i am working on a cod of (attaxx game),and i have a problem with the buttons
i can determine the co-ordinates (x,y) of the button and i want to change its background color but i do not have a reference of the jbutton object it self.is there is any way to get a reference of the button using its coordinates.and this is a part of the code but it give a null pointer exception.
public void CompTurn()
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>in comp turn");
int xg=getx1();
int yg=gety1();
int xb=0;
int yb=0;
int xx1=0;int xx2=0; int xx3=0;int xx4=0;int xx5=0;int xx6=0;int xx7=0;int xx8 =0;//for green
int yy1=0;int yy2=0;int yy3=0;int yy4=0;int yy5=0;int yy6=0;int yy7=0;int yy8=0;
xx1=xg-width; //1
xx3=xg+width; //3
yy5=yg; //5
yy4=yg; //4
xg=xx7; //7
xg=xx2; //2
for(int i=0 ;i<49; i++) // a loop to searsh about a blue squre to move it
if((button[i].getBackground()).equals(new Color(0,0,204)))
xb=button[i].getX();//getting the coordinates of this square
System.out.println(" the value of xb= "+xb+" yb= "+yb);
//*************************************move aroud the last position of green ball step by one square
//if the coordinate of this button is match with the coordinates of the last play of the human player (with green square)
if( ((xb==xx7)&&(yy7==yb+height))){
System.out.println("move aroud the last position of green ball step by one square");
button[i].getComponentAt(xx7,yy7).setBackground(new Color(0,0,204));
// get the refrence of the button whic have this coordinates
turn=true; // putting the flage=true to allow the human o play
FinalResult(); //calling for finalresalt
break; //to stop the loop when the play is happened