32,207 Topics

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Member Avatar for chefsride

My problem is that I need to make a program that has a JTextArea, a button and a JTextPane in it. The idea is to put in the JTextArea either by typing or by pasting java source code. Then press the button and out would come a colored version of …

Member Avatar for shdwdrgn517

I'm trying to compare a string to an ArrayList Object. But no matter how I try to compare it, such as just ==, or .equals(), or .compareTo(), or String.valueOf(ArrayList.get()) with all of the above options, it won't compare correctly, even if they are equal when outputted they aren't equal when …

Member Avatar for shdwdrgn517
Member Avatar for psychohigh

Hi my program needs to print a text file onto the terminal one line at a time. For example if I type, "java HT head -n 7 blablah.txt" it'll print the first 7 lines and if i type "java HT head -n 3 asdf.txt" itll print the first 3 lines …

Member Avatar for number1tiancai

A part of my hw is generate a doubly linked list which has the data from an input file ("shopping.in") i am using tokenizer, but however, everytime i try to put the token into the list and print, it gives me a memory place (Dnote@1289321wutever) please help me, this is …

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Member Avatar for BrownSuga

I have written this program and I have gotten the program to run but when I run the program and I try to run the input validation portion it does not go back into the loop. Also when I calculate celsius into farenheit my output comes out to 0. Is …

Member Avatar for number1tiancai
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I am doing a simple program with some text in the jtextpane and the text inside the jtextpane span to about three standard A4 papers. What i want to do is to only be able print even and odd pages. I am using currently the java printable interface …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Jason Marceau

Hi, I am looking for some code that will prompt for a number to enter so a random number can be generated from that amount. Example: The program run would look like this: " Please enter the number to pick a random number from: " Let's say we enter 100, …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for joebanks

having trouble getting this match and replace to work, im trying to just find a word and put html bold tags around it on the button click and put that text into a new jtextpane. anyone have any suggestions??? any help would be most appreciative [code] import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; …

Member Avatar for javaLearner

hi. more or less a stupid question, but anyway.. why have a 'finally' statement in java exception handling -why not just clean up in the 'catch' clause?? is it for when an exception cannot be caught?? if not, then 'finally' seems a little redundant to me.. cheers. :eek:

Member Avatar for javaLearner
Member Avatar for sunny124

hi, my next button displays next record from the database. But after i save a record, next button don't work. Im not sure but is the next button not working because the resultSet needs to be refreshed after saving a new record? I have created the statement and resultSet in …

Member Avatar for sunny124
Member Avatar for moon1985

it is my first time ever learning a programming language, and I am still very confused about some things. We are using Jbuilder, and I find that I am still getting a lot of errors. i am posting this in hopes that some one can maybre give me some points …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have an embedded jcomponent in a jtextpane and i am trying to print the contents of the entire jtextpane to the printer i have. The program does not seem to work but if i use an embedded icon instead of an embedded jcomponent the program works fine …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I need to ask a very generalised question. I have an embeded image in a textpane and i would like to know how to get hold of that image and store in an image variable when the user uses the mouse and highlights(selects) that particular image. I only …

Member Avatar for calvinnhobbes47

my ap computer science assignment is basically to do the following: - Front menu gives the options to edit, save, delete, search for books (about 10 books) - In the edit menu, it gives more options to edit book title, author, and date published and save it. -delete menu lists …

Member Avatar for jerbo
Member Avatar for javachick

:rolleyes: hi guys if there is any 1 out there who could just provide me with some help with java ,im in my final yr of computer science and have got to design a GUI that implements jdbc to creat an online auction system any pointers or help as to …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for ultimate_fusion

heres the problem; some one inputs a 4 digit number e.g 1234 I stored it as a string and i have to display it in a messagebox like ----------------------------- the digits are 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------ How? p.s i know how to do trhe input box and display, but …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for ytrula

I was hoping that someone could show me how to use the equals method to change numbers that were entered. Three numbers are entered and the user is asked if they need to change a number. This is followed by a yes or no. It says if the answer is …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for cheapgary

Hi, HELP. An automatic update put Internet Explorer 6 on my hard drive/WinXP. This new version of IE6 has a new security feature that blocks EVERYTHING from being downloaded from a website. Including java applets. To turn this off you have to go into control panels/internet options and add EACH …

Member Avatar for Jackie001

okay u got me its not interesting at all but i thought if i said that more people would have a look!!!! sorry im trying to create a server that after the 10th connection of a client reads files and sends to the client, the client then sends back an …

Member Avatar for SureStoreX

I made a post about a wee and a half ago about a program I had no clue how to do. Well I worked hard at it, I'm very new to programming and I have ONE error left. I don't know where it is I have looked at it so …

Member Avatar for Jackie001
Member Avatar for dmorgan89

need some help with my java code. i'm getting incompatible types error. can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code? import java.io.*; public class ifelsechain2 { public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException { String string1; int num1; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); System.out.println("Enter …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for SonicSlayer

I’m having problems with my do-while loops and my while loop. Also my switch statement ends and does not loop to ask for another input. I’m confused. Any suggestion that can help me or send me one the right track I would appreciate it. This is the assignment: The Miskatonic …

Member Avatar for SonicSlayer
Member Avatar for shantuli

hi everyone, can anyone solve me the code for the java problem. i need a java programthat holds twenty integers in an array, loop though each cell sequentially and prints each number on the console. thank you very much. shantuli

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

hi everyone, I have a textpane using the default styled document. This textpane contains a icon and some formatted text. Next i have a file saved to my disk which is a document of another textpane. What i want to do is be able to append the two documents together …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000
Member Avatar for Angiana

Hello everyone... im very new to Java... n im doing a java program 2 read from text files... the problem is after i read the 1st line ..the 1st number will be my max value... n after i read the second lines, there will be many values input by the …

Member Avatar for Angiana
Member Avatar for nazanin_dnr

Hi everyone I have written an applcation and now its the step that I want to make user authorization ! but I don't know any thing about it ! if anyone knows please introduce me some articles or please guides me ! thanx for your help

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for tiberis

My teacher has told me I need a build file for my networking prodject. The problem? I have NO IDEA what a build file is, let alone how to implement it. Is anyone available to step me through it? :-|

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for mmr

Hi All, I am working with Internal Frames. I used JDesktopPane and added 2 frames to it. I made one frame visible and the other was setVisible(false). This happens when I first run the program(Only first frame appearing). Now, what I want is to make the second frame visible, when …

Member Avatar for tigerxx
Member Avatar for chungaroo

hey, i'm in a high school computer science class and we're learning java..anyways, i've got this lab that i've been working on but i don't quite know how to proceed. heres a scan of the lab sheet. [IMG]http://www.bellsouthpwp.net/c/h/chungaroo/cslab%20004.jpg[/IMG] here's what i've done so far: [CODE]{public static void main (String [] …

Member Avatar for ggatwork

Okay, I'm doing a program where a menu pops up and it deals with the roster of a basketball team. You can add, edit, delete, and view the players. All of this is working but my problem is with sorting the players. I'm using an ArrayList (ArrayList contains each player's …


The End.