158 Topics

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Member Avatar for Zdneth_1

Hi.. I want to seek help about database in SQL and Jtable in Netbeans. In our sales inventory system, we have these tables in database namely 'stockmasterlist' and 'pricemasterlist'. They are relational since they have in common with regards to their 'ProductNumber'. Now, since they are of different tables but …

Member Avatar for pbj.codez
Member Avatar for harsha_123

01. I'm working on a school java project using Netbeans IDE. 02. I need to display IReport in a JPanel Placed inside a JFrame with a button Click. 03. To Create the IReport I used ReportView Class downloaded from the Internet & in the button click Event I have following …

Member Avatar for mintcrops
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

I'm suffering from a complete brainfreeze here; maybe some NetBeans user can un-block me without making me look like a complete idiot? Thanks. I usually use Eclipse, but for this particular project it has to be NetBeans. I have two projects defined. One is the main project with packages - …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for modesto916

Hi there, I'm just starting with Java and Desktop programming but I have some doubts, for example: You are going to write a new application, you go there, draw your ER for your database, UML, etc. My problems is when I need to integrate the interface with the program logic, …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for nah094020

Just wondering how do i get all the nessecary files for my project on netbeans because, when i use the add existing item, i tend to forget where i got it from and have trouble organizing it. Is there a way to find where the file is located at?

Member Avatar for nah094020
Member Avatar for SoulofchaOs

After I clicked the 'Run' button in Netbeans, it will compile and run and then it will stop at this point : [Click Here](http://i.imgur.com/4O8vY2d.png) I will have to press any key on the keyboard then it will display the text, but it doesn't allow the user to enter any form …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for PreethiGowri

I have written a code which used to send data that was saved in my mysql database, through ethernet using UDP protocol, everything worked fine until i sent fewer data(25 rows), when i started sending data in huge amount(100 rows) it used to display Java Result: -1073740791 and would stop …

Member Avatar for PreethiGowri
Member Avatar for yunniesshi

Hello generous java coders!I am really in a desperate situation now. I have a working gui code here: import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class CountdownTimer extends JFrame { JLabel promptLabel, timerLabel; int counter; JTextField tf; JButton button; Timer timer; public CountdownTimer() { setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2, 5, 5)); promptLabel …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for joseph.lyons.754

Hi Guys, I am creating a system to work on a database adding updating etc. And the combo boxes are giving me trouble. The process is as follows. The user searches for a business by location once entered all business for that area are then displayed name address owner etc. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for zdneth

Can i have some sample projects in java using netbeans? With source code of course because i need it for our project. I just need it for a guide bcoz i'm not exactly sure where to start. Thankx!!!

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for darylglenng

package wow; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class Wow { String question; String answer; int correct=0, number=15; Wow[] quizBank = new Wow[15]; List<Wow> quizList = Arrays.asList(quizBank); public static void main(String[] args) { Wow bank = new Wow(); bank.bankList(); bank.askQuestion(); } //end main public void …

Member Avatar for M4trixSh4d0w
Member Avatar for darylglenng

>equal button wont work =( /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package calculator; /** * * @author Gatongay Famiglia */ public class NewJFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame { double plusminus; double firstDouble; double secondDouble; double totalDouble; int plusClick; int …

Member Avatar for M4trixSh4d0w
Member Avatar for smurfy

Dear Daniweb Members, First of all sorry my english writing. I installed JavaJDK 7u13 with NetBeans 7.2.1 and db-derby- on a fresh OS. Then i set the environment variables according to their relative paths as seen below. By using ij the test database and the test table created, records inserted …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for daryl_1201

public class JavaApplication1 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 5 < = 100; 1 + = 5){ System.out.print(i); if (i <100){ System.out.print(","); } } } }

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for harinath_2007

I was working on a project on netbeans and came across a problem with netbeans. The netbeans was showing the error repeatedly as "duplicate class". eventhough there is no duplicate class in the project. After so much frustation , i realized that this is netbeans bug. After doing some search …

Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I am trying to add a try catch block with switches to my program in NetBeans, and it is not excepting any of my already declared variables?? Here is my original code, without any validation: package annual; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class Annual { public static void main(String[] args) …

Member Avatar for jalpesh_007
Member Avatar for doomsday1216

Hi everyone, I've been trying to turn one of my programs into an executable application, but every time I click the jar file or open it using the command prompt nothing happens. I was wondering if I shouldn't be using "System.out.println" and Scanners to take input/display output. I am using …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for alastair1008

basically my program runs like this 1. open up configure GUI 2. get congiguration 3. close configure GUI 4. open up main GUI now when I am testing in netbeans, this works perfectly however, as soon as I compile and try to run the jar file outside of netbeans the …

Member Avatar for alastair1008
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hi, I've used keylisteners multiple times, but I am having trouble with this situation. I want the keylistener to recognize a series of characters. For example, if 'e' is typed, I want the program to listen for 'l', then 'e', etc. (spelling "elephant", if you wanted to know). It recognizes …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for HankReardon
Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hi, I am making a program to open the application TextEdit on a mac (not a specific file, just open the program). I have been researching it, but have not come across much help. I have seen that I should use Runtime or Desktop classes, but i'm not sure which …

Member Avatar for caswimmer2011
Member Avatar for psy.blast

Hello Daniweb Members, I am a beginner programmer and I have a problem, I am doing a PAT (Practical Assessment Task) for my school and I have come accross a huge problem, I'm trying to get a value from a selected combobox in Netbeans, (I am using the GUI builder), …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lena1990

hi all i want to enter a turkish word to the database using netbeans but what apper in the database is something like that how i can solve it?????? thank you for help

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for xero_ace

I created a java web service in netbeans successfully.Then i deployed it also.But i can't right click on web service and test it.Test option appear as unclickable.Please help me.

Member Avatar for suncica2222

I'm using Netbeans 7, JEE project with application client, stateless ejb with remote interface, and JPA entity clasess made from sql script. Interfaces are in separate library project which is referenced in ejb and client project. **And the problem is the remote method that use custom interface object made from …

Member Avatar for ITshard

i need help with the punctuation check box. there's no supposed to be punctuation when it's not check. Im using netbeans. ![new](/attachments/large/3/new.jpg "new") here's my code ![neww](/attachments/large/3/neww.png "neww")

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for darwin_nacional

Hi, I need help in downloading the files from here https://svn.java.net/svn/nbribbonbar~nbribbonbar/ Based from this tutorial ( http://platform.netbeans.org/tutorials/nbm-ribbonbar.html ), I need to download the files in the link but I can't seem to find a way how. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! :)

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for aquagirl20

Hi! I have a huge problem with my PERT program. I've been trying to figure out how to display all of the data in jTable with one click and how to delete all them as well, like if I click on "reset" or "clear". What I've done is just the …

Member Avatar for aquagirl20
Member Avatar for annette_arpana3

hi...how can i show the hashmap value in my interface..i have a textbox and whenever i click the combo box i want the value to be shown in the textbox. i am not using any database

Member Avatar for softswing
Member Avatar for bobytch

Good day to every one. First here is my code so far import java.io.*; public class Program2 { public static void main (String[]args) throws IOException{ BufferedReader bv = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String a, b, c, x; Float d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, ave; System.out.println("ENTER …

Member Avatar for bobytch

The End.