3,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for nquadr

Hi I am new to .jsp programming. I wanted to create a simple web page to display some information from an access database, but unfortunately I keep getting an error that no data is found. I created a DSN source through the ODBC tool in Windows, and I feel I …

Member Avatar for ravi_91

iam doing a project but in my code it is not retrieving the data after the space like in data base i have " ravi teja" then in front end it is getting only "ravi" so can u suggest me the code plzzzzz

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Member Avatar for ayanbizz

How to create a simple chat application using jsp & servlets?Please provide me some ideas.What do I need to know apart from jsp and servlets?

Member Avatar for ayanbizz
Member Avatar for himmat.m4

Hi, I am wondering problem in my project. there is remotely accessing application but comes following error :- WARNING: Unable to connect to URL: [url][/url] due to java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: Connection timed out: connect java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: …

Member Avatar for dzen

I have follwed the tutorial on [I]JSP database connectivity according to Model View Controller (MVC) Model 2[/I] for login servlet. I use ServletConfig servlet and init- parameters from web.xml according to the tutorial. I am using Netbeans IDE. Bu I receive this exception whan I try to use login form. …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mith_cool

Exception in inserting date into database [CODE] String Fname= request.getParameter("txtfname"); String Lname= request.getParameter("txtlname"); String Uname=request.getParameter("txtuname"); String Pass=request.getParameter("txtpass"); String Email=request.getParameter("txtemail"); String Gender=request.getParameter("group1"); String Add=request.getParameter("txtadd"); java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()); //out.println(""+Fname+Lname+Uname+Pass+Email+Gender+Add); Connection con= null; //if(Fname != null && Lname != null && Uname != null && Pass != null && Email …

Member Avatar for mynameissiva

hi folks, Here i face problem in my webpage [servlet + mysql] Connection are working fine. But when running time it get download the page instead of display the content in the browser. I try myself so many time, cant sove it.. plz guys help me to overcome this problem. …

Member Avatar for mynameissiva
Member Avatar for ankit.pandey3

Hi friends.... I want to execute my first servlet but i am not able. I am going to explain what steps I did. 1-First I copy "Servlet-api.jar" from lib folder in tomcat and paste it in ext folder of java. 2- Create HelloWorld.java in somewhere in my hard drive [CODE]import …

Member Avatar for mynameissiva
Member Avatar for mith_cool

I only wanted to print the value in the string variable fname but somehow am not able to use the jsp tags effectively. [CODE] <%@page language="java" import="java.util.*" %> <% Cookie[] c= request.getCookies(); if(c==null) { response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); } else { for (int i=0; i<c.length; i++) { if(c[i].getName().equals("Cuname")) { try{ Connection con=null; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for anand01

Hi all, am using eclipse IDE.I want to connect mysql database with jsp/servlet for that i want to add mysql j/ connector. I added properties -> Java build path-> Add External jar file but still it calls the exception Driver not found "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver". Am not filmier with Eclipse any one …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for skiabox

I am trying to create a custom tag that will write something to the screen after checking for the existance of a specific cookie. Is it possible? Thank you.

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for jyotishankar

[code] <html> <head> <script> function selectCheckBox() { if(document.getElementById('id11').checked==true) { document.frm.id2.checked=true document.frm.id3.checked=true document.frm.id4.checked=true } if(document.getElementById('id11').checked==false) { document.frm.id2.checked=false document.frm.id3.checked=false document.frm.id4.checked=false } } function selectCheckBox1() { if(document.getElementById('id12').checked==false) { document.frm.id1.checked=false } } function selectCheckBox2() { if(document.getElementById('id13').checked==false) { document.frm.id1.checked=false } } function selectCheckBox3() { if(document.getElementById('id14').checked==false) { document.frm.id1.checked=false } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="frm"> All …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for dharma117

[B] I am try to compare contents of class object with equals(),but it not give desired output. so, How to override equals method in java to desired output ? Please help me with example...[/B]

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Ignatius88

Is it necessary to include servlet and Jsp in class diagram? Is there any tutorial for this? I am just wondering for I have never drawn any UML diagram for web apps. I have been searching and found out that <<sterotype>> thing but nothing says how to present them in …

Member Avatar for coervivekmca

how to upload multile file using enctype=multipart the form contains some basic txt inforamtion and 5 imge to upload to server .i am having problem ......give me some idea

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Member Avatar for abhisheyke

juz,i got a project online shopping, i have to use JSP/Servlet.I am familiar with jsp/servlet and database connectivity.It is my life's first project so i am very confuse.what should i do? Project minimum Requirement: Normal User can login,Sign up,add to cart, add to wishlist,no two purchase should add two time. …

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Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i have a jap project.in which i have a lot of log(txt) files.what i want to do is searching a particular number in all log files and cut some fields of lines containing that number and show them as table in jsp page. currently i am using shell …

Member Avatar for kingman123
Member Avatar for yatin.baraiya

Hy all i want to display data in table format... as like below result. column1 column2 column3 1 2 sdg 3 4 dfg 4 6 gfdsg 6 7 ffdsg the following snap of my code is take the column title dynamically [CODE] <c:forEach items="${emplistlist}" var="demos"> <TD><c:out value="${demos.columnam1}" /></TD> </c:forEach> [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for anand01

hi all, I am quite new to J2EE . I want to connect mysql database which one will be best jsp or servlet.... the thing is we need to establish connection each time. Insted of that just one Java class will do that and the other classes call the method …

Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for abhisheyke

Hello dere.. I am trying to create a log-in and log-out page in JSP. HttpSession started when it get successful log in.While calling session.invalidate() for log out, session did not get destroyed,it retains all the attribute it had.. What should i do?? plz help me

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for abery

I am making standard login panel in JSP, and it looks like this: Please enter user name and password: Username: [__________] Password: [__________] [submit] [reset] Where underlines between brackets are edit boxes, and "submit" and "reset" are buttons. It corresponds with this code: [CODE] <form action="main.jsp" method="POST" name="form"> Użytkownik: <input …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for varoluscu_prens

Hi There; I know that it is a very easy-to-solve question, but the situation drive me crazy. Here are the simplest jsp code and the expression side do not work in my machine: [CODE] <HTML> <BODY> Hello! The time is now <%= new java.util.Date() %> </BODY> </HTML> [/CODE] The time …

Member Avatar for varoluscu_prens
Member Avatar for smoothe19

Well as the noob that I am in this category this is literally my first JSP tutorial program I am almost done but got these two errors.. [CODE]org.apache.jasper.JasperException: file:C:/Documents and Settings/sa456p/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/IFPWAFCAD/build/web/index.jsp(6,60) PWC6188: The absolute uri: http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for skiabox

I am reading murach's book about jsp and servlets. He uses netbeans(I am using intellij idea) and I am at a point when he uses the META-INF folder that netbeans creates to save a context.xml file there that contains a Resource tag with information about a connection pool. The problem …

Member Avatar for skiabox
Member Avatar for nisrin

im creating a website that deals with the monthly reminders (extracted from Oracle) for my members for a school project. Should I create a login page using JSP or servlets? I am unfamiliar in both the languages. Will I need to establish my connection for each page if I use …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for dharma117

How to upload a photo in mysql database using Browse Button.that means i want to upload the photo in databse anywhere from hard disc using Brawse button.. please help me ..

Member Avatar for thomas6188

Hi everyone, I am using netbeans 6.8 version. I was trying to learn servlet by working around.So i created a html file ,in which i placed a form whose action is given as "login.java" which is a servlet file. But when i run the program and click on the button …

Member Avatar for dresses623
Member Avatar for Sadun89

This is actually not related to jsp.... Its related to the Apache tomcat server..... :icon_rolleyes: I run the startup.bat file where is located in bin folder.. than tomcat was started...it use 8080 port ([url]http://localhost:8080):icon_lol:[/url] after that I created the jsp page using netbeans & rut it.tomcat was started & run..... …

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Member Avatar for gianx80

Hi to all dear friends. I'm struggling with OpenLDAP integration into Liferay Portal. At the moment I'm on a Windows machine, but I tried also on a Linux one without any luck. So, this is the content of my OpenLDAP database on my Windows machine: [code]dn: o=uni,c=it o: uni description: …

Member Avatar for newcoder310

Guys, I want to get good at servlets and JSP .... please tell me what all I should do to achieve this ..... I know that theory alone wouldnt help me .. so what kind of stuff do i need to practice ..... and where can i find them Thanks

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The End.