3,760 Topics
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hi pals, here i have the API key and Security key .... but am not able to create the session key values... i have attached my coding here... [code]<% String username = request.getParameter("username"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); FriendsterClient fc = new FriendsterClient("sessionkey", "7c253b64f5f3aa1d84b7c825ab2327e8", "3cdebc2f794af44d173a9046d12775cc"); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); int uid … | |
Hi experts, This is the snippet for html file <li><a href="#">Electronics</a> <ul> <li><a href="">Mobile Phones</a></li> <li><a href="">Television</a></li> <li><a href="">Air Conditioners</a></li> <li><a href="">Photo & Optics</a></li> <li><a href="">Audio Systems</a></li> </ul> </li> And there is one jsp file called electronics.jsp.. If i click any one of the above, it should be go to … | |
Hi experts, I am trying to use ajax in my webpage. I got the values from the database and displayed as links as below. param1 param2 param3 I used the following code to call a javascript function func() with dynamic parameter param in jsp. out.println("<a href='#' onclick='javascript:func('"+ param +"')'>"+ param … | |
hi, im using tomcat and im trying to do simple submit form. before submiting i must chek the fields. the problem is that my submit functuin dosnt sends to the server the fields values. help... how can i submit but check all the fields first??? here is my html [code] … | |
Hello, I am creating TextChat site .. on java Servlet .. I want to know the mechanism of identifying each user to forward message updates between each other in that perticular chat room. whether it i by knowing there ip-adress OR how. THANKS to all Helpers .... | |
Hello mods!!This problem is really frustrating me now!! i already know about ur tutorial on MVC Connection but i do not want to follow it since it is very complicated for me to understand and implement. So i have written a code (Ora.jsp) to connect to Oracle XE on my … | |
Hi everybody, I want to know the difference between jsp and struts. Advantage of these two. I expect from all. Thanks for your effort. | |
hello mods!! i am a newbie in jsp and just wanted to ask a basic question! i have a small jsp code for displaying the date and time. i have tomcat6 and apache web server installed on my linux machine(using fedora 12). can somebody plzz tell me how to run … | |
Hello. Actually not that much good in web development ... So i need little help in doing this work. I am creating realtime chating site in which i am having problem that how to send mesages to user's. I've read some simple example on internet they uses request to server … | |
Hi I need code for searching the records in a table for specified conditions using jsp | |
Hello friends, I have a table which contains file names. For example i have stored a file "java.pdf" in a directory called "course". The file is located here. [url]http://www.something.com/course/java.pdf[/url] Now i stored the file name in a column named "document_filename". I stored it as "java.pdf" Now if a user click … | |
Actually ,i made one project for web based application,but now i have to use for desktop application.and also i don't want to show my code to customer to whom i will give my project.While running WAR file in tomcat ,it automatically makes source code file,please help me out. In advance … | |
i am engineering student developing project on shopping cart...how to implement cart using jsp cookies..when user clicks on one item and add to the cart and next if he wishes to go to next page and add another item to cart, then both items value should be added in one … | |
Hi there, i want to redirect from the SERVLET page to an HTML page after 5 seconds. Please help..!! | |
Hi experts, I would ask you how to create dynamic image in JSP along with other content | |
Hi I have a simple jsp page in which there is an ajax call on an input string which returns the upper case of the string in json. This is working for the first time but not on successive requests. I am using the GET method. Why is it not … | |
Hi, I am using the following code to send email using JSP through gmail. But i am getting error in the following line: Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); [code] String host="", user="", pass=""; host = smtp_server; //"smtp.gmail.com"; user = jsp_email; //"YourEmailId@gmail.com" // email id to send the emails pass = … | |
How to pass a hidden variable to servlet/action class on clicking of a hyperlink in jsp page. | |
i want web based project topics in java.who's r not common in development means i want smthing defferent topic which is not more complex n easy 2 built....so pls give me sm topic...4 ma project.... | |
Hi, I am creating a web application that will be accessed by several different users who need to be coupled and to interact. More specifically, I would like to let both of them call the same servlet instance and make the servlet start his operations only when both users already … | |
Hi, I am trying to call servlet using Ajax request in Post method which simply return Hello in Hebrew and I am keep getting gibbrish. I use the following code lines : 1. On the top o the JSP page - <%@page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html;UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML … | |
The task is very simple; you have to work on two functions Encrypt and Decrypt. The encrypt function will encrypt the user input string with the help of encryption key. The decrypt function will decrypt the user input string with the help of encryption key. The output will Hints: Encoding: … | |
hi please help me ihave aproblem how could icall ireport from jsp environment haya quraan <FAKE SIGNATURE> | |
Hi, I am new to jsp. i want to learn how to create web applications in that. Anybody please help me. | |
i'm making a web application based on jsp i wan't a code that when a button clicked, take value from textbox and insert its value into mysql database pool maybe the sql stmt only isn't right my code is: [CODE]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="http://localhost:8080/servlet/mailservlet"> <p> </p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> … | |
Hi, I need to show the loading status(wait status) in cursor for all actions. If i perform some action([B]Login[/B]), then go to the backend and perform some process and it will return some value. Here this whole process will be taken some times. Now that time i want to show … | |
hello all, i just joined this forum. i actually joined because i am having a serious problem with my program which i believe u can help me solve. i am designing a web based application that authenticates user login using MySql as database, java as programming language and NetBeans 6.5 … | |
Hi daniweb team, I am new to Servlet concepts can any one tell why peoples use doGet and doPost method in the Same program.And What is the difference between doGet and doPost method. Thank you, With Regards, Prem. | |
Hi, I need help with JSP session. My problem: I have a login page. When a user logs in then, i set a session and its expiration time. So, when the session is expired, the user will be redirected to the login page with a session expired message. I want … | |
I want to make a jsp page which checks some condition and if it is not true it should send error response 404 to server.. so that the tomcat server should think that the page is not available... is it possible to do in jsp..??? |
The End.