32,205 Topics
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hi I am facing problem in Threads in java. I have studied threads and know the theory of it. But I just cant get started. It would be great if I can get some sample codes showing the use of wait(), notify(), sleep() . The code should have a number … | |
hello all..I have created ANT Script and need to work along with CVSMy ANT Script shall1. As of CVS extract .ear from this is the common version 2. Extract from CVS and overwrite in target directory the specific components listed in the specific [INSTANCE].Can any one tell me how shall … | |
Hello Everyone, I am having quite a problem with a program I am trying to get working. I am trying to make a marks tracking program using an array that has an array of strings 3 elements long called Names. Has a 2D array of integers 3 * 2 elements … | |
Hi all, I have developed and application (midlet), could any one please let me know how to deploy this on the device (mobile device). | |
Hi all, I am working on generating CSV month by month for annual report. what I do is just create CSV file initially and append to it every month end. So as to generate annual CSV file in following format: Month 1, Nokia8800, 156.0 Month 1, Nokia3120, 113.0 Month 2, … | |
i want to know if there is any difference betwen [URL="http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/#"]java[/URL] and javascript... are they the same thing? | |
hi.. my name is vikrant..doing b.tech in comp science engg..when i start the jakarta tomcat5.0, it gives me the error that java_home not assigned properly ang gives me the error that unable to find _djava.endorsed.dirs. what is meant by this file..is there anyone to help me | |
Hi, I'm considering making a Connect 4 game in java. I have just completed my chess game (version 1 anyway), [URL]http://www.colin-java.co.uk/JChess/index.htm[/URL] So connect 4 should be a load simpler. However I am uncertain as to which evaluation function to use, does anyone have any experience with this. Thanks for any … | |
THis program is suppose to read a txt file, contating text with weird spaces( the space on the space bar, character space on keyboard wtv u want to call it).also write the number of spaces in front of each line, and you are suppose to get rid of them like … | |
Hey guys, I'm for the most part a backend programmer but I'm taking a GUI class as a elective, and I'm haveing some problems with an applet. Part of the assigment is to create a logo design that displays a bunch of pentagons in a circle with different colors and … | |
i have to set the time in minutes when this plane is expected to land or take-off. and i have to use method int..:eek: public int setScheduledTime() { } what should i do.... :sad: | |
Hi, I have been working on a project for my java programming class but I just dont know where to even start. here is what i was assigned Your program must: [LIST] [*]Not declare any class attributes. You will not need them in a carefully designed class. [*]Read a single … | |
Greetings, I'm aware of the incorrect rouding that NumberFormat does in Java. We are working with dollars and cents but multiplying the amounts against an "area factor" with four or five decimal places. As a result, the dollar amounts, when returned, come back a penny off due to the rounding. … | |
HI All, Iam invoking a registered SOAP Service with URI 'uri:StartServer' and a method startaService(). I have a SOAP client myClient() which calls the method startaService() in the SOAP class StartServer (registered as uri:StartServer). But my method calls some CORBA functionalities insite the method. SO I need to pass some … | |
I need help..I have an assignement on chapter loops which I dont understand..can someone help.. it start enter number or parts: enter number of chapters: beginning part 1 chapter 1 chapter2 chapter3 chapter 4 End part 1 Begin part 2 chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 end part … | |
[COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Hey guys I’m Gessa Hi I m new, and desperately need HELP [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I recently started my graduate studies where I have to take at least programming two, the last programming class I took was in my associates degree and one in the beginning of my … | |
Hello, I am looking for a tutor to teach me how to make games in java. Im not technically new to programming, I know the basic syntax from previous programming knowledge, I just need help on what function do what, etc, and any little thing java must have... :p I … | |
public class Plane { private String FlightNumber; private String Location; private boolean isLanding; private int ScheduledTime; private static int TotalPlanes; public Plane(String FlightNumber, String Location){ this.FlightNumber = FlightNumber; this.Location = Location; Plane.TotalPlanes++; } public String getFlightNumber(){ return this.FlightNumber; } public void setFlightNumber(String f){ this.FlightNumber = f; } public String getLocation(){ … | |
[B]public Plane(String FlightNumber, String Location)[/B] [B]can i use 2 strings ...?[/B] | |
Hi,, I'm new to Daniweb and would like to communicate with experts thru my first regards..I need an help. i want to know whether can we get an input in the constructor... Bcoz constructor is used only to initialize.... Pls help me on this.I have just now started to learn … | |
[code]import TerminalIO.KeyboardReader; public class TempConversion { public static void main(String [] TemperatureCalculations) { KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader(); double fehrenheit; double celsius; System.out.print("Enter degrees Fahrenheit: "); fahrenheit = reader.readDouble(); celsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0; System.out.print("The equivalent in Celsius is "); System.out.println(celsius); reader.pause(); } }[/code] I picked … | |
when you have a variable and you are not using it at all in the code... i.e you forgotten about this particular member well in eclipse there is something that indicates that, that particular member is unused... some exclamation mark or something.... my question is, is there such a feature … | |
Hey guys I'm Gessa I recently started my graduate studies where I have to take at least programming two, the last programming class I took was in my associates degree and one in the beginning of my bachelor's degree. And need some real help with some code and how to … | |
hi everyone i need some help with java..:sad: [B]Write the definition of a method twice , which receives an integer parameter and returns an integer that is twice the value of the parameter.[/B] and [B]Write the definition of a class Telephone . The class has no constructors, one instance variable … | |
hi my first time on site is ther any one with a diagrem of the electrcal systym they can send down 4 the k reg jawa cz 125 as my son brought me one to restore and somr one as pulled all wires apart under the clock and ignition please … | |
Does anyone know anything about Java applets using 100% of the CPU cycles? The only clue I have is that I've been told that MSJVM has problems that Sun's JVM doesn't have. I'd be interested to know whether anyone else has had this problem and fixed it successfully. | |
what is the diffarance between object and variable | |
You are given a class named Clock that has one int instance variable called hours . Write a constructor for the class Clock that takes one parameter, an int , and gives its value to hours . help me some one :( | |
Here is my program with Pseudo code which is yukville, :lol: but not sure i'm on the right track or have straid, any help would be appreiciated. [B][COLOR=#000000][B]Exhibit A-1: UML Class Diagram of Class Garage[/B] [B][COLOR=#000000]Garage[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]+openForBusiness()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]-calculateCharges(hoursParked : double): double[/COLOR] Exhibit A-2: Pseudo code for openForBusiness Method … | |
I have an algorithm problem with recursion: i have a route from A to D and it looks like this [CODE] [A, B, C, D][/CODE] the alphabet in the above list is an object of a class, lets call that class Nodes each of this Nodes object they have some … |
The End.