3,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for SkyCool

Hi, i am having this 'bug' when i tried to run my application using firefox browser. At my login page, the user will display a default value of '123' and password field will display a '*'. However, i did not even define a default value for both fields. I don't …

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for mith_cool

There is some problem when i check username and validate it against password from my database.After checking password from request.getParamter() it should say "You have been successfully login"... Perhaps I am getting my own else block message"Incorrect Password..." which means there is some problem with the password thing. Here is …

Member Avatar for himmat.m4

Hi, In my application in jsp page I calling thread which write in bean file. that thread execute query which is taking long time. so that before calling thread method executing one another query which is executed immediately. Here I am trying to making functionality by executing one query display …

Member Avatar for sree22_happy

Hi friends Can anyone tell me about the difference between <%@include file="abc.jsp" %> and <jsp:include file="abc.jsp"/> :-/

Member Avatar for haribol
Member Avatar for coervivekmca

i have stuck in a small prob but this is big for me.... i need to upload emp image with emp imformation ...txtvalue should be saved in data base and image should be save in directory ....having path name in db. i dnt knw how to use enctype=mutlpart [code] <%@page …

Member Avatar for madhub2v

Can any one tell me I learnt about JDBC,Hibernate technologies. I wonder about WEB Projects which uses JDBC technology exist today.? If yes How they are configuring JDBC Logic in web application in practical scenario. thanks.

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for smoothe19

Okay I am trying to get my program to read the users input as username and password and match it with my database if it is valid then i want it to move them on to the next page. Problem is i dont know how to validate and once validated …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Arthi Raman
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for smoothe19

Well I am totally new to java web development how can I create a simple web app that reads and writes to a database? steps tutorials please. Remember I have absolutely no experience on this. I have read several tutorials but with so many ways and they are mostly difficult …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for rizana

I have a jsp form with 3 buttons (New/View/Edit). On clicking New..it should open another jsp form with some input field. On clicking View..it should open the same jsp form with input field as readonly on clicking edit..it should open the same jsp form with input field pre-populated.. can i …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for sathyanshan

Hi all, I am doing a small project which needs Tab control in JSF page.. so i went for MyFaces Tomahawk. While using it I experience a different error. While using components like Input Calendar, Input date etc, Its working Fine.. But while using TabbedPane It throws me an excpetion …

Member Avatar for sathyanshan
Member Avatar for yatin.baraiya

Hello all in my jsp i am using the below tag for label purpose [CODE] <% Random r = new Random(); String token = Long.toString(Math.abs(r.nextLong()), 36); String bgColor = request.getParameter("COLOR"); String ch = token.substring(0,6); %> [/CODE] <s:label name="formName" value="Employee"/> i want to use this tag as below.. <s:label name="formName" value="<%=val>"/> …

Member Avatar for Arthi Raman

Hi, I need to give space between words in the following statement [code] r+='<option onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onmouseover=tooltip.show("'+""+data_eval.data[t1].TECHNOLOGY+"-Technolgy_is_available_for_Project-"+data_eval.data[t1].PROJECT+"/Operator-"+data_eval.data[t1].Operator+"/Country-"+data_eval.data[t1].Country+"/Region-"+data_eval.data[t1].Region+'") value="'+data_eval.data[t1].TECHNOLOGY+'">'+data_eval.data[t1].TECHNOLOGY+'</option>';[/code] It is a tooltip. Thanks

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for zahrahLand

Hi everyone, I have two questions: Q1: I need to design and implement a simple web interface which works as a browser in which I should pre-process the page before it's displayed and mark up (highlight) some specific words? How can I do that? Q2: I need also to design …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for yatin.baraiya

Hello all, following is my jsp file names register.jsp [CODE] <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Registration Process Form</title> </head> <body> <s:form action="registeraction" method="post"> <s:label name="formName" value="Employee Registration Form........"/> <s:textfield name="username" …

Member Avatar for mith_cool

I am facing problem in storing an image file into sql server. Following is my jsp page form tag which calls a servlet which has the storage code.. [CODE] <form name="form" action="NewServlet" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-date"> <input type="file" name="file" size="20"> <input type="submit"> </form> [/CODE] here is my servelt code for the same …

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for yatin.baraiya

Hy all, i use the following code for displaying the image. i am sending the image file from the my HTML page... the following code is working for the image having name without any space example like:-test1.jpeg, but the following code is not working when i send the image having …

Member Avatar for Sadun89
Member Avatar for pvsairam

How To Convert .java to .jsp file ??? can any one help me out... its very urgent..!!

Member Avatar for Sadun89
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

i tested the php version of the autocomplete example in ajax using PHP from here: [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.asp"]http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_aspphp.asp[/URL] i tried the PHP veriosn, not the ASP version. It worked fine. Now i want to implement the same thing in JSP, and so i translated the PHP version of source file (which has …

Member Avatar for ronnieaka
Member Avatar for raghujosh

I have an application which accesses a catalog of items which can then be added to a cart. When a user selects the item(s) which could be "n" number by checking a checkbox and clicking the "Add to cart" button, the data has to be posted to a cartservlet. I …

Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii I am New in SalesForce CRM and i am facing big problem with Salesforce Web To lead form what i did i have created landing page and in which one lead Collection Form connected to Sales Force CRM now what is the problem i am facing is when i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for anand01

hi all, I am new to jsp i want to import applet class into jsp file . am using netbean IDE how can I define code base. <applet CODE ="app.class" codebase="http://localhost:8080/proj/build/WEB-INF/classes/" width="804" height="512"> </applet> thanks in advance

Member Avatar for mith_cool

I have been assigned a task to develop an online store.I am facing a problem at the time of insertion of records into SQL Database. I am using Type4 driver. The name of the DNS is SQL. here is my servlet code [CODE] protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws …

Member Avatar for mith_cool
Member Avatar for sureshksk

Hi friends, I am using struts2.I have a select tag in jsp page.After submiting form to action class,again i am redirecting to same jap page. Here, In my jsp page i want to retain <s:select list="topcat_list" name="topcat_select"> options after coming back also. Is there any way.how can i do that.thnaks …

Member Avatar for Tym326

Hey guys, I am pretty new in using jsp. I am currently using tiles and action mappings for my project. I am just wondering if there is a way to use action mapping with <jsp:forward> or any other forward script, especially in tiles? I tried to do the following and …

Member Avatar for Sadun89

Dear Friend..... I want to make web site that it want to plugging with facebook..... In other words, If i type & submit something,I want to publish in Facebook wall (if i can publish in selected person's walls its very worth) it like what the youtube done after some video …

Member Avatar for Sadun89
Member Avatar for himmat.m4

Hi, In our application there is we have made connection code on jsp page. that code working properly but if we press long time F5 key then we get Exception is as followes : - "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" after that if we press one time …

Member Avatar for mindbend

So I'm busy with a small website I'm able to login at the website with the help of sessions that all goes well. But I'd like to expand the website a bit more, it's a sport website where people can add players, add teams, and add matches, and those are …

Member Avatar for mindbend
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

here's my code: [CODE] import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; @WebServlet(name="HelloWorld",urlPatterns={"/HW"}) public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("Hello Programmers!!! "); } } [/CODE] to access it on Tomcat, i goto : localhost:8080/examples/HW so i …

Member Avatar for javedkhan

Hi, I am new to Java, JSP and would like to start web development in JSP and want to know about a tutorial or some steps on what do I need to start web application development in JSP/Servelts/Java. Would really appreciate some help. thanks, J

Member Avatar for Sadun89

The End.