's what… already. (9) I said that I only got two phone interviews because I emailed about 30 recruiters total that were from… Questions you'd like to ask Larry Wall the creator of Perl Programming Software Development by samaru [url=][/url] Unexpected T_STRING? Programming Web Development by mrcb … $edname = 'bob'; $edemail = '1234'; $writername = 'jess'; $draft = 'p1'; $interviews = 'bobby jones'; $title = 'bobby jones goes to town'; $decription = 'he…("INSERT INTO callsheet VALUES ('$edname', '$edemail', '$writername', '$draft', '$interviews', '$title', '$decription', '$section', '$edphone');") ?>[/CODE] The … Python problem Programming Software Development by pymatio ….html sportshall_outside.png tour.htm year_6.htm~ credits.htm interviews.htm mblock.jpg q_a.htm~ quote8.html spotshall.png… video_2.htm~ css interviews.htm~ miss.htm quote0.html quote9.html stained_glass.png … Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution Programming Computer Science by happygeek … book, based upon a collection of more than a hundred interviews that Steven Levy conducted between 1982 and 1983, has stood…, it really does come across as a series of disparate interviews at times, you will discover quite possibly the greatest book… How To store array in Sql server using sp Programming Web Development by Aties …;Kids"},{"id":16,"name":"Interviews"},{"id":11,"name":"Film…;id" value==16 value=="name" value=="Interviews" value== value== value=="id" value==11 value… How to use combobox option value Programming Web Development by Farhad.idrees … { e.preventDefault(); $('#Interviews').bPopup(); }); ///For 2nd… { e.preventDefault(); $('#Interviews').bPopup(); }); }); … Re: How to use combobox option value Programming Web Development by AleMonteiro …', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var value = $(this).val(); if ( value == 'Interviews' ) { $('#Interviews').bPopup(); } else if ( value == 'Something Else') { } else { } }); Search several tables at the same time Programming Web Development by PF2G …; and now i want to Select the tables: Guests, News, Interviews. And also how do i do to if i search… or event it gives me the results of every news/interviews where the guest and/or event appears... Thank you for… C++ programm Programming Software Development by Tehmina_1 Suppose a company Oraflex organizes interviews for a vacant post. Assume that the interviews of the successful candidates after short listing has been…