3,760 Topics
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Hello, i need a code to insert the values entered in the Text box to a Table in the Same JSP Page. Then the values in the Table should be stored in the database. im using MySQL. Thanks in Advance. Ananth.S | |
My problem is this: I want to call a pege by javascript (the page where I am but with different parameter) onchange="window.location.replace('utenti.jsp?mese=3')" But tomcat don't allow me to do this and give me this error HTTP Status 404 - /CosentinoDiFederico/utenti.jsp type Status report message /CosentinoDiFederico/utenti.jsp description The requested resource (/CosentinoDiFederico/utenti.jsp) … | |
Hi everybody, I am new to JSP.So i may ask simple questions to u..i hope anyone will reply me. when and how the Business functions( written in bean )are called? by JSP or anything else | |
Hi friends, I am using struts framework. I problem is I have fetched the data from from the databse in arraylist and want to display in the drop down here is the code i have written <html:select property="productCategory"> <html:options collection="array" /> </html:select> But I am getting following exception: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: … | |
Hi. Me again. I was wondering how could i code my jsp page when i want the following page. I have the main contract page where you can see the certain property that is in that contract. Contract and Property are connected by contractproperty which contains both contractID and propertyID. … | |
![]() | Hi! I need some help. It's probably really simple but im stuck and need some guidance. I want a simple loginpage where the user logs on and matches the username and pw in the database. Then i want to redirect him to another site. this new site should check that … |
hello, I just noticed a problem in my code. hope you'll would help me. normally we have a login page where the userid and password is validated from database .now the problem what i am facing is [code]while(rs.next()) { if((rs.getString("m_emp_no").equals(user)) && (rs.getString("m_password").equals(pwd)) ) { " " direct to some page … | |
Hello. I am presently tearing a HibernateTravelApp tutorial ([url]http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/web/hibernate-vwp.html[/url]) apart to see how it works and I was looking at the traveldb that ships with netbeans and I am having trouble understanding how the tables interact because the name table only has one row with names and I don't see … | |
hi all, i have a problem in retrieving data from database into tree structure.Anyone solve this problem | |
I am unable make a servlet by JSP what i have to do for. Why occur this type of problem | |
Hi friends, I am new to struts and jsp. My problem is after i click a particluar link,a page gets open where there are some pre populated values in the drop down list in that page. can anyone help me with how should i go for this? Thanks in Advance | |
[B][/B] Hi, I have membership type in application as [B]Select Membership type:[/B] 1 year(radio button) 2 year(radio button) 4 year(radio button) [B]courier delivery:[/B] courier(radio button) currently tab sequence going from 1 year radiobutton to courier button but it has to go as from 1 year to 2 year to 4 … | |
how do i create image confirmation when registering new member in a web site | |
Hi, I have a web application employing a servlet that processes database requests from user input params and forwards the total count of the resultset to my display jsp using request.setAttribute(...). I retrieve the value of total count in my display jsp using request.getAttribut(...) and the value returns correctly. However, … | |
Hello, I am new to JSP. I would like to learn how to create a JSF application that has a table within and the user can add items to the table , update existing items or remove items. I am working with an Oracle database. I will be happy to … | |
Hi. Me again. I have searched google and found no good tutorials to help me. I'm using "Glassfish v2", "Mysql v5" and "NetBeans 6.5 beta". ***I have to make a seach jsp page that searches by different parameters stuff from database - meaning from one parameter to several. [LIST=1] [*]Which … | |
I'm developing an online web based system for my 3rd year project using JSP & Servlets. I have a database table which includes details of the applicants..and I want to display the information of each applicant page by page. That mean only a single person's details is displayed on the … | |
we have this assignment to make a webpage where the user can add/insert/delete /save data to a database. the program is already finished and i had it up and running perfectly. like, all the functions work. but when i transfered it to another computer, it would not display any data … | |
After spending some time on JSP section of this forum as many before me, I come to the conclusion that we are in need of "proper" tutorial on this topic. This tutorial is not intended to teach you everything from top to bottom, it is just a starting point to … | |
i hav decided to do a chat program using jsp. please help me with proper guidance and if any old chat programs using jsp, send it to me my emailid: <EMAIL SNIPPED> | |
Hi, Well to start od i decided to learn how to create jsp pages and finally finish my project. So i used the netbeans tutorial for making jsp pages. The sample worked fine, but when i wanted ti retrieve information from my own database it do not work like it … | |
Hi I am trying to remove a session attribute from my app, currently i use the jstl tag remove to remove the attribute, this works in firefox when the browser is refreshed, but not in IE, so i then decided to use the session.removeAttribute method in a servlet that gets … | |
Hi everyone, I am facing a problem in my project .I am sure you'll will find a way out.I am working on a project leave management .now i am really confused as to how to go ahead.I am working with jsp and ms-access .Here the scenario is i have two … | |
i have taken date month nd year in menu in simple jsp not javascript.i want whwenevr i click on feb date list automatically contain 28 or 29 days.please reply me in a day | |
can any one one help me develop a website forum web application 1 Appropriate use of OO Principles in Design 2 Effective design and use of appropriate design notations 3 Effective seperation of presentation from logic 4 Extensibility 5 Relevance of Implementation to the Design 6 Correct and efficient use … | |
Hai Friends, I want to create webservice in apache tomcat server in xml format as <xml> <name>Name1</name> <address>Add1</address> </xml> please tell how to do this. | |
Hi everyone, i have problem with servlet for upload files,every help will be much appreciated. I am using the Apache API for uploading files.My original servlet is longer than what i will paste here,but i think that if i understand the problem of the short servlet here, i will fix … | |
when i am sending using this code : [CODE] MimeMessage msg; try { IChannel emailChannel = ChannelFactory.getInstance().getChannel(ChannelFactory.EMAIL); msg = createMessage(text); emailChannel.sendTo(phTo,"a@xxx.com",msg); // emailChannel.sendTo(phTo,phFrom,msg); emailChannel.sendTo("o@xxx.com","p@xxx.com",msg); emailChannel.sendTo("N@xxx.com","p@xxx.com",msg); error_messg = "\u05D4\u05D5\u05D3\u05E2\u05D4 \u05E0\u05E9\u05DC\u05D7\u05D4"; String htmlBody = ""; htmlBody = htmlBody + "<div dir=rtl align=right>"; htmlBody = htmlBody +txt; htmlBody = htmlBody + "</div>"; String … | |
hi all, i am to company which has assigned project hopital mangt given ide net beans to which i am new, i am writing html in jsp like patient name, age, in a table. i am confused i am more to html not to jsp can we use html in … | |
Im trying to access the databsae values & displaying it on the screen..my database connections r alright & evn the db is also rite..but its not displayin anything on the screen..can u help me?? [code=JSP]<html> <head><Title> login details </title><head> <%@page language="java" import="java.io.*,java.sql.*" %> <body> <% String name=""; String pass=""; try … |
The End.