3,760 Topics
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hey guy, i found a problems during my project, i write a web apps in jsp html, i found that i can call a java function by succesfully. the scenario is like this : Below is my html code of button, i got two button here, 1 is submit button … | |
hello i want to load one of my table column(employee_id) in to a combobox, and i also want to delete the raws correspondant to any selected item(employee_id) from that table.can u help me please.. | |
Our application has a requirement to use a ShowModalDialog box functionality. We have just phased out IE6 and now can develop towards IE8 functionality. From what I can tell ShowModalDialog works still and that's lovely, but I believe it's deprecated and therefore doesn't support some of the newer functionality of … | |
![]() | Hi, I would like to have a Combobox where the selected item is the value set in the session attribute. For example: HTML: [CODE] <select name='myCombo'> <option value='--Select Table--'>--Select Table--</option> <option value='OPTION1'>OPTION1</option> <option value='OPTION2'>OPTION2</option> </select> [/CODE] Javascript: [CODE] document.getElementbyName('myCombo').selectedValue = session.getAttribute("choice"); [/CODE] Thanks, -Ashton. |
ArrayList<String> cs = CourseAssignments.getInstance().getStudentCoursesByName(sname); %> <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="8" bgcolor= #EBDDE2> <% Iterator<String> i = cs.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()){ %> <tr> <td><%= i.next() %><input type= "radio" name= "courses" value="<%= i.next() %>"/></td> </tr> <%}%> </table> <center><input type= "submit" value= "Submit"></center> </form> <%} In ArrayList cs I have all the courses that a student … | |
Hello I am trying to run a perl script on tomcat server. I am putting the incoming http request in a variable data which collects the headers as well as the text file attachment data. The code is like this : .... while(<>){ $data = $data . $_ ; } … | |
I created a website that will upload files to a webdav server I can now upload files to the webdav server and I am able to view it. below is my code <% boolean isMultiPart = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload(); List items = upload.parseRequest(request); String baseUrl = "http://localhost:8084/webdavserver"; … | |
i want to link my thumbnail image to an slider i have made in jquery and html http://www.jeppiaarcollege.org/jeppiaar/Gallery/photogallery.html something like this i want to create in my website i m new to it please help. i have created the slider in html page now i want to put some thumbnail … | |
Hi to everyone. I have created jsp report in that date column is there where am showing the date format like this (02-01-2012) <% String Rcheckdate=""; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); Rcheckdate=df.format(rs.getDate("tr_dt")); %> <td align='center'><%=Rcheckdate%></td> In report i have given the excel button from there am exporting the data to … | |
Why my javascript menu is structing after 5 minutes (measn the drop down menu is not coming ). For that i need to referesh the whole page that page is in jsp. Can anyone help me to overcome from this problem. below is the sample code <td WIDTH=150 onmouseover="awgMnBSpmc('awgMnBSpma0',1);awgMnBSpmd('awgMnBSpm11','awgMnBSpma0');" onmouseout="awgMnBSpmc('awgMnBSpma0',0);awgMnBSpme('awgMnBSpm11');" … | |
my client using apache tomcat server in this server form post method not working but instead am using get method its working what the configuration am missing in web xml? | |
hello i am working on a c,c++,java tutorial website, & i want to insert lots of source code example in it. I am doing this using <span> & CSS classes. I have seen some online code highlighter. i want to make one for my site. And is there any other … | |
Dear all, I am about to implement a user feedback page, by using the smtp server of my university. When I try to send a form, an error message is received as below: [COLOR="Red"]Could not connect to SMTP host: smtp-auth.bris.ac.uk, port: 587[/COLOR] I tested with telnet this smtp address, along … | |
Ok, I have a website built for a friend(simple/static). I want to add an amdin panel for him, so he can log in, put pictures into the gallery, change or update his stocklist and change or update his news section with special offer etc (he owns a reptile shop). I … | |
I am trying to run the code that was run on Jboss already from the command line. Now i want to make it as a Tomcat project running from the IDE. Don't know how to deploy the WAR file and EAR file to get it run.. .. To code compile … | |
Hello i am currently picking up jsp to extend my knowledge of web languages. I am currently trying to connect to a database but i keep getting a weird error on the index page where i verify conditions for the authentication.jsp page. Parts of Code Below: index.jsp <div id="sidebar"> <% … | |
Hi . i am a final year computer science engineering student , Recently i have learned Java Servlets , JSP and Struts 2 framework . I am looking for help regarding my major project . I am in dark what (which application) i should develop for my major project using … | |
i have this code in main.jsp <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bipi/css/bp.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/> </head> <body> <div class="navigator"> <a id="currenttab" href="/WEB-INF/jsp/main.jsp">Add</a> <a href="/bipi/display.jsp">Delete</a> <a id="currenttab" href="/WEB-INF/jsp/main.jsp">Main</a> </div> <%--<% String fname = request.getParameter("f_name"); String fage = request.getParameter("f_age"); if (fname != null && fage != null ) { com.test.gerrard.Insert(fname, fage); } %>--%> <form … | |
Hello Users, I have been learning the Prepared Statements in Java which is a newer and better way of entering details into the Database. Have been getting problems with the insertion: NullPointerException and still don't know where I am going wrong. Please Assist me in Solving the Issue. Code Below: … | |
employee_list.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Employee List</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" %> <% Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"+"Hibernate MySQL","root","root"); st = conn.createStatement(); … | |
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Hello Friends. It has been a long time since i posted my codes in the DaniWeb Forum. I have a problem which is really preventing me from moving ahead in the Project. My project requires me to develop a small quiz application with a registration functionality. The registration functionality requires … | |
i use <c:forEach like this <% ArrayList<Categorie> categories = new CategorieDao().getAll(); request.setAttribute("categories", categories); %> <c:forEach items="${categories}" var="categorie"> <a href="film.jsp?id=${categorie.id}> ${categorie.ad}</a> </c:forEach> but how can i use this categorie's attribute in java tag like this <cc <c:forEach items="${categories}" var="categorie"> <a href="film.jsp?id=${categorie.id}> ${categorie.ad}</a> <% int count= new CategorieDao.getSome(***categorie.id***); %> </c:forEach> | |
Hi, I have this customised framework in which the welcome page gives a call to the servlet which further gives the resp. jsp that needs to be displayed. Can somebody suggest how can i do this. Thanks. | |
hello, I created project using jsp pages in netbeans.And we are running index page file by starting netbeans.But it should be handled by end user easily like by shorcut on desktop(icon).so in which format it should be given to end user.Means when we are creating project in java then that … | |
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Hi I am new to hibernate when run the following code it shows mapping exception how can correct couuld any one guide me may main class UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails(); userDetails.setUserId(1); userDetails.setUserName("Anand"); SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.save(userDetails); session.getTransaction().commit(); My hibernate.cfg.xml file <session-factory> <property … | |
![]() | Hi everyone, Im new to web programming and i need some help, I have something like this: <td><label>User (Login): </label></td> <td><input class="textbox" autofocus="true" type="text" maxLength="7" name="cUser" id="cUser" /></td> </tr><tr></tr> <td><label>First Name: </label></td> <td><input class="textbox" type="text" maxLength="20" name="cFname" id='cFname' value=""/></td> </tr><tr></tr><tr> <td><label>Last Name: </label></td> <td><input class="textbox" type="text" maxLength="30" name="cLName" id="cLName" /></td> … |
I installed Apache Tomcat 7.0.28 in my JBuilder6. I use JDK 1.6.0_32 (jre6). I can get http://localhost:8080/ page. However, when I tried to run my JSP file, I encountered following error: FileUpload.jsp: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/Task FileUpload.jsp: Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.tools.ant.Task ...12 more Could not find the main class: org.apache.jasper.jspC. Program will … |
The End.