3,760 Topics
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Hi there, I am currently working on project for my school. It is supposed to be a JSP web application that should read data from databases and my instructor told me that it would be fine to implement RRDTool for graphs. I use NetBeans IDE and found 2 things related … | |
How to store an image into MySQL using JDBC and display the image in JSP? | |
hi, i need to populate a select box with values from database. but this should be done based on the value selected in the other select box previously. for example, i am having two tables. 1 for selecting domain 2 for courses offered in that domain. this table will have … | |
Hi I am trying to send the mail to client containing message as a data retrieved from database in table format. I am retrieving data in below servlet. now i want to send all this data in jsp page in table format. from this page i am sending all this … | |
Hi all, Can any please explain me how to call methods of one bean through other bean in JSP. for example in user registration,ihave used two beans one is "Userinfo " with all setters and getters and other "Userregister" interacting with database which has a method called doInsert(). now how … | |
hi every1.. im just starting with JSP..i run the jsp pages on a single machine using localhost:8080/examples/jsp/my pages...but what if i want to store my pages into some other directory n wish to access them then how can i do tht??is there any file wher ive to change the path … | |
Hi..! I am trying to get whole browser in my jsp page. I have a sample url as, "http://www.ab.com/#/pages/ab" I need this whole URL to be print in my scriptlet code in jsp. I can't use javascript as that is disabled. I tried with REQUEST objets several methods like getURL … | |
[code]<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %> <% import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.util.*; public class Validation { public Validation() { System.err.println("nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"); } } %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Subittion Page</title> </head> <body> Your rquest … | |
hey all, first post, im a real n00b at this.. its just part of my first yr at uni and dont even need it for the 2nd yr and never done it before.. anyway, if u could please just get me through this il be FOREVER greatfull... basically iv done … | |
Hi FOlks can any one share the code snippet of opening any format of microsoft office document in IE browser, on a click of a button Kindly do share the JSP and server side eventing too.. Thanks RK | |
Hi; The below page validates the user. if the groupid of the user is null into the database,it forward the user to accessdenied.jsp page. The below code works fine without closing [B]rs[/B] If i had tried to close rs.close(); [B]it show the compile error: rs might not have been initialised[/B]. … | |
i just starter to learn jsp and i have few questions. 1) in my jsp project i have jsp page and java classes that defined as jsp beans. my jsp page contains submit button. is there a way to define that each time i press the button the program will … | |
Hi all, I am designing a website related to news channel, in which i ve [U]e-news[/U], here i want everydays news to be updated,please can canbody help me i shud submit this before four o clk.. | |
Hi ,everybody i am trying to use beans in jsp.....but i am stucked in first step... i have copied code from somewhere ......here beans uses a package .Beans is compiled successfully and called bean by this tag in jsp <jsp:useBean id="MyConnectionBean" scope="session" class="UserPack.ConnectionBean"/> Here UserPack is package of bean now … | |
I'm building small application, im kinda newbie in jsp..I use the MVC n servlets concepts.. My problem is after from servlets, the page i want to go (change to another place) cannot shown in the address bar correctly(the addressbar still showing the servlet page), but the view is exactly d … | |
Hi again (I'm annoying i know, but i just get stuck with things). I'm using this tutorial: [url]http://www.netbeans.org/kb/61/web/jsf-jpa-crud-wizard.html[/url] I'm using it in combination with [B]mysql+tomcat[/B] not java database+classfish. I have imported the following libraries (after googling what is needed for persistance in tomcat and mysql): JSF 1.1 JSF 1.2 JTA … | |
I was working through an client side struts from the internet, everything worked fine, until the alert came up displaying "???en_GB.errors.required???" instead of the values from the MessageResource.properties file. Does anyone know what the problem could be? | |
Dear JSP friend, I'm new in JSP. I would appreciate if someone can help me in creating inner joint 2 table from MySQL DB and display the result in JSP as report. Please help me.... | |
hi everyone i m new to this site..... i have problem ....... i m trying to insert data which is in jsp page int bale but it is not happening my problem scenario is: i have one jsp page ,in which i m displaying data from one table say table1 … | |
I tried to store session using.. String UserId=request.getParameter("username"); session.setAttribute("username", UserId); and when I try to access it in some other jsp/servlet using request.getAttribute("username") it is showing incompatible data types and showing value null.. but request.getParameter(); is working fine .. wht to do if I need to access this variable in … | |
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I've got a tag file, "nav.tag" with the following attribute: [code=jsp] <%@ attribute name="navigation" rtexprvalue="true" type="java.util.Map" %> [/code] I get nothing when I attempt to assign a Map value to a variable like this: [code=jsp] <c:set var="articleSection" value="${navigation['ARTICLE']}" /> [/code] However, this works: [code=jsp] <c:forEach items="${navigation}" var="s"> <c:choose> <c:when test="${s.key … | |
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and help will really be appreciated.hope that you'll will help me. I am working on a project using jsp,servlet,ms-access as database. I have to prepare a login page which should be validated with the database and i have done the coding for … | |
Hi there, Now I am doing a project which using JSP calling Crystal Report (version XI) and whenever the report popup. it is always show an IE error message something about printcontrol.dll. So does anyone ever come across this problem before, and pls let me know how to solve it. … | |
hi i am trying to add a picture to jsp page. i'm using netbeans software. the problem is when i run the page the picture is shown with red x mark. the picture is available from ie and i restored my security settings to default. | |
hi , can i update multiple tables on submitting one form, i ve a form which includes vehicle details and driver details like driver name vehicle no,vehile type booked for the date DD/MM/YYYY from some place to another place,these details shud be updated in the driver table , vehicle table … | |
Hi I am designing a web application. the structure is like this. request for product -> controller.jsp ( based on URL forward the request) -> products.jsp Here request can come from any of the pages and products.jsp refer to different jsps for different product. In general, there will be so … | |
Hi! i just want to ask how to end a session after a transaction. Here's the flow of my app...after updating information in the database, a confirmation page is invoked, in this page, a button which will display the first page is displayed. when i click that button, the text … | |
hi i need help with a web page i am making the index page is a common subscription form for students you enter name email and student number, the page validates them then send them to a JSP page. the problem is i am not good at all with JSP … | |
Hey Everyone, I have got a jsp "1.jsp" which will insert records in various tables. I'm using sql:transaction tag to group the sql statements together to provide transactional behavior. Some of these sql statements will be used by multiple jsps. So I created a separate jsp "Common.jsp" which contains the … |
The End.