32,205 Topics
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Hi, I'm trying to use the replace() method to take out all instances of " " , (space) with an underscore, ("_"). I'm doing this because I'm using URLs to connect to a servlet. I keep getting this error: [code] replace(char,char) in java.lang.String cannot be applied to (java.lang.String,java.lang.String) url.replace(" ", … | |
Hi All, i am here with a problem in file handling in java. i need to search all the files on system with extention *.fdr. which are not less den one day old. then i need to convert the selected file to csv which is perfomed by a command in … | |
I recently started coding in Java and have been trying to use the native methods to link code from other languages like C and C++. My code for the file is: [code=java] public class NativeDemo { int i; public static void main(String args[]) { NativeDemo ob = new NativeDemo(); ob.i … | |
Hi everyone I need a suggestion on detecting the faults/bugs in a java program. To say I should check whether my program is faultless. Thanks, Varun Krishna. P | |
import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.Math; public class Exercise1 { public static void main(String[] args){ double x,sum = 0.0 ; Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter the number : "); x = scan.nextInt(); for(double i=0;i<=(x+1);i++){ Math.pow(x, i); fact(i); double y = (Math.pow(x, i)/fact(i)); sum += y; } System.out.println("The e^"+x+" for "+x+" is … | |
I have UDP socket as below. I need to send back data to the client. I tried to capture both the ip and port but it shows me as Port is : -1 and InetAddress : null. What can I do to rectify on this? class ReceiverThread implements Runnable { … | |
Hi to all, I have following two Applets . import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class buttonDemo extends Applet implements ActionListener { String msg=""; Button one,two,three; public void init() { one=new Button("One"); two=new Button("Two"); three=new Button("Three"); add(one); add(two); add(three); one.addActionListener(this); two.addActionListener(this); three.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String … | |
Could someone please help me out. I have an illegal start of an expression error at line 8 in the following code. [code]package untitled5; public class Untitled1 { public static void main(String[] args) { public static void main(String[] args) { int start_system, add_modify, add_modify_animal_data, report, exit_system; int check = menu(); … | |
Hi, I hope there will be a suitable function or easy way to enable/disable save button until something is really changed in the GUI(frame). My frame consists of several panels, textboxes, Jtable,Jtree e.t.c. How can I design some function until some infomation is manually chnaged by the user to enable … | |
Hai, I am working with maven bundles deployed in karaf. I want to edit the karaf/etc filesystem config files programatically.. I encounted with configAdminServices way of doing.But don't know how to proceed with that.Does anyone can quote the simple Examples?` | |
Basically i'm looking for tutorials on how to create your own pert char in java (applet) to show dependencies? Any tutorials on that please? | |
How can we detect redundant rows.and maintain their count. if the rows are like 11111 11111 10101 11111 the result i want is 11111 4 10101 1 | |
I wrote this code for mutipicate two polynomials but I want change it as it can get two polynomials and then multicipate them for example: input: 5x -2x^2 +x -1 -4 -2x output: 4x^3 -4x^2 -22x +4 public class Polynomial{ public int[b+1]; coef[b] = a; deg = degree(); } // … | |
Hello guys, I have a project to save an image from canvas to file. I have tried googling for 3 days and nothing works. Can anybody show me how to do it. I have search from this forum and this is what i get. http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/436548/saving-canvas-as-image " Create a new buffered … | |
Currently JTextField aligns all text to the left side, how do you change it so all text typed into it goes to the right side instead? | |
Hi is there a similar as eclipse entreprise workbench free.. i downloaded eclipse but my java programs does not work with this eclipse they were working with eclipse entreprise 2014 but this program is not free..and i m only learning java and sometimes c++ thanks | |
My friend and I tried to create a team of programmers for doing bunch of work, our main aim is the gaming sector (probably). It was said around the net that it was hard work. So, we decided to plan it from now. I got around 1-3 years(blurry because I'm … | |
what im gonna do if two Jtexfield numbers in the calculator? how can i command all buttons numbers put to second textfield?:) -java | |
recently started learning java, going through the official tutorial and would like to check that the below code is a valid and correct solution to the following exercise ( [exercise 1](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/QandE/creating-questions.html) class Card{ // fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final String[] SUITS = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Clubs"}; private static final String[] … | |
Hi Everybody, I was wondering if there was a way to find the most common letter/number/special symbol in a string. Thanks!! Thanks again in advanced, C++ | |
I am having two controllers. one is LoginScreenController.java and other is HomeScreenController.java. in loginscreencontroller, i am having button when clicked on that buton it will open homescreen controller. In HomeScreenController i am having TextField and a Ok button.I will fill some data in TextField and click on Ok Button. Here … | |
I've created a JButton and a Jtextfield in java swing. I want the button to perform the same function as BackSpace key of the keyboard. Is there any means to assign the properties of the the BckSpace key to the button, i.e. inheriting the properties of the key. | |
Hello, I am facing an issue in struts 1.2 This code is in my JSP file. I am using multi select option. Initially the values will be populated to the multi select box from database through LabelValueBean. While I select one or more options and click submit, the values are … | |
We just need the save button to save to a sql database. This is done other than that. it is saying, "Error: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:charityDB;create=true" import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; // Event listener import java.text.NumberFormat; import javax.swing.*; // GUI building import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; // JDSB … | |
Question :create a n application containing an array that stores 20 proces such as RM2.34, RM7.89 and so on. The application should display the sum of all the prices , display all values less than 5.00 , calculate average price and display all values higher than calculated average. Requirement : … | |
Hi, I am having Two controllers One is LoginScreen and other is HomeScreen. In Login Screen i am having one TextField(txtData is variable name) ane one button (btnOk is var name). On clicking ok button it will open HomeScreen. In HomeScreen i am having One TextField(txtFill is var name) and … | |
Hi , I am totally new to Java . I need someone to provide this question with code answer so that I can learn from your code . Thank you. Question 1 : Store 20 integer employee ID numbers in an integer array and 20 corresponding employee last names in … | |
please someone tell me how to change the size of the button.the code: JButton button1 = new JButton(); JButton button1 = new JButton(); public Mainmenu() { setLayout(new FlowLayout(100,278,158)); Icon button2= new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("button1.jpg")); button2=new JButton(button2); add(button); Icon button2= new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("button2.jpg")); button2=new JButton(button2); add(button2); HandlerC hand = new HandlerC(); button1.addActionListener(hand); button2.addActionListener(hand); } … | |
Hi i m new in java i want to create one to many objects it depends of the user how many objects he wants to create for a test the user can put a name and age then these entries will be saved to a hasmap then to a file … |
The End.