32,205 Topics
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Hi, thanks for the welcome. I hope you can help me with ,y java pursuit. [COLOR=#000000]I am trying to create a class Date which will eventually contains a single method called showMonth() which will display a calendar for a particular month in the following format ([/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] January[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]S[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]M[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]W[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]F[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]S[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]1[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]2[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]3[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]5[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]6[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]7[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]8[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]9[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]10[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]11[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]12[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]13[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]14[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]15[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]16[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]17[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]18[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]19[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]20[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]21[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]22[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]23[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]24[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]25[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]26[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]27[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]28[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]29[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]30[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]31[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] … | |
Hello everyone. I have been working on this program for over a week. I really need some help getting this done. I was able to get the math.random to work but when I run my program as an applet I have a text box that I dont know how to … | |
me agian lol I posted on here over a week ago about a java assignment.. thanks to those who offered help i really appreciate it even tho it wasnt much help to me at the time ;) ... i am ashamed to say, that even with all the great advice, … | |
Hi everyone I'm new here and was wondering if anyone could help me please. I am trying to implement dasher in java. Here is the link to dasher [URL]<snipped> I have already set-up the main GUI components and have left the BorderLayout.CENTER for the main program. I have also written … | |
HI, i'm new in JAVA i creating a "GUESS NUMBER GAME".. which allow user 3 changes to guess.. i'm new to java so i need a simple coding... i has done the part but i dun wan to combine all function in main... this is my problem, i hope u … | |
Hi people, I'd really like to have a crack at learning java. Ive never touched it before in my life, so can anyone point me to a site where i can take my first steps at learning.. Thanks guys Sorry if this seems a bit of a wasted post Tony | |
Hi, I am trying to insert a record in a mySQL 5.0 database through a JSP. I am getting an error that the format is invalid. I don't know how to manipulate the code using Java itself. Can anybody guide me? Thanks VDhara | |
Is there a limit to how deep you can go with inner classes? Like having a class within a class, within a class, within a class, etc.... I'm just curious. | |
]i am entering some fields in a jsp page and storing it in a session bean.how do i store this information in the form of a linked list so that when i go back to the previous page and enter sme other values for the field ,it should be appended … | |
i have problem to the images of problem press here :[COLOR=#004080] [url]http://www.durexlove.co.il/?v=awa3[/url] [/COLOR] thank you in advance :[COLOR=#004080] [/COLOR] | |
Hi, I want to know the usage of class [B]ResourceManager[/B] in Java. Thanks, Kalai | |
Hello dear DaniWeb friends I hope you can help me, I am a newbie on Java EE and trying to acomplish the firscup tutorial for beginners. I hope someone of you can help me I have acomplished several steps but in the step: "[B] Creating a Web Service Client for … | |
I'm posting the specs. I still can't figure it out but I'm trying. | |
I'm customizing JFileChooser for application atwork. One of the thinks I want it to do is open it as default directory [B]My Computer[/B] with list of all hard drives, optical drives or nay other storage which you get once you open it. Why I want to do it? Every b***y … | |
[COLOR=#941edf] [COLOR=#555555]Hello everyone,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]This is my first java class and I am trying to understand the terms and different types of programs. I finished my program as an application then did it as a gui without realizing it had to be in a applet. It feels like I just learned … | |
write aprogram in java to generate 1 to 100 random integers numbers store in an arry then display all those numbers which are prime numbers please help me how to amke this program thanz. | |
Hello to all the Readers , I am trying to create a Multi-Table from 10 Numbers given by a user. I cant figure it out why the Multitable isnt shown correctly. I tried to enter the 1-10 numbers to get the result we all know and still nothing good came … | |
Greetings, Ive came across problems while doing a tutorial work piece. i've to design a toobar ( yup a JToolBar ) with 5 buttons inside it, that will do certain functions for a JSlider.( set them at certain values ) Its simple enough to go and write 5 buttons into … | |
dear all, i have a problem in creating a triangle custom cursor in my paint program. i had tried to use a GIF file type of triangle shape but nothing happened. could anybody please help me? below is the paint program thank you in advance. package org.me.hello; import java.awt.event.*; import … | |
Hello everyone, I am wondeirng how to convert an ObjectInputStream to a byte array, then convert the array back to ObjectInputStream -- should I convert the array back to ObjectOutputStream other than ObjectInputStream? Any sample codes? thanks in advance, George | |
Hello, I'm a bit new to Java and I'm wondering how to do arrays with JTextField, so how would i go about starting this program here.. [COLOR=#000000]Build a GUI to accept integers (when the ENTER key is depressed) into an array of 15 int; have a button called AVERAGE; when … | |
I have a problem in java coding: Please could you have a look at it, the problem is with addcopyofbook to produce a stock number. For example if you get the list of books it produces a unique stock code for every book, even if they are teh same book, … | |
Hi, Can someone tell me how can i edit the color of a pixel in a bmp image. The actual scenario is that i have a white bmp image and i take input from the user. If user enter 'A' the i have to edit the white color pixels in … | |
how will I convert integers onto strings? trillion integers into strings. | |
Hii Can anyone tell me how to call and create crystal reports in Swing | |
I am interested in learning Java and began it a month ago. After a month'study I found that it seemed that everything and everyfield had been developed so well ,what I only should do was learning to use those beings,learning to controling them ! And this idea made me confused,I … | |
[COLOR=#000000]I want to writ a java that would read from a file called memory.txt a list of partition sizes of K’s, one partition per line. It will then read from a file called processes.txt a list of processes requesting these partitions. Each line simple contain a list of sizes in … | |
Hi, I'm working on a simple program to take orders for a company, and I'm using a JTable to display a list of products, very simple - only a few columns and all non-editable text at the moment. I am adding items to a JTable during runtime and I've run … | |
What is the difference between abstract class and interface? |
The End.