104 Topics

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Member Avatar for mlook

hi can you help me with this i have a network of 3 routers he number of hosts on each network Net1 60 Net2 90 Net3 60 Net4 30 Net5 60 Net6 128 there are 6 Pcs how can i calculate the subnet mask and knowing the subnet ,default getway,,,

Member Avatar for gbarnas
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I need a php script that gets the IP address of a user entered website, something like this: $site = 'www.google.com'; $ip = ping($site); obviously replacing ping with a command that actually exists! Thanks in advance. MAX

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for BxHxDLSB

I'm installing this wireless access point (router Linksys WRT54GS) and everything seems to be working fine, and it connects to the router via wireless network adapter. On the network connections page, it shows that the Computer connection to the router is excellent, But the router connection to the internet is …

Member Avatar for sacredfaith
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hello, I built a chat application that uses sockets and TCP/IP protocol. The client is an applet. The problem is I cannot connect the applet client with the desktop server application. [I]If I run the applet inside the applet viewer in NetBeans it works perfectly[/I]. I even tried the applet …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for saadikhan

Hello guys, I have a TCP Listener Server which listens to requests and replies them. It is working fine in a particular network. But what if i would need to make it available for everyone (my clients) over internet to connect to it and send receive messages/data? My current code …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for johnroach1985

Hi there, Trying to write a small script in python. What it will basically do is this; 1- A SSH user initiates the python script (from SSH remotely) 2- The script gets the connected users IP (the user is connected through SSH) 3- The connected IP is sent back to …

Member Avatar for johnroach1985
Member Avatar for forzadraco

how to detect ip that converted to a region name.. any free code? coz i found it's commercial code while i'm trying to googling.. thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I was wondering if there was a way to only allow myself to access certain pages on my website? Is there a way to do this by using my ip address? And if someone with a different ip try's to access the page they are denyed or forwarded back to …

Member Avatar for edwinhermann
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In the final days of a failing model, old media made one last futile attempt to save its fading way of life by trying to expand copyright law to exclude fair use and linking. Just this morning, my DaniWeb colleague, Sharon Fisher wrote a post called [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4479.html"]This Blog Post Could …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a report on enterprise open source usage released this week, Gartner research director Laurie Wurster stated in rather strong language that companies could face a big intellectual property issue because they are using the software without understanding the IP implications of the licensing language. But is she exaggerating the …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for newsguy

[URL="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/05/21/vole-loses-alcatel-lucent"]According to The Inquirer[/URL] Microsoft has lost the long running Alcatel-Lucent patent case. The US International Trade Commission has ruled against Microsoft in the case which accused Alcatel-Lucent of violating four Microsoft patents concerning IP-based phone software. The ITC concluded that "there is no violation of section 337" which refers …

Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been estimated that something in the region of 70 percent of the ATMs in current use are based not on the proprietary hardware, software and communication protocol platforms of old but instead on PC/Intel hardware and commodity operating systems, the most popular being Windows XP embedded. In fact, …

Member Avatar for ShaneW
Member Avatar for newsguy

Although there has been no great fuss made, no pin badges sold and no banners waved, Monday 4th February is for all intents and purposes the day IPv6 grows up. Because from that day, IPv6 IP addresses will be able to be directly translated into domain names and vice versa, …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Well, maybe for a week or three anyway. That is the theory being bandied around wherever more than three geeks assembly for longer than 10 minutes, or so it seems. Perhaps it is just the company I keep. However, is there any merit in the idea that Vista, and specifically …


The End.