32,204 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nuwang

[tex] pls modify this program and reply.[/tex] [QUOTE] I have 3 points ask from u. 1. I could increase Font size and Button sizes But in first form still I cant mange spacing in Box layout which I used as totally fill the form 2. Want to manage Second form …

Member Avatar for blackjpb

Help! I've read loads of near identical posts on this forum and others about similar problems but i can still not fix this problem. It only started about 1 month ago. In that time I have installed a number of microsoft patches as well as having run ad aware recently …

Member Avatar for Super26
Member Avatar for shappell

I am trying to convert and sucessfully run my pettycash program in throughthe eclipse IDE in Java. First Ill show where Im at I am lost afterhere then ill show the petty cash program. I am not sure if I am on the right track and dont understand how to …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I am currently trying to use the HTML preformat tags in a JTextPane using the the HTMLDocument class. This is the function where i apply the preformating [CODE] public void preformat(String str6) { SimpleAttributeSet sas1 = new SimpleAttributeSet(); sas1.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.PRE, str6); //apply the attribute to the selected text //This …

Member Avatar for dil.om

:) hello frnds i wana ask one question about my project. i m dng the project of family tree. in wch many relationships r considered.if one person make his own family tree thn another parson in his family can make the relation ship wth him.and tht will specify the relatinship …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, Currently i am trying to connect to a site using ftp using the below method to upload a file [code] URL url = new URL("ftp://user01:pass1234@ftp.foo.com/README.txt;type=i"); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream(); // To upload [/code] Now my question is how from java can i create or …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for crestaldin

[COLOR="Navy"] Hello everyone, I have two classes Student and Courses. Class Students creates an object of class Courses since each Student will take some Courses. How can I call an object of class Courses in class Students such that each Student class will have an instance of class Courses which …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for anti_genius

Hi, Can someone tell me how i can implement a mouselistener interface on a frame. I have a program that loads an image on a canvas. now i want to get the screen coordinate where user clicks on the image. I can do this using an applet but i want …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for anti_genius

Hi, Can someone tell me the code to calculate the distance between two pixel points. If i enter Point(x1,y1) and Point(x2,y2) then i get length of the line between them (in pixels). Thanks.

Member Avatar for anti_genius
Member Avatar for ayoub

Hello! i'm using the API JIMI (Java Image Mangement Interface) and i would like to convert any image like gif, jpg, bmp,... to an image *.ico,i have used this first part of source code in my program [code] Image img=Jimi.getImage("a.jpg"); Jimi.putImage(img,"a.ico"); [/code] but i have got this Exception "Cannot find …

Member Avatar for Lunaticrr

import javax.swing.*; public class Pool { public static void main(String args[]) { int input1; int input2; int input3; int Volume; input1=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter the length of the swimming pool:"); input2=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter the width of the pool:"); input3=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter the average depth of the pool:"); Volume=input1*input2*input3; System.out.println("The volume for the pool is: "+ Volume); } …

Member Avatar for karthikbgl
Member Avatar for Declan123

I have been trying to create an excutable jar file. When trying to added new data to the manifest file it give me an error say 'invalid header field name: |||Manifest-Version:'. Iam using the command line: jar -cfm App.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF mainui\*.class the mainfest file looks like this Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: …

Member Avatar for Declan123
Member Avatar for sonawane.prakas
Member Avatar for Big John

I'm just learning java and this is my first sort program. I can't get it to run. I sure could use some help. public class SortCharArray { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { char[] someChars = new char[10]; int x; for(x = 0; x < someChars.length; ++x) { …

Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv
Member Avatar for lamees

My problem is a part of my actual program,but it is not all of it.it may seem simple to expert users of java.The problem is to access a folder,count number of files in it,determine their sizes and store their names in an array,and it 'll be good to determine also …

Member Avatar for kimbokasteniv
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I am currently trying to use a JTextPane as a cell renderers for a JTable but it does not seem to work although the program compiles. I alsways get an error stating class cast exception saying that i must cast the editor component to JTextField instead of a …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Sisil

hi, im having trouble returning an array of objects, im trying to create a method that returns an array of objects which are then used by the Client class to output data i have a class customer, which holds all the information, which is to then be passed on request …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Sanchez10

I am trying to write a multithreaded program to generate Fibonacci sequence. I need a parent thread and 3 child thread which will generate three different Fibonacci sequences of different lengths. The parent thread will then display the output of the child threads. Can anyone help me get started?

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for PPaul1

I'm trying to figure out how to add a reset button and a calculation button to my program. I'm lost here. The program works when the user put in the loan amount, lenght of loan and interest rate. I need a button to reset the fields so another user can …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for brittoonline

:sad: hi Can anyone tell me the steps to do before deploying a MDB application like how to create Topic and Queue JNDI.. or any other steps like that we should do in the WEBLOGIC 8.1 CONSOLE WINDOW before deployment.. i have a JMS Client program,A helper program and a …

Member Avatar for brittoonline
Member Avatar for lamees

My problem is a part of my actual program,but it is not all of it.it may seem simple to expert users of java.The problem is to access a folder,count number of files in it,determine their sizes and store their names in an array,and it 'll be good to determine also …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for sonidhanni

hi!! my problem is im not able to start java in my pc. i am installing jdk1.5 in my pc n wenever i try to run my program by command javac example.java the program compiles bt when i try to intrepet by java example it shows an error [no main …

Member Avatar for p.bondam
Member Avatar for iwlu

[COLOR=#333399]A bit of problem here, if anyone can help, I would appreciate any and all help with this. Thank you in advance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333399]Now I have no errors but when I execute the program I get this:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#333399] [/COLOR] [B]Big Bank: Monthly Checking Account Activity ----------- Account ----------- Beginning With- Ending …

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Member Avatar for Cerberus

Hi i have a piece of code that checks to see if an indexed point in a string is white space.... if(Character.isWhitespace(c.charAt(0))) { return true } and i want to use the same technique to return true if an open chevron '<' is at a point in the document but …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for krauz2

[COLOR=#000000]I am having trouble getting this program to work. This is my first applet and I can’t seem to get my mind around how to get the commands in correct format. I have completed this program in application and gui with no problems, but applet format is not working in …

Member Avatar for p.bondam
Member Avatar for m0om0o85

hi.. the code below are in working condition.. means can be compiled & run.. when drag the scrollbar, the "Welcome To Java" string message will be move left, right or up, down depend on which scrollbar u drag.. just wanna ask if the "Welcome To Java" text be changed to …

Member Avatar for m0om0o85
Member Avatar for topper86

I made the mistake of downloading the new version of Java. Since then i have been unable to get into my chat rooms. All i get is a red cross in the top left hand corner. I was told to go to vistaviews.net/fix and when the javapatch window comes up, …

Member Avatar for Okie[clueless]

Ok is there link to any battle simulator in Java or anyother thing for that matter than can simlate an RPG (Modern tech) battle? Just RP stuff is getting hairy (Nationstates) and something that can actually sim would be much appreciated thanks okie

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

hi i want to know what happen if we do not "setAutocommit(true)" after a transaction.. at the begining of the transaction it is "setAutocommit(false)"; but then at the end of the transaction if i do not setAutocommit(true), is that will affected for the anoter transaction comming next....? please help me......

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for camdonsquire

Hi, thanks for the welcome. I hope you can help me with ,y java pursuit. [COLOR=#000000]I am trying to create a class Date which will eventually contains a single method called showMonth() which will display a calendar for a particular month in the following format ([/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] January[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]S[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]M[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]W[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]T[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]F[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]S[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]1[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]2[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]3[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]4[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]5[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]6[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]7[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]8[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]9[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]10[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]11[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]12[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]13[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]14[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]15[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]16[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]17[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]18[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]19[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]20[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]21[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]22[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]23[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]24[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]25[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]26[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]27[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]28[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]29[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]30[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]31[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] …

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The End.